Difference between revisions of "Core.set"

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Line 3: Line 3:
|game2=Unreal Tournament
|game2=Unreal Tournament
== Public headers (Unreal) ==
== Public headers (Shared) ==
; EN: Preferences=(Caption="File System",Parent="Advanced",Class=Core.System,Immediate=True)
== Public headers (Unreal Tournament) ==
== Rest of the file (Shared) ==
== Rest of the file (Shared) ==
Line 29: Line 24:

OldVersion="(**)The file "%ls" was saved by a previous version which is not backwards compatible with this one. Reading it will likely fail, and may cause a crash. Do you want to try anyway?"
; EN: OldVersion="The file "%ls" was saved by a previous version which is not backwards compatible with this one. Reading it will likely fail, and may cause a crash. Do you want to try anyway?"
OldVersion="Filen "%ls" sparades av en tidigare version som inte är bakåtkompatibel med den här. Att läsa den kommer troligen att misslyckas och kan orsaka en krasch. Vill du prova ändå?"
; EN: Name="Name:"
PassPrompt="(**)Enter your name and password:"
PassDlg="(**)Identity Check"
; EN: Password="Password:"
Overwrite="(**)The file "%ls" needs to be updated.  Do you want to overwrite the existing version?"
; EN: PassPrompt="Enter your name and password:"
PassPrompt="Ange ditt namn och lösenord:"
; EN: PassDlg="Identity Check"
; EN: Overwrite="The file "%ls" needs to be updated.  Do you want to overwrite the existing version?"
Overwrite="Filen "%ls" måste uppdateras. Vill du skriva över den befintliga versionen?"

