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[Public] Object=(Name=UnrealI.DarkMatch,Class=Class,MetaClass=Engine.GameInfo) Object=(Name=UnrealI.KingOfTheHill,Class=Class,MetaClass=Engine.GameInfo) Object=(Name=Unreali.FlakCannon,Class=Class,MetaClass=Engine.Weapon) Object=(Name=Unreali.GESBioRifle,Class=Class,MetaClass=Engine.Weapon) Object=(Name=Unreali.Razorjack,Class=Class,MetaClass=Engine.Weapon) Object=(Name=Unreali.Rifle,Class=Class,MetaClass=Engine.Weapon) Object=(Name=Unreali.Minigun,Class=Class,MetaClass=Engine.Weapon) Object=(Name=Unreali.FemaleTwo,Class=Class,MetaClass=UnrealShare.UnrealiPlayer,Description="女性 2") Object=(Name=Unreali.MaleOne,Class=Class,MetaClass=UnrealShare.UnrealiPlayer,Description="男性 1") Object=(Name=Unreali.MaleTwo,Class=Class,MetaClass=UnrealShare.UnrealiPlayer,Description="男性 2") Object=(Name=Unreali.SkaarjPlayer,Class=Class,MetaClass=UnrealShare.UnrealiPlayer,Description="スカージ") Object=(Name=Unreali.FemaleTwoBot,Class=Class,MetaClass=UnrealShare.Bots,Description="女性 2") Object=(Name=Unreali.MaleOneBot,Class=Class,MetaClass=UnrealShare.Bots,Description="男性 1") Object=(Name=Unreali.MaleTwoBot,Class=Class,MetaClass=UnrealShare.Bots,Description="男性 2") Object=(Name=Unreali.SkaarjPlayerBot,Class=Class,MetaClass=UnrealShare.Bots,Description="スカージ") Preferences=(Caption="Game Types",Parent="Advanced Options") Preferences=(Caption="Dark Match",Parent="Game Types",Class=UnrealI.DarkMatch,Immediate=True) Preferences=(Caption="King Of The Hill",Parent="Game Types",Class=UnrealI.KingOfTheHill,Immediate=True) Preferences=(Caption="Networking",Parent="Advanced Options") Preferences=(Caption="Map Lists",Parent="Networking") Preferences=(Caption="DarkMatch Maps",Parent="Map Lists",Class=UnrealI.DkMapList,Immediate=True)

[DeathmatchGame] ClassCaption=デスマッチ GlobalNameChange= changed name to NoNameChange= はすでに使用されています MaxedOutMessage=サーバーはすでに能力限界です。 GameName=デスマッチ

[DarkMatch] GameName=DarkMatch

[KingOfTheHill] ClassCaption=King Of The Hill KingMessage=" is the new king of the hill!" GameName=King of the Hill

[TeamGame] ClassCaption=チームプレイ NewTeamMessage= is now on TeamColor[0]=レッド TeamColor[1]=ブルー TeamColor[2]=グリーン TeamColor[3]=ゴールド GameName=チームゲーム

[CoopGame] ClassCaption=Cooperative Play GameName=Coop Game

[UnrealGameInfo] DeathVerb= was DeathPrep= by DeathTerm=killed DeathArticle=a ExplodeMessage= was blown up SuicideMessage= had a sudden heart attack. FallMessage= left a small crater. DrownedMessage= forgot to come up for air. BurnedMessage= was incinerated CorrodedMessage= was slimed HackedMessage= was hacked DeathMessage[0]=killed DeathMessage[1]=ruled DeathMessage[2]=smoked DeathMessage[3]=slaughtered DeathMessage[4]=annihilated DeathMessage[5]=put down DeathMessage[6]=splooged DeathMessage[7]=perforated DeathMessage[8]=shredded DeathMessage[9]=destroyed DeathMessage[10]=whacked DeathMessage[11]=canned DeathMessage[12]=busted DeathMessage[13]=creamed DeathMessage[14]=smeared DeathMessage[15]=shut out DeathMessage[16]=beaten down DeathMessage[17]=smacked down DeathMessage[18]=pureed DeathMessage[19]=sliced DeathMessage[20]=diced DeathMessage[21]=ripped DeathMessage[22]=blasted DeathMessage[23]=torn up DeathMessage[24]=spanked DeathMessage[25]=eviscerated DeathMessage[26]=neutered DeathMessage[27]=whipped DeathMessage[28]=shafted DeathMessage[29]=trashed DeathMessage[30]=smashed DeathMessage[31]=trounced DeathModifier[0]=thoroughly DeathModifier[1]=completely DeathModifier[2]=absolutely DeathModifier[3]=totally DeathModifier[4]=utterly MajorDeathMessage[0]=ripped a new one MajorDeathMessage[1]=messed up real bad MajorDeathMessage[2]=given a new definition of pain MajorDeathMessage[3]= MajorDeathMessage[4]= MajorDeathMessage[5]= MajorDeathMessage[6]= MajorDeathMessage[7]= HeadLossMessage[0]=decapitated HeadLossMessage[1]=beheaded

