User talk:Nahand

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Hey, I see you've appointed yourself Portuguese translator. Good, that's been lacking for just about as long as 227 has been out. The Portuguese files are completely outdated, so I suggest you almost copy/past the English files and translate from there (with the original .ptt as guides) instead of building from the current files. Some files have changed so much they are pretty much unrecognizable : if you compare for instance UnrealShare, Umenu, UnrealI, and so on, entire chapters have been moved to other files, new chapters added, hundreds of lines changed, added, removed, tweaked, and so on. Also, don't forget to make sure you take advantage of the new gender stuff (as seen in the French and Polish translation), which are not there in English, because English has no genrer on adjectives, but do work and are present if needed in Portuguese (which, being a latin-derivative, I assume it does).

Also, remember that the charge of translator is permanent and mandatory once undertaken. If you do not complete it, I will personally come to your house and stare at you in a very disappointed manner until your guilt brings you to finish it.

Hellkeeper 12:15, 5 March 2013 (CET)