Saving="(**)Saving file "%ls"..."
; EN: Saving="Saving file "%ls"..."
Loading="(**)Loading file "%ls"..."
Saving="Sparar filen "%ls" ..."
; EN: Loading="Loading file "%ls"..."
Loading="Läser in filen "%ls" ..."
; EN: Closing="Closing"
HelpUsage="(**)HelloWorld (no parameters)"
HelpDesc[0]="(**)An integer parameter"
HelpDesc[1]="(**)A string parameter"
== Rest of the file (Unreal) ==
== Rest of the file (Unreal) ==
Unknown="(**)Unknown Error"
; EN: Unknown="Unknown Error"
Unknown="Okänt fel"
ExportOpen="(**)Error exporting %ls: couldn't open file "%ls"."
; EN: Aborted="Aborted"
ExportWrite="(**)Error exporting %ls: couldn't write file "%ls"."
FileNotFound="(**)Can't find file "%ls"."
; EN: ExportOpen="Error exporting %ls: couldn't open file "%ls"."
ObjectNotFound="(**)Failed to find object "%ls %ls.%ls"."
ExportOpen="Fel vid export av %ls: kunde inte öppna filen "%ls"."
PackageNotFound="(**)Can't find file for package "%ls"."
; EN: ExportWrite="Error exporting %ls: couldn't write file "%ls"."
PackageResolveFailed="(**)Can't resolve package name."
ExportWrite="Fel vid export av %ls: kunde inte skriva filen "%ls"."
FilenameToPackage="(**)Can't convert filename "%ls" to package name."
; EN: FileNotFound="Can't find file "%ls"."
Sandbox="(**)Package "%ls" is not accessible in this sandbox."
FileNotFound="Det gick inte att hitta filen "%ls"."
PackageVersion="(**)Package "%ls" version mismatch."
; EN: ObjectNotFound="Failed to find object "%ls %ls.%ls"."
FailedLoad="(**)Failed to load "%ls": %ls."
ObjectNotFound="Det gick inte att hitta objektet "%ls %ls.%ls"."
ConfigNotFound="(**)Can't find "%ls" in configuration file."
; EN: PackageNotFound="Can't find file for package "%ls"."
LoadClassMismatch="(**)%ls is not a child class of %ls.%ls."
PackageNotFound="Det gick inte att hitta filen för paketet "%ls"."
NotDll="(**)"%ls" is not a DLL package; can't find export "%ls"."
; EN: PackageResolveFailed="Can't resolve package name."
NotInDll="(**)Can't find "%ls" in library "%ls.dll"."
PackageResolveFailed="Det går inte att lösa paketnamnet."
FailedLoadPackage="(**)Failed loading package: %ls."
; EN: FilenameToPackage="Can't convert filename "%ls" to package name."
FailedLoadObject="(**)Failed to load "%ls %ls.%ls": %ls."
FilenameToPackage="Det går inte att konvertera filnamnet "%ls" till paketnamnet."
TransientImport="(**)Transient object imported: %ls."
; EN: Sandbox="Package "%ls" is not accessible in this sandbox."
FailedSavePrivate="(**)Can't save %ls: Graph is linked to external private object %ls."
Sandbox="Paketet "%ls" är inte tillgängligt i den här sandlådan."
FailedImportPrivate="(**)Can't import private object %ls %ls."
; EN: PackageVersion="Package "%ls" version mismatch."
FailedCreate="(**)%ls %ls not found for creation."
PackageVersion="Paketet "%ls" -versionen matchar inte."
FailedImport="(**)Can't find %ls in file "%ls"."
; EN: FailedLoad="Failed to load "%ls": %ls."
FailedSaveFile="(**)Error saving file "%ls": %ls."
FailedLoad="Det gick inte att ladda "%ls": %ls."
SaveWarning="(**)Error saving "%ls"."
; EN: ConfigNotFound="Can't find "%ls" in configuration file."
NotPackaged="(**)Object is not packaged: %ls %ls."
ConfigNotFound="Det går inte att hitta "%ls" i konfigurationsfilen."
NotWithin="(**)Object %ls %ls created in %ls instead of %ls."
; EN: LoadClassMismatch="%ls is not a child class of %ls.%ls."
Abstract="(**)Can't create object %ls: class %ls is abstract."
LoadClassMismatch="%ls är inte en barnklass på %ls.%ls."
NoReplace="(**)Can't replace %ls with %ls."
; EN: NotDll=""%ls" is not a DLL package; can't find export "%ls"."
NoFindImport="(**)Can't find file "%ls" for import."
NotDll=""%ls" är inte ett DLL-paket; kan inte hitta export "%ls"."
ReadFileFailed="(**)Failed to read file "%ls" for import."
; EN: NotInDll="Can't find "%ls" in library "%ls.dll"."
SeekFailed="(**)Error seeking file."
NotInDll="Det går inte att hitta "%ls" i biblioteket "%ls.dll"."
OpenFailed="(**)Error opening file."
; EN: FailedLoadPackage="Failed loading package: %ls."
WriteFailed="(**)Error writing to file."
FailedLoadPackage="Det gick inte att ladda paketet: %ls."
ReadEof="(**)Read beyond end of file."
; EN: FailedLoadObject="Failed to load "%ls %ls.%ls": %ls."
IniReadOnly="(**)The file %ls is write protected; settings cannot be saved."
FailedLoadObject="Det gick inte att ladda "%ls %ls.%ls": %ls."
UrlFailed="(**)Failed launching URL."
