469 release notes/v469b

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Unreal Tournament v469 Release Notes

Version 469b is completely network compatible with all previous public releases of UT (down to 432). The UTPG and OldUnreal teams worked hard to maintain binary compatibility with older native mods. Most of these mods will continue to work in version 469b. However, some mods may need some trivial updates. If you are a native mod author, and you are having trouble updating your mod for version 469b, then please reach out to us at the OldUnreal forums. Note: This patch disables older versions of ACE. Server admins should upgrade ACE to version 1.1e or later to check 469b clients.

Release date

March 11, 2021

Patch Distribution

  • The Windows and Mac packages are now digitally signed. This should significantly reduce the amount of false-positive malware warnings.
  • Updated the included OpenAL Soft binary for Windows to version 1.21.1
  • Updated the included FMOD Engine binaries for all clients to version 2.1.08
  • Updated the included libcurl binary for Windows to version 7.72.0_3 (this version will hopefully generate fewer false positive detections by malware scanners)
  • Updated the included SDL2 binaries for Linux and macOS to version 2.12

Stability Improvements

Unreal Editor

  • Fixed a bug that caused ucc batchexport to crash while exporting native classes
  • Fixed bugs that crashed Unreal Editor when attempting to import non-power-of-two (NPOT) textures
  • Fixed a bug that caused Unreal Editor to crash when editing certain actor properties in the editactor window
  • Fixed a bug that caused Unreal Editor to crash after undoing a transaction that had caused an actor to be renamed (e.g., a duplicate or copy/paste operation)
  • Fixed a bug that caused Unreal Editor to crash after editing a combo value in the actor browser
  • Fixed a bug that caused Unreal Editor to crash when rebuilding brushes with invalid brush links

Physics and Player Movement

  • Fixed several FCollisionHash stability problems, including the infamous FCollisionHash::ActorLineCheck crash (thanks Eternity/Feralidragon!)

Game Client

  • Fixed a bug that caused the game client to crash when resetting configuration options in the preferences window
  • Fixed a bug that caused the game to crash when preloading very large textures
  • Fixed a bug that caused the garbage collector to crash when loading maps with very long names

Audio and 3D Rendering

  • Fixed a bug that caused Galaxy to crash during mapswitches if you had UseDigitalMusic set to false
  • Fixed a bug that caused Galaxy to crash when playing a mono sound and a stereo/compressed sound simultaneously
  • Fixed a bug that caused the game client to crash in scenes with lots of lights in them
  • Fixed a bug that caused the game to crash in ProcessDrawCalls when attempting to render a ScriptedTexture with a high-resolution source texture
  • Fixed a bug that caused D3D9Drv to crash when attempting to render textures with empty compressed mipmaps
  • Fixed a directdraw initialization bug that caused SoftDrv to crash in fullscreen mode

Networking and Netcode

  • Removed the NumInRec<=RELIABLE_BUFFER assertion which could still be reached by certain server crash tools

Bug Fixes

Unreal Editor

  • Fixed a bug that caused the 3D viewport camera to jump when clicking and holding down a mouse button without moving the mouse
  • Fixed texture compression artifacts in textures whose width or height were not multiples of 4
  • Fixed a problem that caused constant idle CPU usage when using UEd with audio enabled
  • Fixed an UnrealEd bug that made it impossible to assign songs to MusicEvents
  • Pressing cancel in the file saving dialog now works as expected
  • The mover node count check that happens during map saving now works as expected
  • Fixed a bug that made UnrealEd's cleanup tool remove original actors too when trying to clean up their duplicates
  • Fixed a bug that caused file saving failures for packages that generated compatibility warnings
  • Fixed a bug that caused certain actor duplication operations to silently fail

Physics and Player Movement

  • Restored actor touch behavior for older (<v469) clients and servers
  • Fixed a bug that caused collisions with invisible level geometry when playing at extremely high frame rates

Networking and Netcode

  • Fixed a bug that made the server stop responding to in-game browser queries if there were players in PlayerWaiting or PlayerSpectating state on the server
  • Removed the file size check from the HTTP file downloader. This size check prevented players from joining servers when the redirect server sent them a file of a different generation than the one the game server was using
  • Fixed a bug that caused certain actor properties not to update after becoming relevant to clients again
  • Fixed a bug that made it impossible to play demos recorded on servers running very old versions of UTPure
  • Fixed a bug that caused hidden viewtarget actors not to be replicated. This bug broke bunnytrack maps such as BT-OcarinaOfTime