[UnrealQuitMenu] YesSelString= [はい] いいえ NoSelString= はい [いいえ] MenuTitle=終了しますか? HelpMessage[1]=UNREALity(アンリアリティ)に対処できず、取るに足らない退屈な現実に戻るなら、「はい」を選択し、Enterキーを押すといい。 MenuList[0]=A Digital Extremes/Epic Games MenuList[1]=Collaboration MenuList[2]=Game Design: James Schmalz MenuList[3]=Cliff Bleszinski MenuList[4]=Level Design: Cliff Bleszinski MenuList[5]=T. Elliot Cannon Pancho Eekels MenuList[6]=Jeremy War Cedric Fiorentino MenuList[7]=Shane Caudle MenuList[8]=Animator: Dave Carter MenuList[9]=Art: James Schmalz MenuList[10]=Mike Leatham Artur Bialas MenuList[11]=Programming: Tim Sweeney Steven Polge MenuList[12]=Erik de Neve James Schmalz MenuList[13]=Carlo Vogelsang Nick Michon MenuList[14]=Music: Alexander Brandon MenuList[15]=Michiel van den Bos MenuList[16]=Sound Effects: Dave Ewing MenuList[17]=Producer for GT: Jason Schreiber MenuList[18]=Biz:Mark Rein Nigel Kent Craig Lafferty

[DispersionPistol] PickupMessage=ディスパージョン・ピストルを入手した。 ItemName=ディスパージョン・ピストル

[UnrealGameOptionsMenu] AdvancedString=上級設定 AdvancedHelp=ゲームの上級設定をカスタマイズする。 MenuTitle=ゲームオプション HelpMessage[1]=ゲーム中の時間の経過スピードを調節する。 HelpMessage[2]=ゲーム中の流血量を抑えることができる。 MenuList[1]=ゲームスピード MenuList[2]=流血量ダウン

[UnrealIndivBotMenu] MenuTitle=AI環境設定 HelpMessage[1]=左右矢印キーでBotを選択する。 HelpMessage[2]=Botの名前を変更するにはEnterキーを押す。 HelpMessage[3]=Botのクラスを変更するには、左右矢印キーを使用する。 HelpMessage[4]=Botのスキンを変更するには、左右矢印キーを使用する。 HelpMessage[5]=選択の基本スキルを基準にそれぞれのBotのスキルを調節する。 HelpMessage[6]=Botのチーム(Red, Blue, Green, またはYellow)を入力する。 MenuList[1]=環境設定 MenuList[2]=名前 MenuList[3]=クラス MenuList[4]=スキン MenuList[5]=スキル調節 MenuList[6]=チーム