; EN: TransientImport="Transient object imported: %ls."
TransientImport="Övergående objekt importerat: %ls."
; EN: FailedSavePrivate="Can't save %ls: Graph is linked to external private object %ls."
OutOfMemory="(**)Ran out of virtual memory. To prevent this condition, you must free up more space on your primary hard disk."
FailedSavePrivate="Det går inte att spara %ls: Diagrammet är länkat till ett externt privat objekt %ls."
; EN: FailedImportPrivate="Can't import private object %ls %ls."
Assert="(**)Assertion failed: %ls [File:%ls] [Line: %i]."
FailedImportPrivate="Det går inte att importera privata objekt %ls %ls."
Debug="(**)Debug assertion failed: %ls [File:%ls] [Line: %i]."
; EN: FailedCreate="%ls %ls not found for creation."
LinkerExists="(**)Linker for "%ls" already exists."
FailedCreate="%ls %ls hittades inte för skapande."
BinaryFormat="(**)The file "%ls" contains unrecognizable data."
; EN: FailedImport="Can't find %ls in file "%ls"."
SerialSize="(**)%ls: Serial size mismatch: Got %i, Expected %i."
FailedImport="Det går inte att hitta %ls i filen "%ls"."
ExportIndex="(**)Bad export index %i/%i."
; EN: FailedSaveFile="Error saving file "%ls": %ls."
ImportIndex="(**)Bad import index %i/%i."
FailedSaveFile="Fel vid spara filen "%ls": %ls."
Password="(**)Password not recognized."
; EN: SaveWarning="Error saving "%ls"."
Exec="(**)Unrecognized command."
SaveWarning="Fel vid spara "%ls"."
BadProperty="(**)"%ls": Bad or missing property "%ls"."
; EN: NotPackaged="Object is not packaged: %ls %ls."
MissingIni="(**)Missing .ini file: %ls."
NotPackaged="Objektet är inte förpackat: %ls %ls."
NoTXTFile="(**)Can not exec non-text (.txt) file type "%ls"."
; EN: NotWithin="Object %ls %ls created in %ls instead of %ls."
NotWithin="Objekt %ls %ls skapat i %ls istället för %ls."
; EN: Abstract="Can't create object %ls: class %ls is abstract."
Abstract="Det går inte att skapa objekt %ls: klass %ls är abstrakt."
; EN: NoReplace="Can't replace %ls with %ls."
NoReplace="Kan inte ersätta %ls med %ls."
; EN: NoFindImport="Can't find file "%ls" for import."
NoFindImport="Det gick inte att hitta filen "%ls" för import."
; EN: ReadFileFailed="Failed to read file "%ls" for import."
ReadFileFailed="Det gick inte att läsa filen "%ls" för import."
; EN: SeekFailed="Error seeking file."
SeekFailed="Fel vid sökning av fil."
; EN: OpenFailed="Error opening file."
OpenFailed="Fel vid öppning av filen."
; EN: WriteFailed="Error writing to file."
WriteFailed="Fel vid skrivning till filen."
; EN: ReadEof="Read beyond end of file."
ReadEof="Läs bortom slutet av filen."
; EN: IniReadOnly="The file %ls is write protected; settings cannot be saved."
IniReadOnly="Filen %ls är skrivskyddad; inställningarna kan inte sparas."
; EN: UrlFailed="Failed launching URL."
UrlFailed="Det gick inte att starta URL."
; EN: Warning="Warning"
; EN: Question="Question"
; EN: OutOfMemory="Ran out of virtual memory. To prevent this condition, you must free up more space on your primary hard disk."
OutOfMemory="Har slut på virtuellt minne. För att förhindra detta villkor måste du frigöra mer utrymme på din primära hårddisk."
; EN: History="History"
; EN: Assert="Assertion failed: %ls [File: %ls] [Line: %i]."
Assert="Påståendet misslyckades: %ls [Fil: %ls] [Rad: %i]."
; EN: Debug="Debug assertion failed: %ls [File: %ls] [Line: %i]."
Debug="Felsöknings påstående misslyckades: %ls [Fil: %ls] [Rad: %i]."
; EN: LinkerExists="Linker for "%ls" already exists."
LinkerExists="Länk för "%ls" finns redan."
; EN: BinaryFormat="The file "%ls" contains unrecognizable data."
BinaryFormat="Filen "%ls" innehåller oigenkännlig data."
; EN: SerialSize="%ls: Serial size mismatch: Got %i, Expected %i."
SerialSize="%ls: Seriell storlek stämmer inte överens: Fick %i, förväntas %i."
; EN: ExportIndex="Bad export index %i/%i."
ExportIndex="Dåligt exportindex %i/%i."
; EN: ImportIndex="Bad import index %i/%i."
ImportIndex="Dåligt importindex %i/%i."
; EN: Password="Password not recognized."
Password="Lösenord känns inte igen."
; EN: Exec="Unrecognized command."
Exec="Okänt kommando."
; EN: BadProperty=""%ls": Bad or missing property "%ls"."
BadProperty=""%ls": Dålig eller saknad egendom "%ls"."
; EN: MissingIni="Missing .ini file: %ls."
MissingIni="Saknas .ini-fil: %ls."
; EN: NoTXTFile="Can not exec non-text (.txt) file type "%ls"."
NoTXTFile="Kan inte köra filtypen "%ls" som inte är text (.txt)."

