Dm-8 Mile Road

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Dm-8 Mile Road

  • Title : 8Mile Road
  • Release Date : Feb. 08 2004
  • Filename : Dm8Mile.unr
  • Author : BrakeDanceJ[-SNK-]
  • Description : Inspired by eminem 8mile CD
  • Other levels by author : Olympic Pool, GOWHBK, JCity, 4Seasons, TheStation, RubexCube, 4Seasons, MatrixReloaded

--- Play Information ---

  • Game : Unreal 1
  • Level Name : 8 Mile Road
  • Single Player : NO
  • Cooperative : NO
  • Deathmatch : YES
  • Dark Match : Could be semi-fun
  • New Sounds : YEP
  • New Graphics : OF COURSE
  • Known bugs : None so far


Dm-8 Mile Road . . . . Author BrakeDanceJ[-SNK-] . . . . review by Xavious

OK, I'm seeing these maps far too often now. This is one of the average ones. I'd say I've seen probably about 20 or so of these maps, and the tragic thing is, they _could_ be bloody amazing, but they are all let down by one thing or another. The best I've seen is DmUrbanArena, but only because it has average lighting, textures, and geometry. Almost every one of these 'street' maps I've seen has one or two really nice innovations or features, but are let down by a big glaring problem...

This map is based on the movie '8 Mile,' and features promotional poster textures from the movie, a big statue of the number 8, and some other textures, like a sign saying '8 Mile Road' with an arrow, and some graffiti textures. This is all pretty good so far, there are some nice textures...Then we get to the not-so-good bits.

The biggest problem (and one existing in almost every one of these 'street' maps, although nobody seems to notice (hey maybe I just pay too much attention to cosmetic details)) is the map boundaries. The map terrain ends abruptly on all four sides. Why do people not realize that THIS DOES NOT LOOK VERY NICE AT ALL!?!? And it wouldn't take so much effort to try and fix, just some way of keeping these map boundaries out of view, be it buildings, a big pile up of cars, some kind of force field, or <gasp> a wall!

One more problem with this particular map is the lighting. The light placement itself is even and functional, so all good there. The fault is with the geometry. Where are the light sources? The light just springs from nowhere? It just makes the map seem really incomplete. I guess it isn't so much a lighting problem, as a geometry problem. Because the geometry is woefully simple. There are no elaborate brushes to speak of (well perhaps except the fountain thing, that's mildly entertaining to look at), and it just makes the map seem boring.

Look, I keep prattling on about all these bad aspects of the map, but really, it isn't any worse than many of the other 'street' maps. The main point is this: The map is totally incomplete. It just lacks any subtlety or depth.

Highlights - The big vehicle thing at the edge, although the textures are badly panned, and the front carriage is badly lit; The big eight on the fountain; The new textures...

Lowlights - The lifts have no signs; Everything is generally simplistic; the big empty buildings; No light sources; Level boundaries all-too-clear; And why the heck is there a pitch black skybox? The same effect would have been created by setting all the sky textures to 'special lit'...

  • Geometry: 5/10 Totally average, nothing complex, nothing innovative, just bog standard geometry....
  • Lighting - 5/10 Functional...Would have gotten 7 if there were actual light sources.
  • Textures - 6/10 The new textures are cool, but are let down by (again) the simple geometry...
  • Inventory - 5/10 Average for a map this size. Good idea with the ammo that you need boots to get to.
  • Bots: N/A (not tested)
  • Overall - 5/10


Dm-8 Mile Road . . . . Author BrakeDanceJ[-SNK-] . . . . review by Flapjax


  • deceptively small map - YES "small" is a con in map design but ... it works here
  • access to all parts of every structure - hence the above
  • lighting compliments the isolated night feeling


  • elevators are poorly designated and difficult to distinguish from the ordinary floor


I am in no way a "rap" fan, however, ones personal music preference is a moot point in the reviewing process. Nonetheless, this choice by the author truly enhances this maps gaming experience. The map consists of a "section" of city street that is in no way large and yet in no way feels restrictive - outstandingly done. I have seen maps much bigger that felt claustrophobic. It is this tight space that lends this map to a frantic pace - a nice touch in a map if you can handle the adrenaline. The ability to get to any portion of every structure for some perceivable advantage is what brings this map to gaming quality. The lighting is harsh against the deftly black backdrop and provides that unique sense of street lighting. If there is a down-side, at all, it is the elevators. They are such a needed and important part of this map that they should have been given there rightful appointments; i.e. make them special. Instead they are, at times, indistinguishable from the floor and reluctant, at times, to "get with the program". This means that you can be killed while waiting for the elevators to decide that "oh - there's some one on board". Yeah !!!! LET's GO !!!. Other than an elevator issue I personally enjoyed this author's design and for an Unreal Gaming map ... it works quite well. This map is it's author's tribute to Eminem and they have been respectfully honored. d:-)

Dm8Mile-1.jpg Dm8Mile-2.jpg Dm8Mile-3.jpg