[IntroNullHud] ESCMessage=ESCでゲーム開始

[UnrealFavoritesMenu] MenuTitle=お気に入り EditList[0]=サーバー名: EditList[1]=アドレス: HelpMessage[1]=このサーバーに接続するには、Enterキーを押してください。変更するには、右矢印キーを押します。 HelpMessage[2]=このサーバーに接続するには、Enterキーを押してください。変更するには、右矢印キーを押します。 HelpMessage[3]=このサーバーに接続するには、Enterキーを押してください。変更するには、右矢印キーを押します。 HelpMessage[4]=このサーバーに接続するには、Enterキーを押してください。変更するには、右矢印キーを押します。 HelpMessage[5]=このサーバーに接続するには、Enterキーを押してください。変更するには、右矢印キーを押します。 HelpMessage[6]=このサーバーに接続するには、Enterキーを押してください。変更するには、右矢印キーを押します。 HelpMessage[7]=このサーバーに接続するには、Enterキーを押してください。変更するには、右矢印キーを押します。 HelpMessage[8]=このサーバーに接続するには、Enterキーを押してください。変更するには、右矢印キーを押します。 HelpMessage[9]=このサーバーに接続するには、Enterキーを押してください。変更するには、右矢印キーを押します。 HelpMessage[10]=このサーバーに接続するには、Enterキーを押してください。変更するには、右矢印キーを押します。 HelpMessage[11]=このサーバーに接続するには、Enterキーを押してください。変更するには、右矢印キーを押します。 HelpMessage[12]=このサーバーに接続するには、Enterキーを押してください。変更するには、右矢印キーを押します。

[Translator] PickupMessage=トランスレーターをオンにするにはF2 NewMessage=ユニバーサルトランスレーター

[UnrealVideoMenu] MenuTitle=オーディオ/ビデオ HelpMessage[1]=左右矢印キーで画面の明るさを調節する。 HelpMessage[2]=Unrealをウィンドウモードに切り替える。 HelpMessage[3]=左右矢印キーで解像度を選択し、Enterキーで設定を決定する。 HelpMessage[4]=ディテールを低く設定すると、パフォーマンスが上がるかもしれません。設定の変更は、次のレベルに移る時に有効になります。 HelpMessage[5]=左右矢印キーでミュージックの音量を調節する。 HelpMessage[6]=左右矢印キーでサウンドエフェクトの音量を調節する。 HelpMessage[7]=メモリが32MB以下のマシンをお使いの場合、パフォーマンスを上げるために設定を低くすることをお勧めします。設定の変更は、次のレベルから有効になります。 MenuList[1]=輝度 MenuList[2]=フルスクリーンモード切替 MenuList[3]=解像度を選択 MenuList[4]=テクスチャディテール MenuList[5]=ミュージックボリューム MenuList[6]=サウンドボリューム MenuList[7]=サウンドクオリティ LowText=低 HighText=高 HelpMessage[8]=音声メッセージが用意されたゲームモードで、音声メッセージが再生されるよう設定する。 MenuList[8]=音声メッセージ

[UnrealMeshMenu] HelpMessage[4]=左右矢印キーでクラスを変更する。 HelpMessage[5]=管理者用のパスワード、またはゲームパスワード(必要とされている場合のみ)を入力する。 MenuList[4]=クラス: MenuList[5]=パスワード: HelpMessage[6]=ゲームを始めるにはEnterキーを押す。 MenuList[6]=ゲームを始める

[UnrealPlayerMenu] MenuTitle=デジタルモデルを選択 HelpMessage[1]=Enterキーを押してプレイヤー名を入力する。マルチプレイゲームを始める前に、プレイヤー名を設定するのを忘れないように。 HelpMessage[2]=矢印キーでチーム(レッド、ブルー、グリーン、イエロー)を選択する。 HelpMessage[3]=左右矢印キーでスキンを変更する。 MenuList[1]=名前: MenuList[2]=チームカラー: MenuList[3]=スキン: HelpMessage[4]=プレイヤーのクラス/モデルの変更ができるのは、マルチプレイゲームに参加する前と新しくシングルプレイゲームを始める時のみ。 MenuList[4]=クラス:

[UnrealJoinGameMenu] InternetOption= インターネット (28.8) FastInternetOption= 高速インターネット (ISDNまたはケーブルモデム) LANOption= LAN MenuTitle=ゲームに参加 HelpMessage[1]=ローカルサーバーを検索する HelpMessage[2]=お気に入りリストからサーバーを選択する HelpMessage[3]=Enterキーを押して、サーバーアドレスを直接入力する。サーバーに接続するには、もう一度Enterキーを押す。 HelpMessage[4]=接続スピードを選択する。モデムには2500、ISDNまたはケーブルモデムには5000、LANをご使用の場合は20000。 HelpMessage[5]=オンラインのEpicのUnrealサーバーリストへ接続する MenuList[1]=ローカルサーバーを探す MenuList[2]=お気に入りから選択 MenuList[3]=開く MenuList[4]=接続スピード MenuList[5]=EpicのUnrealサーバーリスト