Line 111: Line 159:
Engine="Unreal Engine"
Engine="Unreal Engine"
Copyright="Copyright 1999 Epic Games, Inc."
Copyright="Copyright 1999 Epic Games, Inc."
; EN: True="True"
; EN: False="False"
; EN: None="None"
; EN: Yes="Yes"
; EN: No="No"
== Rest of the file (Unreal Tournament) ==
== Rest of the file (Unreal Tournament) ==
Unknown="(**)Unknown Error"
; EN: Unknown="Unknown Error"
Unknown="Okänt fel"
ExportOpen="(**)Error exporting %ls: couldn't open file "%ls"."
; EN: Aborted="Aborted"
ExportWrite="(**)Error exporting %ls: couldn't write file "%ls"."
FileNotFound="(**)Can't find file "%ls"."
; EN: ExportOpen="Error exporting %ls: couldn't open file "%ls"."
ObjectNotFound="(**)Failed to find object "%ls %ls.%ls"."
ExportOpen="Fel vid export av %ls: kunde inte öppna filen "%ls"."
PackageNotFound="(**)Can't find file for package "%ls"."
; EN: ExportWrite="Error exporting %ls: couldn't write file "%ls"."
PackageResolveFailed="(**)Can't resolve package name."
ExportWrite="Fel vid export av %ls: kunde inte skriva filen "%ls"."
FilenameToPackage="(**)Can't convert filename "%ls" to package name."
; EN: FileNotFound="Can't find file "%ls"."
Sandbox="(**)Package "%ls" is not accessible in this sandbox."
FileNotFound="Det gick inte att hitta filen "%ls"."
PackageVersion="(**)Package "%ls" version mismatch."
; EN: ObjectNotFound="Failed to find object "%ls %ls.%ls"."
FailedLoad="(**)Failed to load "%ls": %ls."
ObjectNotFound="Det gick inte att hitta objektet "%ls %ls.%ls"."
ConfigNotFound="(**)Can't find "%ls" in configuration file."
; EN: PackageNotFound="Can't find file for package "%ls"."
LoadClassMismatch="(**)%ls is not a child class of %ls.%ls."
PackageNotFound="Det gick inte att hitta filen för paketet "%ls"."
NotDll="(**)"%ls" is not a DLL package; can't find export "%ls"."
; EN: PackageResolveFailed="Can't resolve package name."
NotInDll="(**)Can't find "%ls" in library "%ls.dll"."
PackageResolveFailed="Det går inte att lösa paketnamnet."
FailedLoadPackage="(**)Failed loading package: %ls."
; EN: FilenameToPackage="Can't convert filename "%ls" to package name."
FailedLoadObject="(**)Failed to load "%ls %ls.%ls": %ls."
FilenameToPackage="Det går inte att konvertera filnamnet "%ls" till paketnamnet."
TransientImport="(**)Transient object imported: %ls."
; EN: Sandbox="Package "%ls" is not accessible in this sandbox."
FailedSavePrivate="(**)Can't save %ls: Graph is linked to external private object %ls."
Sandbox="Paketet "%ls" är inte tillgängligt i den här sandlådan."
FailedImportPrivate="(**)Can't import private object %ls %ls."
; EN: PackageVersion="Package "%ls" version mismatch."
FailedCreate="(**)%ls %ls not found for creation."
PackageVersion="Paketet "%ls" -versionen matchar inte."
FailedImport="(**)Can't find %ls in file "%ls"."
; EN: FailedLoad="Failed to load "%ls": %ls."
FailedSaveFile="(**)Error saving file "%ls": %ls."
FailedLoad="Det gick inte att ladda "%ls": %ls."
SaveWarning="(**)Error saving "%ls"."
; EN: ConfigNotFound="Can't find "%ls" in configuration file."
NotPackaged="(**)Object is not packaged: %ls %ls."
ConfigNotFound="Det går inte att hitta "%ls" i konfigurationsfilen."
NotWithin="(**)Object %ls %ls created in %ls instead of %ls."
; EN: LoadClassMismatch="%ls is not a child class of %ls.%ls."
Abstract="(**)Can't create object %ls: class %ls is abstract."
LoadClassMismatch="%ls är inte en barnklass på %ls.%ls."
NoReplace="(**)Can't replace %ls with %ls."
; EN: NotDll=""%ls" is not a DLL package; can't find export "%ls"."
NoFindImport="(**)Can't find file "%ls" for import."
NotDll=""%ls" är inte ett DLL-paket; kan inte hitta export "%ls"."
ReadFileFailed="(**)Failed to read file "%ls" for import."
; EN: NotInDll="Can't find "%ls" in library "%ls.dll"."
SeekFailed="(**)Error seeking file."
NotInDll="Det går inte att hitta "%ls" i biblioteket "%ls.dll"."
OpenFailed="(**)Error opening file."
; EN: FailedLoadPackage="Failed loading package: %ls."
WriteFailed="(**)Error writing to file."
FailedLoadPackage="Det gick inte att ladda paketet: %ls."
ReadEof="(**)Read beyond end of file."
; EN: FailedLoadObject="Failed to load "%ls %ls.%ls": %ls."
IniReadOnly="(**)The file %ls is write protected; settings cannot be saved."
FailedLoadObject="Det gick inte att ladda "%ls %ls.%ls": %ls."
UrlFailed="(**)Failed launching URL."
; EN: TransientImport="Transient object imported: %ls."
TransientImport="Övergående objekt importerat: %ls."
