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Author : Flapjax Version : 224 Release Date : 8-10-03


Dm-Mutiny . . . . Author Flapjax . . . . review by Xavious

It is clear that allot of thought has gone into this map. You can see how the author has thought much about how the 'bridge' area should look, and about the engine room and generator. I can just imagine sitting in that recreational area (and sorry for the example here, If you are a female reader, you may insert her favorite guy here) with some cute girl eating some chicken fried rice and staring at the stars. It is all very psychedelic, post-modern, and atmospheric.

A shame, then, that the geometry is shoddy. All these good ideas, and they are very much shunned by hasty construction of corridors and engines. If a real space-ship were to be flying off into the cosmos on its very own space adventure, I'm sure the engine would explode within seconds, with great big holes in the containment shield! Honestly, I think the author must have seen these problems while he was constructing the map, so why did he decide to just leave them as they were?

The problems, you see, do not stop with the engine, but go on to the bridge, where the skybox can be seen through the floor of the top-left seat! The corridors have all types of floor sticking up where an astronaut could trip up and hit his head off the generator! Many areas of the ships interior seem hastily made.

In all fairness, however, many of these things can be forgiven considering the nice areas of the ship. The bridge (ignoring the top-left chair) is very nice indeed, looking out of the window (which, incidentally, is missing it's glass) at the stars really gives the ship a sense of movement, and I must mention again that mess hall/recreation area, the lighting and design of that area is amazing. The sick-bay type area of the ship is also very nice, with beds and health packs and all, as you'd expect, and the cargo areas make for some nice fighting, ducking behind boxes and all.

I just find that a bit more time could have been spent on the construction of the map, especially the corridors. It doesn't take very long to shorten the length of a cylinder so that it isn't overlong for what it is needed. And it would have taken but a few second to fix that error on the top-left chair on the bridge...

Highlights: The incredible mess hall; the bridge; the many lifts and interconnecting corridors.

Lowlights: Shoddy geometry; general lack of attention to detail; that engine room.

Geometry: 6/10 - Very good in some areas, seriously lacking in others. Lighting: 7/10 - Realistic lighting for a space-ship. Textures: 6/10 - Could have used some work. Inventory: 7/10 - Pretty good. I like the ASMD placement. Bots: 3/10 - The pathnodes are there, but the bots don't seem to use them. And they are fond of killing themselves on that engine. Overall: 5/10 - An overall incomplete experience. Perhaps a remake would be advisable?

P.S. If your all wondering why I used terms like 'mess hall' and 'sickbay,' it is probably because I watch too much Star Trek.

One thing I’ve noticed about Flak’s maps is that no matter how big his concept might be he’s ready and willing to tackle it. I think that if he had an idea to do “Disneyland” he would do it.

Unleaded's Review

Theme – Spaceship

Consistency of Theme: 10

Map Play – Very close in your face fragging, I recommend FlakCannon and GESBioRifle (as a strategic weapon).

Geometry & Build - 8

Flak decided to build within a spaceship shape; instead of just giving the “illusion” that you’re in a spaceship. This is very tough to get a perfect build with. And frankly with the compromises that he had to make in doing so, I was surprised not to see any BSP issues. Movers- probably the best compliment to this map is the movers. They provide enough movement to help you flowing through the map (although one is set too slow) quickly, as well as providing quick access to the various rooms, nice planning for the movers. There were a couple set to crush though. I generally feel that people should not be crushed around movers unless it is a deathtrap mover, where that of course is the purpose of that type of mover. Not sure if the setting was intentional or not, but I feel it negatively distracts from the game play.

Texturing - 7.5

Texture Alignment - 8, I recognize that aligning tubes are very challenging, as well as a few of the other numerous small areas within this map.

Texture Consistency - 7, the “theme” consistency is there (all space textures), but many areas are dramatically different, there are no overall unifying textures that I could see.

Weapon & Ammo Layout – 7

Weapons - My preference would be to give everyone a weapon when they respawn with such a map as this one, but people seem to be planted fairly close to a weapon so it’s not too bad.

Ammo – This is my third review, and I’m starting to feel a bit like I’m crazy now after the third notice of this lost element, but there isn’t enough ammo, and searching for it is tough with the particular layout of the ship.

Lighting & Effects- 8

No real light sources but the lighting is very good nonetheless. This map is high on creativity (and I don’t mean that in a facetious manner at all), as he includes within each area an item of interest, filling in what would be all “negative” spaces (an artist’s term). He provides an engine room, dining room, and medical lab, all with custom-built brushes of chairs, lab tables, and a very interesting captain’s chair. The engine room was well done, as he’s included a great shaped engine as well (although I would personally take a few of the colors away from the engine, it seems a little bit too multi-colored, but that’s just my personal preference), which I imagine took some time to build.

Verdict – I like it, some play fixes would make it even more attractive for playing.

Category – Space maps

Ideal number of players – 4 to 6

Tech Review – B-rated

Play Review – It could use some modifications.

Special Highlights/Effects – His detailing with brush built items is a nice touch so as not to make the map just an empty spaceship. The skybox has a very cool effect.

Level of Mapping Skills shown – Intermediate ++

Advice -

- Flap tackles subjects most wouldn’t dare (for complexity and scale reasons) and he seems to improve with every map.


- Ammo! I recommend also changing the map for enhanced play, taking out both minimally the ASMD and Eightball, and giving players both weapons and 2 sets for ammo to start out with, so that they can begin fragging right away.

- Change the setting on the movers away from “crush” (this may have been unintended).


- Not that it’s horrendous by any means but increased texturing consistency would improve the overall look of the map, a unifying texture base.

Rating – 7.50