[UnrealOptionsMenu] MenuTitle=オプションメニュー HelpMessage[1]=Enable or disable vertical aiming help. HelpMessage[2]=Toggle enabling of joystick. HelpMessage[3]=Adjust the mouse sensitivity, or how far you have to move the mouse to produce a given motion in the game. HelpMessage[4]=Invert the mouse X axis. When true, pushing the mouse forward causes you to look down rather than up. HelpMessage[5]=If true, when you let go of the mouselook key the view will automatically center itself. HelpMessage[6]=If true, the mouse is always used for looking up and down, with no need for a mouselook key. HelpMessage[7]=If true, when not mouse-looking your view will automatically be adjusted to look up and down slopes and stairs. HelpMessage[8]=If true, your screen will flash when you fire your weapon. HelpMessage[9]=Choose the crosshair appearing at the center of your screen HelpMessage[10]=Select where your weapon will appear. HelpMessage[11]=If enabled, double-clicking on the movement keys (forward, back, strafe left, and strafe right) will cause you to do a fast dodge move. HelpMessage[12]=Hit enter to customize keyboard, mouse, and joystick configuration. HelpMessage[13]=Hit enter to prioritize weapon switching order. HelpMessage[14]=Use the left and right arrow keys to select a Heads Up Display configuration. HelpMessage[15]=Adjust the amount of bobbing when moving. HelpMessage[16]=Open advanced preferences configuration menu. MenuList[1]=Auto Aim MenuList[2]=Joystick Enabled MenuList[3]=Mouse Sensitivity MenuList[4]=Invert Mouse MenuList[5]=LookSpring MenuList[6]=Always MouseLook MenuList[7]=Auto Slope Look MenuList[8]=Weapon Flash MenuList[9]=Crosshair MenuList[10]=Weapon Hand MenuList[11]=Dodging MenuList[12]=Customize Controls MenuList[13]=Prioritize Weapons MenuList[14]=HUD Configuration MenuList[15]=View Bob MenuList[16]=Advanced Options

[EndgameHud] Message1=The Skaarj escape pod has broken free from the planet's gravitational pull... barely. Yet it's fuel has depleted and you drift aimlessly. Message2=From where many have died, you have escaped. You laugh to yourself; so much has happened, but little has changed. Message3=Before the crash landing, you were trapped in a cramped cell. Now, once again you are confined in a prison. Message4="But, you feel confident that someone will come upon your small vessel... eventually." Message5=Until then, you drift and hope. Message6=続く...

[UnrealWeaponMenu] MenuTitle=プロパティ

[Eightball] PickupMessage=You got the Eightball gun ItemName=Eightball

[UnrealKeyboardMenu] OrString= or MenuTitle=CONTROLS HelpMessage[1]= MenuList[1]=Fire MenuList[2]=Alternate Fire MenuList[3]=Move Forward MenuList[4]=Move Backward MenuList[5]=Turn Left MenuList[6]=Turn Right MenuList[7]=Strafe Left MenuList[8]=Strafe Right MenuList[9]=Jump/Up MenuList[10]=Crouch/Down MenuList[11]=Mouse Look MenuList[12]=Activate Item MenuList[13]=Next Item MenuList[14]=Previous Item MenuList[15]=Look Up MenuList[16]=Look Down MenuList[17]=Center View MenuList[18]=Walk MenuList[19]=Strafe MenuList[20]=Next Weapon MenuList[21]=RESET TO DEFAULTS

[TranslatorEvent] M_NewMessage=New Translator Message M_TransMessage=Translator Message

[Flashlight] ExpireMessage=Flashlight batteries have died. PickupMessage=You picked up the flashlight

[ParentBlob] BlobKillMessage=was corroded by a Blob

[FlakCannon] PickupMessage=You got the Flak Cannon ItemName=Flak Cannon DeathMessage=%o was ripped to shreds by %k's %w.

