Smoke Grenades

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This is a pretty straightforward mod that creates a smoke grenade class, a subclass of grenade, and a very slightly modified new eightball class, subclassed from the original eightball. The SmokeGrenade will be launched from the modified eightball in the same manner a normal eightball fires the normal grenade. The SmokeGrenade's life is a little longer than the normal grenade. It causes no damage, and doesn't bounce around. It emits a cloud of smoke (which is configurable in many areas) that lingers above the grenade until it runs out. This is an updated version to my old SmokeGrenade, which had some unnecessary elements. This one also looks better. There are two new classes that you will need to make. The first class is the SmokeGrenade, which will be a subclass of the standard Eightball's grenade. The next class will be the SmokeGun, which obviously is a subclass of the Eightball.

// SmokeGrenade by Zarniwoop.
// Note that some settings here can cause pretty big lag issues-
// puffsize, etc combined with the number of people using the grenades
// could cause some real lag disasters (I'm guessing).  So be careful
// how you set it and be sure to test it out with different settings
// for performance.
#exec AUDIO IMPORT FILE="Sounds\Pupae\hiss1.WAV" NAME="hiss1pp" GROUP="SmokeGrenade"
class SmokeGrenade expands Grenade;
// These variables control the settings for the smoke that the
// grenade spews. All can be set in the smoke grenade's default
// property setup.
var() float  SmokeSpeed;
var() float  SmokeRate;
var() Vector SmokeAccel;
var() float  SmokeDelay;
var() float  SmokeDelayVariance;
var() float  SpeedVariance;
var() float  BasePuffSize; // Size of cloud
var() float  SizeVariance;
// This is (to start) a fuction of the parent grenade class, but
// see changes below.
function PostBeginPlay()
  local vector X,Y,Z;
  local rotator RandRot;
  Velocity = X * (Instigator.Velocity Dot
  Velocity.z += 210;
  // Different timer setting- you want these lasting longer than a
  // regular explosive grenade.. Adjust here for longer/shorter
  // durations.
  RandRot.Pitch = FRand() * 1400 -700;
  RandRot.Yaw = FRand() * 1400 - 700;
  RandRot.Roll = FRand() * 1400 - 700;
  MaxSpeed = 1000;
  Velocity = Velocity >> RandRot;
  bCanHitOwner = False;
// Differs from the parent class in that timer is started here.
function BeginPlay()
  // Start the timer
  SmokeRate = 0.03;
// Here is where the smoke effect is generated in the grenade.
// See comments below.
simulated function Tick(float DeltaTime)
  // Define the RisingSmoke (white)
  local RisingSpriteSmokePuff b;
  // Define the BlackSmoke (black (doh!))
  local BlackSmoke p;
  // Start creating the white cloudy smoke effect now
  b = Spawn(class'RisingSpriteSmokePuff');
  b.DrawScale = BasePuffSize+FRand()*SizeVariance*5;
  // Set the smoke's acceleration
  b.Acceleration = SmokeAccel;
  // Timer for grenade smoke effect
  Count += DeltaTime;
  if ( (Count>Frand()*SmokeRate+SmokeRate+
        NumExtraGrenades*10.03) &&
        (Level.NetMode!=NM_DedicatedServer) ) 
    // Randomly generate some black smoke
    // If there's lag, tweak it or remove altogether
    if (FRand() < 0.5)
      p = Spawn(class'BlackSmoke');
     p.RemoteRole = ROLE_None;
    // No black smoke, but reset anyway
// This changes the parent ProcessTouch so nothing will
// occur if the SmokeGrenade hits someone, rather than causing
// the grenade to explode.
function ProcessTouch( actor Other, vector HitNormal )
  HitWall( HitNormal, None );
// This is a modified version of the grenade's HitWall function.
// These grenades don't bounce, but if one hits a wall you don't
// want it to just stick there- it needs to fall.
simulated function HitWall( vector HitNormal, actor Wall )
  bCanHitOwner = False;
  Velocity = 0.8*(( Velocity dot HitNormal )*HitNormal*(-2.0)+Velocity);
  speed = VSize(Velocity);
  PlaySound(ImpactSound, SLOT_Misc, FMax(0.5, speed/800) );
// The SmokeGrenade doesn't actually explode- instead the smoke
// dissipates and the grenade disappears in a red sort of explosion.
// See the comments below about adding damage to this "explosion."
function Explosion(vector HitLocation)
  // Want to cause some damage to anyone nearby when the grenade dies?
  // Uncomment the next line, and you may want to lower damage.
  // HurtRadius(damage, 200, 'exploded', MomentumTransfer, HitLocation);
  // Create a fancy red burst when it "explodes"

Ok, now that you've gotten this far, it's time to add the SmokeGun. Make it a subclass of the Eightball. The changes to make here are so simple that I'm not including the whole SmokeGun script, and will instead only show you what to change. First, create the new class under the Eightball. Then go to the Eightball script and copy these two things:

Function PreBeginPlay() and state FireRockets

This turns out to be the majority of the original Eightball's script. Now all you have to do is change the occurances of 'Grenade' to 'SmokeGrenade'. You'll have to change three of them - two in PreBeginPlay() and one near the end of state FireRockets (you can easily do a search for 'Grenade' to find it if you're having trouble). Now you should be able to go try out the SmokeGrenade and experiment. There's a lot of things that you can do with these, as far as effects go.