Reloadable Automag

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Manually reloading the Automag

It's actually really simple, and only requires a small block of code to be added to the end of the Automag script. Start by opening UnrealED and subclassing Automag. Package and class name doesn't matter. Copy and paste the following into your new Automag:

state Idle
	if ( (AmmoType != None) && (AmmoType.AmmoAmount<=0) )
		Pawn(Owner).SwitchToBestWeapon();  //Goto Weapon that has Ammo
	LoopAnim('Sway1',0.02, 0.1);
	if ( Pawn(Owner).bFire!=0 ) Global.Fire(0.0);
	if ( Pawn(Owner).bAltFire!=0 ) Global.AltFire(0.0);
	if( PlayerPawn(Owner)!=None )
		while( Pawn(Owner).bExtra3==0 )
	else Sleep(3.f); // If AI does not fire within 3 seconds, make em reload.

Compile and save. Once you are in a game, summon your new Automag, bind a key to the command "Button Bextra3" and hit it.