[Rifle] PickupMessage=You got the Rifle ItemName=Sniper Rifle DeathMessage=%k put a bullet through %o's head.

[UnrealBotConfigMenu] MenuTitle=BOTS HelpMessage[1]=If true, bots adjust their skill level based on how they are doing against players. HelpMessage[2]=Base skill level of bots (between 0 and 3). HelpMessage[3]=If true, bots enter the game in random order. If false, they enter in their configuration order. HelpMessage[4]=Change the configuration of individual bots. MenuList[1]=Auto-Adjust Skills MenuList[2]=Base Skill MenuList[3]=Random Order MenuList[4]=Configure Individual Bots HelpMessage[5]=Number of bots to start play (max 15). HelpMessage[6]=Use bots when playing with other people. MenuList[5]=Number of Bots MenuList[6]=Bots in Multiplayer

[UnrealLoadMenu] RestartString=Restart MenuTitle=LOAD GAME

[UnrealSlotMenu] MonthNames[0]=1月 MonthNames[1]=2月 MonthNames[2]=3月 MonthNames[3]=4月 MonthNames[4]=5月 MonthNames[5]=6月 MonthNames[6]=7月 MonthNames[7]=8月 MonthNames[8]=9月 MonthNames[9]=10月 MonthNames[10]=11月 MonthNames[11]=12月

[ASMD] PickupMessage=ASMDを入手した ItemName=ASMD

[UnrealMainMenu] HelpMessage[1]=Hit enter to modify game options, including loading and saving games, changing difficulty level, and starting a BotMatch. HelpMessage[2]=Hit enter to modify Multiplayer setup options, including starting or joining a network game, and changing your appearance, name, or team. HelpMessage[3]=Hit enter to customize controls. HelpMessage[4]=Change sound and display options HelpMessage[5]=Hit enter to quit game. HelpMessage[7]=Call TOLL FREE 1-877-4UNREAL to Order UNREAL! MenuList[1]=GAME MenuList[2]=MULTIPLAYER MenuList[3]=OPTIONS MenuList[4]=AUDIO/VIDEO MenuList[5]=QUIT MenuList[7]=ORDER INFO

[UnrealServerMenu] BotTitle=BOTMATCH MenuTitle=MULTIPLAYER HelpMessage[1]=Choose Game Type. HelpMessage[2]=Choose Map. HelpMessage[3]=Modify Game Options. HelpMessage[4]=Start Game. MenuList[1]=Select Game MenuList[2]=Select Map MenuList[3]=Configure Game MenuList[4]=Start Game MenuList[5]=Launch Dedicated Server HelpMessage[5]=Start a dedicated server on this machine.

[UnrealGameMenu] HelpMessage[1]=Hit enter to save the current game. HelpMessage[2]=Hit enter to load a saved game. HelpMessage[3]=Select a difficulty level, and start a new game. HelpMessage[4]=Hit enter to modify game options. Note that you cannot do this if you are playing in a multiplayer game. HelpMessage[5]=DeathMatch against Bots. MenuList[1]=SAVE GAME MenuList[2]=LOAD GAME MenuList[3]=NEW GAME MenuList[4]=GAME OPTIONS MenuList[5]=BOTMATCH

[Health] PickupMessage=You picked up a Health Pack +

[AutoMag] PickupMessage=You got the AutoMag ItemName=Automag

[UnrealChooseGameMenu] MenuTitle=CHOOSE GAME HelpMessage[1]=Choose which game to play. HelpMessage[2]=Choose which game to play. HelpMessage[3]=Choose which game to play. HelpMessage[4]=Choose which game to play. HelpMessage[5]=Choose which game to play. HelpMessage[6]=Choose which game to play. HelpMessage[7]=Choose which game to play. HelpMessage[8]=Choose which game to play. HelpMessage[9]=Choose which game to play. HelpMessage[10]=Choose which game to play. HelpMessage[11]=Choose which game to play. HelpMessage[12]=Choose which game to play. HelpMessage[13]=Choose which game to play. HelpMessage[14]=Choose which game to play. HelpMessage[15]=Choose which game to play. HelpMessage[16]=Choose which game to play. HelpMessage[17]=Choose which game to play. HelpMessage[18]=Choose which game to play. HelpMessage[19]=Choose which game to play.