; EN: FailedSavePrivate="Can't save %ls: Graph is linked to external private object %ls."
OutOfMemory="(**)Ran out of virtual memory. To prevent this condition, you must free up more space on your primary hard disk."
FailedSavePrivate="Det går inte att spara %ls: Diagrammet är länkat till ett externt privat objekt %ls."
; EN: FailedImportPrivate="Can't import private object %ls %ls."
Assert="(**)Assertion failed: %ls [File:%ls] [Line: %i]."
FailedImportPrivate="Det går inte att importera privata objekt %ls %ls."
Debug="(**)Debug assertion failed: %ls [File:%ls] [Line: %i]."
; EN: FailedCreate="%ls %ls not found for creation."
LinkerExists="(**)Linker for "%ls" already exists."
FailedCreate="%ls %ls hittades inte för skapande."
BinaryFormat="(**)The file "%ls" contains unrecognizable data."
; EN: FailedImport="Can't find %ls in file "%ls"."
SerialSize="(**)%ls: Serial size mismatch: Got %i, Expected %i."
FailedImport="Det går inte att hitta %ls i filen "%ls"."
ExportIndex="(**)Bad export index %i/%i."
; EN: FailedSaveFile="Error saving file "%ls": %ls."
ImportIndex="(**)Bad import index %i/%i."
FailedSaveFile="Fel vid spara filen "%ls": %ls."
Password="(**)Password not recognized."
; EN: SaveWarning="Error saving "%ls"."
Exec="(**)Unrecognized command."
SaveWarning="Fel vid spara "%ls"."
BadProperty="(**)"%ls": Bad or missing property "%ls"."
; EN: NotPackaged="Object is not packaged: %ls %ls."
MisingIni="(**)Missing .ini file: %ls."
NotPackaged="Objektet är inte förpackat: %ls %ls."
ExportFail="(**)Error exporting %ls."
; EN: NotWithin="Object %ls %ls created in %ls instead of %ls."
ExportNoData="(**)Did not find exportable data in object %ls."
NotWithin="Objekt %ls %ls skapat i %ls istället för %ls."
; EN: Abstract="Can't create object %ls: class %ls is abstract."
Abstract="Det går inte att skapa objekt %ls: klass %ls är abstrakt."
; EN: NoReplace="Can't replace %ls with %ls."
NoReplace="Kan inte ersätta %ls med %ls."
; EN: NoFindImport="Can't find file "%ls" for import."
NoFindImport="Det gick inte att hitta filen "%ls" för import."
; EN: ReadFileFailed="Failed to read file "%ls" for import."
ReadFileFailed="Det gick inte att läsa filen "%ls" för import."
; EN: SeekFailed="Error seeking file."
SeekFailed="Fel vid sökning av fil."
; EN: OpenFailed="Error opening file."
OpenFailed="Fel vid öppning av filen."
; EN: WriteFailed="Error writing to file."
WriteFailed="Fel vid skrivning till filen."
; EN: ReadEof="Read beyond end of file."
ReadEof="Läs bortom slutet av filen."
; EN: IniReadOnly="The file %ls is write protected; settings cannot be saved."
IniReadOnly="Filen %ls är skrivskyddad; inställningarna kan inte sparas."
; EN: UrlFailed="Failed launching URL."
UrlFailed="Det gick inte att starta URL."
; EN: Warning="Warning"
; EN: Question="Question"
; EN: OutOfMemory="Ran out of virtual memory. To prevent this condition, you must free up more space on your primary hard disk."
OutOfMemory="Har slut på virtuellt minne. För att förhindra detta villkor måste du frigöra mer utrymme på din primära hårddisk."
; EN: History="History"
; EN: Assert="Assertion failed: %ls [File: %ls] [Line: %i]."
Assert="Påståendet misslyckades: %ls [Fil: %ls] [Rad: %i]."
; EN: Debug="Debug assertion failed: %ls [File: %ls] [Line: %i]."
Debug="Felsöknings påstående misslyckades: %ls [Fil: %ls] [Rad: %i]."
; EN: LinkerExists="Linker for "%ls" already exists."
LinkerExists="Länk för "%ls" finns redan."
; EN: BinaryFormat="The file "%ls" contains unrecognizable data."
BinaryFormat="Filen "%ls" innehåller oigenkännlig data."
; EN: SerialSize="%ls: Serial size mismatch: Got %i, Expected %i."
SerialSize="%ls: Seriell storlek stämmer inte överens: Fick %i, förväntas %i."
; EN: ExportIndex="Bad export index %i/%i."
ExportIndex="Dåligt exportindex %i/%i."
; EN: ImportIndex="Bad import index %i/%i."
ImportIndex="Dåligt importindex %i/%i."
; EN: Password="Password not recognized."
Password="Lösenord känns inte igen."
; EN: Exec="Unrecognized command."
Exec="Okänt kommando."
; EN: BadProperty=""%ls": Bad or missing property "%ls"."
BadProperty=""%ls": Dålig eller saknad egendom "%ls"."
; EN: MisingIni="Missing .ini file: %ls."
MisingIni="Saknas .ini-fil: %ls."
; EN: ExportFail="Error exporting %ls."
ExportFail="Fel vid export av %ls."
; EN: ExportNoData="Did not find exportable data in object %ls."
ExportNoData="Hittade inte exporterbar data i objektet %ls."

