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227 news
Unreal 227h patch release [02-06-2011]
It took longer than intended, but work kept me busy and some bugs have been more tricky than expected. The reported bugs have been fixed and I wish you all a lot of fun!
Details can be found in the Release Notes You can download it directly from here:http://www.oldunreal.com/oldunrealpatches.html. Please read the FAQ if you encounter any problems and ask in the Forums.
Unreal 227g patch release [05-04-2011]
The patch is up and can be downloaded in the download section.
If you are interested in the new features, such as AlphaBlending, StaticMeshes, ShadowProjectors etc. have a look into the 227g release notes.
Overall it contains over 400 fixes and additions compared to the old versions and a lot of work has been invested into UED2.1 development. So the most annoying bugs should be gone now, its more stable and has a lot of new nice features. Details about UED2.1 are in the UED2.1_Release_Notes.
Remember, we put a hell a lot of work in it and although all involved people gave their best and the relative small number of testers was increased compared to 227f, it's still quite impossible to test any setup or configuration with our small crew.It will have to show now if we missed something :)
The 227g patch is now available for both Unreal (Classic) and Unreal Gold / Anthology with full Return to Napali (RTNP/UPak) support.
There is a new complete Russian translation which is included in the patch. Also the Linux version works now with unicode and enables to use the different charsets for the included translations.
I hope for good results and if there is something bothering you, report it in the 227 Forum section.
As previous releases 227g is not (net)compatible with older 227 versions (such as 227e, 227f etc.) to keep the best compatibility to the old original versions 224,225,UGold and to provide the best stability. Also a couple of security issues have been found and fixed so using 227f becomes of now deprecated.
227g re-unites the different Unreal versions, once applied its finally possible to play with Unreal, Unreal Gold and Unreal Anthology in one server, removing the old compatibility issues we had to suffer, caused by the publishers of these versions who were entirely disregarding net compatibility. The patch can be applied to the Steam versions also and is fully working, but I have no idea how Steam is handling this version then. Reports are welcome.
Server admins who are running 227f should update because of that soon.
When updating you should be aware that this is a full installer again and if you want to keep your old ini settings you need to backup your ini files and update them manually (Unreal.ini and User.ini are being replaced due to new settings).
Also due to the new cache handling (cache search is improved) it is recommended to empty your cache folder if you run into troubles after installation, or at least ensure that there are no System files in the cache like UPak.u if you run Unreal Gold or Anthology.
Unreal 227f patch release [15-05-2009]
This release is a release canditate! Although we worked very hard and fixed everything which was reported it is possible that still some (hopefully minor) problems appear. 227f left already the beta stage and can be used for creating mods and maps, but in the contrary to the common opinion the "f" in 227f does not mean "final". Its just a release number like in any previous version before! A final version will be made once we are really sure to have fixed any bug, even the small and this is only possible after 227f is released and tested for some time.
Unreal 227e released [23-07-2008]
Some Server additions, some new features and again many improvements are in this release. Release Notes with details can be found here: [227ReleaseNotes.pdf] and of course as usual in our forums.
Unreal 227d released [07-04-2008]
This new version contains aside some other fixes especially a fix for a recently discovered server bug. But some client improvements are included too. Enjoy! :)
Unreal 227c released [01-04-2008]
Again lot of fixes have been applied for clients and some more stability tests and fixes for servers. The Linux version was improved again, new D3D9 renderer has been added for Windows and many other things have been taken care of. Details can be found as usual in the forums and in the new ingame community news page (embedded in UBrowser). Bugreports into the forums please.
Unreal 227b testrelease [10-02-2008]
I'm just uploading the next testrelease of 227. 227b contains many fixes for reported bugs and should be more stable now especially for servers. Still it needs testing, and it hopefully it turns that stable that a final version can be made soon. So happy testing, and please report in the forums.
The new version can be found as usual in the download section (http://www.oldunreal.com/oldunrealpatches.html)
Unreal 227a testrelease [26-12-2007]
Again one year is past now, and finaly I was able to make the first testrelease for 227. It can be found in the download section, Oldunreal-Patches. Details and installation instructions are in the forums. This is a testrelease, to find remaining bugs and problems, so please report any problems in the forums. I hope you enjoy the patch! To help me developing and running this page, every donation is very welcome.