[UnrealMultiPlayerMenu] HelpMessage[1]=Join a network game. HelpMessage[2]=Set up and start a network game. HelpMessage[3]=Configure appearance, name, and team name. MenuList[1]=JOIN GAME MenuList[2]=START GAME MenuList[3]=PLAYER SETUP

[UnrealHelpMenu] MenuTitle=HELP HelpMessage[1]=Open the troubleshooting document. MenuList[1]=TroubleShooting

[YesNoMenu] YesSelString=[YES] No NoSelString= Yes [NO]

[NaliFruit] PickupMessage=You picked the Nali Healing Fruit +

[Minigun] PickupMessage=You got the Minigun ItemName=Minigun DeathMessage=%k's %w turned %o into a leaky piece of meat.

[UnrealListenMenu] MenuTitle=LOCAL SERVERS HelpMessage[1]=Hit Enter to select this server. HelpMessage[2]=Hit Enter to select this server. HelpMessage[3]=Hit Enter to select this server. HelpMessage[4]=Hit Enter to select this server. HelpMessage[5]=Hit Enter to select this server. HelpMessage[6]=Hit Enter to select this server. HelpMessage[7]=Hit Enter to select this server. HelpMessage[8]=Hit Enter to select this server. HelpMessage[9]=Hit Enter to select this server. HelpMessage[10]=Hit Enter to select this server. HelpMessage[11]=Hit Enter to select this server. HelpMessage[12]=Hit Enter to select this server. HelpMessage[13]=Hit Enter to select this server. HelpMessage[14]=Hit Enter to select this server. HelpMessage[15]=Hit Enter to select this server. HelpMessage[16]=Hit Enter to select this server. HelpMessage[17]=Hit Enter to select this server. HelpMessage[18]=Hit Enter to select this server. HelpMessage[19]=Hit Enter to select this server.

[GESBioRifle] PickupMessage=You got the GES BioRifle ItemName=GES Bio Rifle DeathMessage=%o drank a glass of %k's dripping green load.

[UnrealDMGameOptionsMenu] HelpMessage[3]=Number of frags scored by leading player to end game. If 0, there is no limit. HelpMessage[4]=Time limit (in minutes) to end game. If 0, there is no limit. HelpMessage[5]=Maximum number of players allowed in the game. HelpMessage[6]=If Weapons Stay is enabled, weapons respawn instantly, but can only be picked up once by a given player. HelpMessage[7]=Configure bot game and individual parameters. HelpMessage[8]=Choose Game Style: Hardcore game speed is faster and weapons do more damage than normal. Turbo is Hardcore with really fast movement. HelpMessage[9]=Classic or new style (weapon based) deathmessages. MenuList[3]=Frag limit MenuList[4]=Time Limit MenuList[5]=Max Players MenuList[6]=Weapons Stay MenuList[7]=Configure Bots MenuList[8]=Hardcore Mode MenuList[9]=DeathMessages GameStyle[0]=Normal GameStyle[1]=Hardcore GameStyle[2]=Turbo

[Amplifier] ExpireMessage=Amplifier is out of power. PickupMessage=You got the Energy Amplifier

[SearchLight] PickupMessage=サーチライトを手に入れた。

[SCUBAGear] PickupMessage=スキューバギアを手に入れた

[UnrealNewGameMenu] HelpMessage[1]=Tourist mode. HelpMessage[2]=Ready for some action! HelpMessage[3]=Not for the faint of heart. HelpMessage[4]=Death wish. MenuList[1]=EASY MenuList[2]=MEDIUM MenuList[3]=HARD MenuList[4]=UNREAL

[Stinger] PickupMessage=You picked up the Stinger ItemName=Stinger

[RazorAmmo] PickupMessage=You picked up Razor Blades

[RocketCan] PickupMessage=You picked up 12 Eightballs

[ShellBox] PickupMessage=You picked up 50 bullets

[VoiceBox] PickupMessage=You picked up the Voice Box

[UnrealSaveMenu] CantSave=CAN'T SAVE WHEN DEAD MenuTitle=SAVE GAME

[Seeds] PickupMessage=You got the Nali fruit seeds

[RifleAmmo] PickupMessage=You got 8 Rifle rounds.