Line 184: Line 291:
{{Navbox Localization Language-Specific
{{Navbox Localization Language-Specific

Latest revision as of 15:17, 7 May 2021

Localization Project page
This page belongs to the OldUnreal Localization Project. We aim to localize the game to other languages as flawlessly as possible, with the least amount of errors possible (ideally 0).
In order to achieve such objective, we need your help. Some of these lines contain computer-generated strings which need to be reviewed by actual native or fluent Swedish speakers. Also these lines aren't final, they're always subject to modification, and we're sure better strings can (and will be) eventually found.
The localization project is also available at the Github repository. Completed and incomplete pages will be adapted there once complete.
This page in other languages
English - German - French - Spanish - Italian - Russian - Polish - Portuguese - Hungarian - Czech - Swedish - Catalan - Dutch - Norwegian - Japanese
Language Swedish
Game 1 Unreal
Status 68/68
Game 2 Unreal Tournament
Status 69/69

Public headers (Shared)

; EN: Preferences=(Caption="File System",Parent="Advanced",Class=Core.System,Immediate=True)

Rest of the file (Shared)


; EN: OldVersion="The file "%ls" was saved by a previous version which is not backwards compatible with this one. Reading it will likely fail, and may cause a crash. Do you want to try anyway?"
OldVersion="Filen "%ls" sparades av en tidigare version som inte är bakåtkompatibel med den här. Att läsa den kommer troligen att misslyckas och kan orsaka en krasch. Vill du prova ändå?"
; EN: Name="Name:"
; EN: Password="Password:"
; EN: PassPrompt="Enter your name and password:"
PassPrompt="Ange ditt namn och lösenord:"
; EN: PassDlg="Identity Check"
; EN: Overwrite="The file "%ls" needs to be updated.  Do you want to overwrite the existing version?"
Overwrite="Filen "%ls" måste uppdateras. Vill du skriva över den befintliga versionen?"

; EN: Saving="Saving file "%ls"..."
Saving="Sparar filen "%ls" ..."
; EN: Loading="Loading file "%ls"..."
Loading="Läser in filen "%ls" ..."
; EN: Closing="Closing"

Rest of the file (Unreal)

; EN: Unknown="Unknown Error"
Unknown="Okänt fel"
; EN: Aborted="Aborted"
; EN: ExportOpen="Error exporting %ls: couldn't open file "%ls"."
ExportOpen="Fel vid export av %ls: kunde inte öppna filen "%ls"."
; EN: ExportWrite="Error exporting %ls: couldn't write file "%ls"."
ExportWrite="Fel vid export av %ls: kunde inte skriva filen "%ls"."
; EN: FileNotFound="Can't find file "%ls"."
FileNotFound="Det gick inte att hitta filen "%ls"."
; EN: ObjectNotFound="Failed to find object "%ls %ls.%ls"."
ObjectNotFound="Det gick inte att hitta objektet "%ls %ls.%ls"."
; EN: PackageNotFound="Can't find file for package "%ls"."
PackageNotFound="Det gick inte att hitta filen för paketet "%ls"."
; EN: PackageResolveFailed="Can't resolve package name."
PackageResolveFailed="Det går inte att lösa paketnamnet."
; EN: FilenameToPackage="Can't convert filename "%ls" to package name."
FilenameToPackage="Det går inte att konvertera filnamnet "%ls" till paketnamnet."
; EN: Sandbox="Package "%ls" is not accessible in this sandbox."
Sandbox="Paketet "%ls" är inte tillgängligt i den här sandlådan."
; EN: PackageVersion="Package "%ls" version mismatch."
PackageVersion="Paketet "%ls" -versionen matchar inte."
; EN: FailedLoad="Failed to load "%ls": %ls."
FailedLoad="Det gick inte att ladda "%ls": %ls."
; EN: ConfigNotFound="Can't find "%ls" in configuration file."
ConfigNotFound="Det går inte att hitta "%ls" i konfigurationsfilen."
; EN: LoadClassMismatch="%ls is not a child class of %ls.%ls."
LoadClassMismatch="%ls är inte en barnklass på %ls.%ls."
; EN: NotDll=""%ls" is not a DLL package; can't find export "%ls"."
NotDll=""%ls" är inte ett DLL-paket; kan inte hitta export "%ls"."
; EN: NotInDll="Can't find "%ls" in library "%ls.dll"."
NotInDll="Det går inte att hitta "%ls" i biblioteket "%ls.dll"."
; EN: FailedLoadPackage="Failed loading package: %ls."
FailedLoadPackage="Det gick inte att ladda paketet: %ls."
; EN: FailedLoadObject="Failed to load "%ls %ls.%ls": %ls."
FailedLoadObject="Det gick inte att ladda "%ls %ls.%ls": %ls."
; EN: TransientImport="Transient object imported: %ls."
TransientImport="Övergående objekt importerat: %ls."
; EN: FailedSavePrivate="Can't save %ls: Graph is linked to external private object %ls."
FailedSavePrivate="Det går inte att spara %ls: Diagrammet är länkat till ett externt privat objekt %ls."
; EN: FailedImportPrivate="Can't import private object %ls %ls."
FailedImportPrivate="Det går inte att importera privata objekt %ls %ls."
; EN: FailedCreate="%ls %ls not found for creation."
FailedCreate="%ls %ls hittades inte för skapande."
; EN: FailedImport="Can't find %ls in file "%ls"."
FailedImport="Det går inte att hitta %ls i filen "%ls"."
; EN: FailedSaveFile="Error saving file "%ls": %ls."
FailedSaveFile="Fel vid spara filen "%ls": %ls."
; EN: SaveWarning="Error saving "%ls"."
SaveWarning="Fel vid spara "%ls"."
; EN: NotPackaged="Object is not packaged: %ls %ls."
NotPackaged="Objektet är inte förpackat: %ls %ls."
; EN: NotWithin="Object %ls %ls created in %ls instead of %ls."
NotWithin="Objekt %ls %ls skapat i %ls istället för %ls."
; EN: Abstract="Can't create object %ls: class %ls is abstract."
Abstract="Det går inte att skapa objekt %ls: klass %ls är abstrakt."
; EN: NoReplace="Can't replace %ls with %ls."
NoReplace="Kan inte ersätta %ls med %ls."
; EN: NoFindImport="Can't find file "%ls" for import."
NoFindImport="Det gick inte att hitta filen "%ls" för import."
; EN: ReadFileFailed="Failed to read file "%ls" for import."
ReadFileFailed="Det gick inte att läsa filen "%ls" för import."
; EN: SeekFailed="Error seeking file."
SeekFailed="Fel vid sökning av fil."
; EN: OpenFailed="Error opening file."
OpenFailed="Fel vid öppning av filen."
; EN: WriteFailed="Error writing to file."
WriteFailed="Fel vid skrivning till filen."
; EN: ReadEof="Read beyond end of file."
ReadEof="Läs bortom slutet av filen."
; EN: IniReadOnly="The file %ls is write protected; settings cannot be saved."
IniReadOnly="Filen %ls är skrivskyddad; inställningarna kan inte sparas."
; EN: UrlFailed="Failed launching URL."
UrlFailed="Det gick inte att starta URL."
; EN: Warning="Warning"
; EN: Question="Question"
; EN: OutOfMemory="Ran out of virtual memory. To prevent this condition, you must free up more space on your primary hard disk."
OutOfMemory="Har slut på virtuellt minne. För att förhindra detta villkor måste du frigöra mer utrymme på din primära hårddisk."
; EN: History="History"
; EN: Assert="Assertion failed: %ls [File: %ls] [Line: %i]."
Assert="Påståendet misslyckades: %ls [Fil: %ls] [Rad: %i]."
; EN: Debug="Debug assertion failed: %ls [File: %ls] [Line: %i]."
Debug="Felsöknings påstående misslyckades: %ls [Fil: %ls] [Rad: %i]."
; EN: LinkerExists="Linker for "%ls" already exists."
LinkerExists="Länk för "%ls" finns redan."
; EN: BinaryFormat="The file "%ls" contains unrecognizable data."
BinaryFormat="Filen "%ls" innehåller oigenkännlig data."
; EN: SerialSize="%ls: Serial size mismatch: Got %i, Expected %i."
SerialSize="%ls: Seriell storlek stämmer inte överens: Fick %i, förväntas %i."
; EN: ExportIndex="Bad export index %i/%i."
ExportIndex="Dåligt exportindex %i/%i."
; EN: ImportIndex="Bad import index %i/%i."
ImportIndex="Dåligt importindex %i/%i."
; EN: Password="Password not recognized."
Password="Lösenord känns inte igen."
; EN: Exec="Unrecognized command."
Exec="Okänt kommando."
; EN: BadProperty=""%ls": Bad or missing property "%ls"."
BadProperty=""%ls": Dålig eller saknad egendom "%ls"."
; EN: MissingIni="Missing .ini file: %ls."
MissingIni="Saknas .ini-fil: %ls."
; EN: NoTXTFile="Can not exec non-text (.txt) file type "%ls"."
NoTXTFile="Kan inte köra filtypen "%ls" som inte är text (.txt)."