[FlakBox] PickupMessage=You picked up 10 Flak Shells

[Flare] PickupMessage=You got a flare

[JumpBoots] ExpireMessage=The Jump Boots have drained PickupMessage=You picked up the jump boots

[WeaponPowerUp] PickupMessage=You got the Dispersion Pistol Powerup

[Razorjack] PickupMessage=You got the RazorJack ItemName=Razorjack DeathMessage=%k took a bloody chunk out of %o with the %w.

[ForceField] M_NoRoom=No room to activate force field. PickupMessage=You picked up the Force Field

[ASMDAmmo] PickupMessage=You picked up an ASMD core.

[ShieldBelt] PickupMessage=You got the Shield Belt

[UnrealTeamGameOptionsMenu] HelpMessage[10]=Percentage of damage taken when hit by friendly fire. Note that you always take full damage from your own weapons. MenuList[10]=Friendly Fire Scale HelpMessage[9]=Percentage of damage taken when hit by friendly fire. Note that you always take full damage from your own weapons. MenuList[9]=Friendly Fire Scale

[OKMenu] OKString=[OK]

[StingerAmmo] PickupMessage=You picked up 40 Tarydium Shards

[UpgradeMenu] MenuList[1]=You need a newer version of Unreal to play on this server. Would you like to go to the Unreal web site for a newer version?

[Sludge] PickupMessage=You picked up 25 Kilos of Tarydium Sludge

[Invisibility] ExpireMessage=Invisibility has worn off. PickupMessage=You have Invisibility

[ToxinSuit] PickupMessage=You picked up the Toxin Suit

[Shells] PickupMessage=You picked up 15 shells

[RifleRound] PickupMessage=You got a Rifle Round.

[QuadShot] PickupMessage=You got the QuadShot

[PowerShield] PickupMessage=You got the PowerShield

[Dampener] ExpireMessage=Acoustic dampener has run out. PickupMessage=You got the Acoustic Dampener

[KevlarSuit] PickupMessage=You picked up the Kevlar Suit

[FlakShellAmmo] PickupMessage="You got a flak shell."

[Fell] Name=fell AltName=fell

[Drowned] Name=drowned AltName=drowned

[Decapitated] Name=decapitated AltName=beheaded

[Corroded] Name=corroded AltName=slimed

[Clip] PickupMessage=You picked up a clip

[Burned] Name=roasted AltName=flame-broiled

[SuperHealth] PickupMessage=You picked up the Super Health Pack

[Bandages] PickupMessage=You got some bandages +

[AsbestosSuit] PickupMessage=You picked up the Asbestos Suit

[Armor] PickupMessage=You got the Assault Vest

[UnrealOrderMenu] OrderText[0]=The Shareware version of Unreal that you have just played is only a small taste of what awaits you when you buy the full version of Unreal. OrderText[1]=In USA and Canada call TOLL-FREE 1-877-4UNREAL (1-877-486-7325) to Order Unreal NOW. OrderText[2]=With the full version of Unreal you get: OrderText[3]=- Over 30 incredible single player levels OrderText[4]=- 11 Specially designed multiplayer maps OrderText[5]=- All ten weapons each with 2 firing modes and some with special moves too! OrderText[6]=- Over 30 Unreal creatures to encounter OrderText[7]=- Discover a multitude of new inventory items OrderText[8]=- Several varieties of internet, local area network and single player Bot Match play: Darkmatch, Deathmatch, King of the Hill, Team play and Cooperative OrderText[9]=- Choose from 6 different player models and a large variety of model skins. OrderText[11]=You also receive a fully functional ** Beta version of the Unreal Editor: OrderText[12]=- Probably the easiest-to-use 3D level design tool ever created! OrderText[13]=- Uses Constructive Solid Geometry - make rooms by simply cutting blocks out of solid shapes OrderText[14]=- Allows users to import their own textures, objects, music and sound effect using industry file formats such WAV, DXF, BMP etc. OrderText[15]=- Create your own maps or modify ours to your liking OrderText[16]=- Includes the UnrealScript the completely integrated object-oriented programming language we've used to create the majority of Unreal gameplay. OrderText[17]=- Distribute your maps freely on the internet for others to play OrderText[19]=And you'll have the full Unreal Server and Internet play capability OrderText[20]=- Run your own dedicated Unreal Server OrderText[21]=- Be a non-dedicated server by allowing others to join in to a game you're playing OrderText[22]=- Host your own Unreal Lobby levels with links to other Unreal Servers and World Wide Web sites* that act like 3D web pages OrderText[23]=* Web linking from Unreal levels requires those accessing the level to have an Unreal-supported web browser. OrderText[24]=You can buy Unreal at your local software retailer or order it directly from Epic Games. Here's how you order directly from Epic... OrderText[25]=You can place credit cards orders directly from our web site using our secure ordering page at http://www.epicgames.com/UnrealOrders OrderText[26]=USA / Canada OrderText[27]=Unreal is $39.95 US dollars includes shipping & handling OrderText[29]=Or order from our secure ordering page at http://www.epicgames.com/UnrealOrders OrderText[30]=United Kingdom & Europe OrderText[32]=Other Countries OrderText[34]=Our Online Partners OrderText[35]=Check out the web sites and Unreal game servers offered by these outstanding online partners: OrderText[37]=People who'll deliver a whole new level of excitement to Unreal. OrderText[38]=WON.NET - The World Opponent Network is the easiest way to jump into a FREE Unreal Deathmatch over the Internet. With IE4.0 or Netscape 4.0, a 'one-button' launch to FREE fragging awaits you at http://www.won.net/unreal. OrderText[39]=Join the growing Unreal community via level building contests, message boards, links, low ping times, new skins and levels and FREE online play... it's Unreal on WON. OrderText[41]=Wireplay is currently operating in Europe and Australia. For more information visit http:// www.wireplay.com/uk/unreal OrderText[43]=http://www.heat.net - free kick-ass Internet gaming. OrderText[44]=AT&T WorldNet - Play Unreal on AT&T's GameHub server--over a T3 trunk line entirely on AT&T WorldNet's backbone - promising fast and reliable gaming for you. OrderText[45]=www.gamehub.net/unreal GameHub - you complete Internet gaming service: chat rooms, email, online game magazines, tournaments and top multiplayer online games. OrderText[46]=GameSpy 3D is an Internet service browser. It crawls all over the net and finds you the best servers to play Unreal on: the ones with the fastest connection to your machine. OrderText[47]=Just fire it up, pick a game you want to play, double-click, and wham! You're kicking some Internet butt! http://www.gamespy.com for more information. OrderText[48]=Order Cool Unreal Merchandise OrderText[49]=Check out http://www.epicgames.com/UnrealOrders for information on some of the cool Unreal gear that can be ordered directly from Epic Games. You can get hats, shirts, mouse pads, mugs, posters and more at very reasonable prices. OrderText[50]=Special Offers OrderText[51]=From time to time Epic Games may offer special offers which may be combinations of Unreal software products and/or Unreal merchandise. Be sure to check http://www.unreal.com for up to the minute information and pricing. MenuTitle=ORDERING INFORMATION

[UnrealHUD] IdentifyName=名前 IdentifyHealth=HP

[Queen] NameArticle=" the "

[Warlord] NameArticle=" the "

[UnrealCoopGameOptions] Difficulties[0]=低 Difficulties[1]=中 Difficulties[2]=高 Difficulties[3]=アンリアル HelpMessage[3]=スキルレベル設定。 MenuList[3]=難易度

[naliplayer] MenuName="ナリ"

[SkaarjPlayer] MenuName=スカージ

[MaleOne] MenuName=男性 1

[FemaleTwo] MenuName="女性 2"

[MaleTwo] MenuName=男性 2