Engine="Unreal Engine"
Copyright="Copyright 1999 Epic Games, Inc."
; EN: True="True"
; EN: False="False"
; EN: None="None"
; EN: Yes="Yes"
; EN: No="No"

Rest of the file (Unreal Tournament)

; EN: Unknown="Unknown Error"
Unknown="Okänt fel"
; EN: Aborted="Aborted"
; EN: ExportOpen="Error exporting %ls: couldn't open file "%ls"."
ExportOpen="Fel vid export av %ls: kunde inte öppna filen "%ls"."
; EN: ExportWrite="Error exporting %ls: couldn't write file "%ls"."
ExportWrite="Fel vid export av %ls: kunde inte skriva filen "%ls"."
; EN: FileNotFound="Can't find file "%ls"."
FileNotFound="Det gick inte att hitta filen "%ls"."
; EN: ObjectNotFound="Failed to find object "%ls %ls.%ls"."
ObjectNotFound="Det gick inte att hitta objektet "%ls %ls.%ls"."
; EN: PackageNotFound="Can't find file for package "%ls"."
PackageNotFound="Det gick inte att hitta filen för paketet "%ls"."
; EN: PackageResolveFailed="Can't resolve package name."
PackageResolveFailed="Det går inte att lösa paketnamnet."
; EN: FilenameToPackage="Can't convert filename "%ls" to package name."
FilenameToPackage="Det går inte att konvertera filnamnet "%ls" till paketnamnet."
; EN: Sandbox="Package "%ls" is not accessible in this sandbox."
Sandbox="Paketet "%ls" är inte tillgängligt i den här sandlådan."
; EN: PackageVersion="Package "%ls" version mismatch."
PackageVersion="Paketet "%ls" -versionen matchar inte."
; EN: FailedLoad="Failed to load "%ls": %ls."
FailedLoad="Det gick inte att ladda "%ls": %ls."
; EN: ConfigNotFound="Can't find "%ls" in configuration file."
ConfigNotFound="Det går inte att hitta "%ls" i konfigurationsfilen."
; EN: LoadClassMismatch="%ls is not a child class of %ls.%ls."
LoadClassMismatch="%ls är inte en barnklass på %ls.%ls."
; EN: NotDll=""%ls" is not a DLL package; can't find export "%ls"."
NotDll=""%ls" är inte ett DLL-paket; kan inte hitta export "%ls"."
; EN: NotInDll="Can't find "%ls" in library "%ls.dll"."
NotInDll="Det går inte att hitta "%ls" i biblioteket "%ls.dll"."
; EN: FailedLoadPackage="Failed loading package: %ls."
FailedLoadPackage="Det gick inte att ladda paketet: %ls."
; EN: FailedLoadObject="Failed to load "%ls %ls.%ls": %ls."
FailedLoadObject="Det gick inte att ladda "%ls %ls.%ls": %ls."
; EN: TransientImport="Transient object imported: %ls."
TransientImport="Övergående objekt importerat: %ls."
; EN: FailedSavePrivate="Can't save %ls: Graph is linked to external private object %ls."
FailedSavePrivate="Det går inte att spara %ls: Diagrammet är länkat till ett externt privat objekt %ls."
; EN: FailedImportPrivate="Can't import private object %ls %ls."
FailedImportPrivate="Det går inte att importera privata objekt %ls %ls."
; EN: FailedCreate="%ls %ls not found for creation."
FailedCreate="%ls %ls hittades inte för skapande."
; EN: FailedImport="Can't find %ls in file "%ls"."
FailedImport="Det går inte att hitta %ls i filen "%ls"."
; EN: FailedSaveFile="Error saving file "%ls": %ls."
FailedSaveFile="Fel vid spara filen "%ls": %ls."
; EN: SaveWarning="Error saving "%ls"."
SaveWarning="Fel vid spara "%ls"."
; EN: NotPackaged="Object is not packaged: %ls %ls."
NotPackaged="Objektet är inte förpackat: %ls %ls."
; EN: NotWithin="Object %ls %ls created in %ls instead of %ls."
NotWithin="Objekt %ls %ls skapat i %ls istället för %ls."
; EN: Abstract="Can't create object %ls: class %ls is abstract."
Abstract="Det går inte att skapa objekt %ls: klass %ls är abstrakt."
; EN: NoReplace="Can't replace %ls with %ls."
NoReplace="Kan inte ersätta %ls med %ls."
; EN: NoFindImport="Can't find file "%ls" for import."
NoFindImport="Det gick inte att hitta filen "%ls" för import."
; EN: ReadFileFailed="Failed to read file "%ls" for import."
ReadFileFailed="Det gick inte att läsa filen "%ls" för import."
; EN: SeekFailed="Error seeking file."
SeekFailed="Fel vid sökning av fil."
; EN: OpenFailed="Error opening file."
OpenFailed="Fel vid öppning av filen."
; EN: WriteFailed="Error writing to file."
WriteFailed="Fel vid skrivning till filen."
; EN: ReadEof="Read beyond end of file."
ReadEof="Läs bortom slutet av filen."
; EN: IniReadOnly="The file %ls is write protected; settings cannot be saved."
IniReadOnly="Filen %ls är skrivskyddad; inställningarna kan inte sparas."
; EN: UrlFailed="Failed launching URL."
UrlFailed="Det gick inte att starta URL."
; EN: Warning="Warning"
; EN: Question="Question"
; EN: OutOfMemory="Ran out of virtual memory. To prevent this condition, you must free up more space on your primary hard disk."
OutOfMemory="Har slut på virtuellt minne. För att förhindra detta villkor måste du frigöra mer utrymme på din primära hårddisk."
; EN: History="History"
; EN: Assert="Assertion failed: %ls [File: %ls] [Line: %i]."
Assert="Påståendet misslyckades: %ls [Fil: %ls] [Rad: %i]."
; EN: Debug="Debug assertion failed: %ls [File: %ls] [Line: %i]."
Debug="Felsöknings påstående misslyckades: %ls [Fil: %ls] [Rad: %i]."
; EN: LinkerExists="Linker for "%ls" already exists."
LinkerExists="Länk för "%ls" finns redan."
; EN: BinaryFormat="The file "%ls" contains unrecognizable data."
BinaryFormat="Filen "%ls" innehåller oigenkännlig data."
; EN: SerialSize="%ls: Serial size mismatch: Got %i, Expected %i."
SerialSize="%ls: Seriell storlek stämmer inte överens: Fick %i, förväntas %i."
; EN: ExportIndex="Bad export index %i/%i."
ExportIndex="Dåligt exportindex %i/%i."
; EN: ImportIndex="Bad import index %i/%i."
ImportIndex="Dåligt importindex %i/%i."
; EN: Password="Password not recognized."
Password="Lösenord känns inte igen."
; EN: Exec="Unrecognized command."
Exec="Okänt kommando."
; EN: BadProperty=""%ls": Bad or missing property "%ls"."
BadProperty=""%ls": Dålig eller saknad egendom "%ls"."
; EN: MisingIni="Missing .ini file: %ls."
MisingIni="Saknas .ini-fil: %ls."
; EN: ExportFail="Error exporting %ls."
ExportFail="Fel vid export av %ls."
; EN: ExportNoData="Did not find exportable data in object %ls."
ExportNoData="Hittade inte exporterbar data i objektet %ls."

Product="Unreal Tournament"
Engine="Unreal Engine"
Copyright="Copyright 1999 Epic Games, Inc."
Unreal Swedish Localization
Shared files: ALAudio.setCore.setD3DDrv.setEditor.setEngine.setIpDrv.setSetup.setStartup.setUnrealEd.setWindow.setWinDrv.setD3D9Drv.setFMODAudioDrv.setGalaxy.setGlideDrv.setIpServer.setMeTaLDrv.setOpenGLDrv.setSglDrv.setSoftDrv.setUBrowser.setUMenu.setUnrealI.setUnrealShare.setUWindow.setXDrv.setXMesaGLDrv.setXOpenGLDrv.set
Unreal exclusives: SetupUnreal.setSetupUnrealPatch.setD3D8Drv.setEFX.setOGLDrv.setOldOpenGLDrv.setOldWeapons.setPhysXPhysics.setScriptedAI.setSDL2Drv.setSwFMOD.setUnreal.setUnrealIntegrity.setUnrealLinux.setUnrealLinux.bin.setUnrealOSX.setUnrealOSX.bin.setUnrealSDL2.setUnrealSDL2.bin.setUnrealXLinux.setUnrealXLinux.bin.setUWebAdmin.setWebAdminHTML.set
Assets: Bluff.setCeremony.setChizra.setDark.setDasaCellars.setDasaPass.setDCrater.setDig.setDKNightOp.setDmAriza.setDmBeyondTheSun.setDmCurse.setDmDeathFan.setDmDeck16.setDmElsinore.setDmExar.setDMfith.setDmHealPod.setDmMorbias.setDmRadikus.setDmRetrospective.setDmRiot.setDmTundra.setDug.setEndGame.setExtremeBeg.setExtremeCore.setExtremeDark.setExtremeDarkGen.setExtremeDGen.setExtremeEnd.setExtremeGen.setExtremeLab.setFemale1Skins.setFemale2Skins.setGateway.setHarobed.setIsvDeck1.setIsvKran32.setIsvKran4.setMale1Skins.setMale2Skins.setMale3Skins.setNaliBoat.setNaliC.setNaliLord.setNoork.setNyleve.setPassage.setQueenEnd.setRuins.setSkTrooperSkins.setSkyBase.setSkyCaves.setSkyTown.setSpireVillage.setTerraLift.setTerraniux.setTheSunspire.setTrench.setVeloraEnd.setVortex2.set
Return to Na Pali: UDSDemo.setUPak.setUPakFix.setAbyss.setCrashsite.setCrashsite1.setCrashsite2.setDmAthena.setDmDaybreak.setDmHazard.setDmStomp.setDmSunSpeak.setDmTerra.setDuskFalls.setEldora.setEnd.setFoundry.setGlacena.setGlathriel1.setGlathriel2.setInterIntro.setInter1.setInter2.setInter3.setInter4.setInterCrashsite.setInter5.setInter6.setInter7.setInter8.setInter9.setInter10.setInter11.setInter12.setInter13.setInter14.setIntro1.setIntro2.setNagomi.setNagomiSun.setNalic2.setNevec.setSpireLand.setToxic.setUGCredits.setUpack.setVelora.set
Fusion Mappack: DM-Cybrosis.setDM-Letting.setDM-Loxi.setDM-Mojo.setDM-Shrapnel.setDM-Twilight.set
Division Mappack: DmBayC.setDmCreek.setDmDespair.setDmEclipse.setDmKrazy.setDmLocke.setDmMorbfanza.setDmScruular.setDmSplash.setDmVilla.set
Unreal Tournament Swedish Localization
Shared files: ALAudio.setCore.setD3DDrv.setEditor.setEngine.setIpDrv.setSetup.setStartup.setUnrealEd.setWindow.setWinDrv.setD3D9Drv.setFMODAudioDrv.setGalaxy.setGlideDrv.setIpServer.setMeTaLDrv.setOpenGLDrv.setSglDrv.setSoftDrv.setUBrowser.setUMenu.setUnrealI.setUnrealShare.setUWindow.setXDrv.setXMesaGLDrv.setXOpenGLDrv.setUWeb.set
UT exclusives: Botpack.setCluster.setSDLDrv.setSDLGLDrv.setSDLSoftDrv.setudemo.setUnrealTournament.setUTBrowser.setUTMenu.setUTServerAdmin.set
Assets: AS-Frigate.setAS-Guardia.setAS-HiSpeed.setAS-Mazon.setAS-Oceanfloor.setAS-Overlord.setAS-Rook.setAS-Tutorial.setBossSkins.setCityIntro.setCommandoSkins.setCTF-Command.setCTF-Coret.setCTF-Dreary.setCTF-EternalCave.setCTF-Face.setCTF-Gauntlet.setCTF-LavaGiant.setCTF-Niven.setCTF-November.setCTF-Tutorial.setDM-Barricade.setDM-Codex.setDM-Conveyor.setDM-Curse][.setDM-Deck16][.setDM-Fetid.setDM-Fractal.setDM-Gothic.setDM-Grinder.setDM-HyperBlast.setDM-KGalleon.setDM-Liandri.setDM-Morbias][.setDM-Morpheus.setDM-Oblivion.setDM-Peak.setDM-Phobos.setDM-Pressure.setDM-Pyramid.setDM-Stalwart.setDM-StalwartXL.setDM-Tempest.setDM-Turbine.setDM-Tutorial.setDM-Zeto.setDOM-Cinder.setDOM-Condemned.setDOM-Cryptic.setDOM-Gearbolt.setDOM-Ghardhen.setDOM-Lament.setDOM-Leadworks.setDOM-MetalDream.setDOM-Olden.setDOM-Sesmar.setDOM-Tutorial.setEOL_Assault.setEOL_Challenge.setEOL_CTF.setEOL_Deathmatch.setEOL_Domination.setEOL_Statues.setFCommandoSkins.setSGirlSkins.setSoldierSkins.setUTCredits.setUT-Logo-Map.set
GOTY Edition: de.setmultimesh.setrelics.setrelicsbindings.settcowmeshskins.settnalimeshskins.settskmskins.setCTF-Cybrosis][.setCTF-Darji16.setCTF-Face][.setCTF-HallOfGiants.setCTF-High.setCTF-Hydro16.setCTF-Kosov.setCTF-Noxion16.setCTF-Nucleus.setCTF-Orbital.setDM-Agony.setDM-ArcaneTemple.setDM-Crane.setDM-Cybrosis][.setDM-HealPod][.setDM-Malevolence.setDM-Mojo][.setDM-Shrapnel][.setDM-SpaceNoxx.set
Bonus Pack 4: skeletalchars.setCTF-Beatitude.setCTF-EpicBoy.setCTF-Face-SE.setCTF-Ratchet.setDM-Bishop.setDM-Closer.setDM-Grit-TOURNEY.setDM-Viridian-TOURNEY.setDOM-Bullet.setDOM-Cidom.setDOM-Lament][.setDOM-WolfsBay.set
Rocket Arena: RocketArena.setRocketArenaMultimesh.setRA-Akuma.setRA-Clawfist.setRA-CliffyB.setRA-DavidM.setRA-DavidM2.setRA-Ebolt.setRA-GE][.setRA-Heiko.setRA-Inoxx.setRA-OutWorld.setRA-Shinigami.setRA-Warren.setRA-Qwerty.setRA-Revolver.set
Chaos UT: ChaosUT.setChaosUTMiscMuts.setChaosGames.setChreks.setChrekSkins.setChrekvoicedozer.setChrekvoicescout.setCTF-CUT_ChaosCastle-pf.setCTF-CUT_Horus.setDM-CUT_Eclipse.setDM-CUT_Proxyking.setDM-CUT_SkullMoon.setDM-CUT_StorageAlpha.setDM-CUT_ThebellTolls.setDM-CUT_WeaponsOfChaos.setDM-CUT_WeaponsOfWar.setUTChaosMap.setKOTH_BaseStationTheta.set