Audio and 3D Rendering

  • Fixed a bug that caused scriptedtextures (such as the ammo counters on the minigun, rocket launcher, and flak cannon) not to update properly
  • Fixed a bug that caused the VSync menu option not to work for XOpenGLDrv
  • Fixed a bug that made XOpenGLDrv render complex meshes incorrectly
  • Fixed a bug that caused masked textures to render incorrectly in XOpenGLDrv
  • Fixed XOpenGLDrv texture decompression for small textures and NPOT textures
  • Fixed an ALAudio bug that caused sounds to play from the wrong location
  • Fixed a Galaxy bug that broke sound spatialization
  • Fixed a bug that caused Cluster to play interface sounds (such as voice taunts) with the wrong pitch
  • Fixed a bug that could cause ALAudio music playback to stop randomly
  • Fixed an XOpenGLDrv bug that caused smallwave textures to be rendered as unmasked textures
  • Fixed an XOpenGLDrv bug that caused part of the viewport to be invisible when going into fullscreen mode from a max-sized window
  • Fixed a bug that caused D3DDrv screenshots to be blank when using windowed mode
  • Fixed a bug that caused D3D10Drv and D3D11Drv to change the windowed mode resolution when going into fullscreen mode using ALT+ENTER
  • Fixed a bug that caused objects behind mirrors to be visible in OpenGLDrv and XOpenGLDrv
  • Fixed a bug that made the shield belt effect visible while spectating a player with behindview 0
  • Fixed a bug that caused unlit meshes in fog zones to be rendered without texturing
  • Fixed a bug that caused the pulsegun to be rendered in the wrong position when holding it in your left or right hand
  • Fixed a bug that made announcer sounds (such as CTF events) too quiet when using Galaxy
  • Fixed an XOpenGLDrv bug that caused decals to render incorrectly
  • Fixed a bug that caused textures to render with the wrong PolyFlags when setting UsePrecache to true in the renderer settings
  • Restored the old sound culling behavior for older clients connected to 469 servers
  • Fixed a bug that could cause sounds produced by moving actors to be culled despite being in range of the listener


  • Fixed a bug that made it possible to cycle through AnnouncerSpectators (which UTv469 uses to play announcersounds) using F5 or Viewclass binds
  • Fixed bugs that made it impossible to load mods that imported color palettes from the original Botpack, UnrealI, or UnrealShare packages
  • Fixed the broken polygon in the ripper gun
  • Fixed a bug that made the ammo bar in the HUD not to scale properly at high resolutions
  • Fixed a bug that caused the in-game voice menu to have large black borders under certain conditions
  • Teleporting with the translocator no longer causes you to start falling if you were flying at the start of the teleport
  • ViewShake now allows the camera roll to reset to 0 at high framerates (External Contribution by Deaod)
  • SendServerMove now sends the correct viewrotation to the server (External Contribution by Deaod)
  • The rocket launcher lock-on crosshair now scales correctly with custom crosshair scaling options (External Contribution by Deaod)


  • Fixed a bug that caused the game to parse commandline parameters incorrectly when the game was launched from a folder containing spaces
  • Added the missing TTF fonts to the Linux patch package
  • Fixed a bug that made Setup.exe not read the Manifest.int file in a umod if you already had a Manifest in your System folder
  • Fixed bugs that broke savegame saving and loading on Linux and macOS


Unreal Editor

  • Added a new package verification routine that can detect and fix up packages that are incompatible with previous versions of UT. This routine automatically runs while compiling/saving a package.
  • Made the font size for the game/UEd log windows configurable in the ini
  • Optimized bulk actor deletion
  • Oversized textures in the texture browser now get clipped rather than ignored
  • Added "Import CompMips" button to the texture browser. This allows you to import and compress hi-res image data and add it to an existing texture
  • Made BC3/DXT5 the default compressed texture format for textures whose source image has alpha channel data
  • The model points count is now visible on the build sheet

Game Client

  • Made the game client automatically load the default viewport manager when the configured viewport manager fails to load (e.g., when trying to load SDLDrv on Windows)
  • Made the driver and preference caching system filter out duplicates. This fixes the duplicate entries some Linux and macOS players were seeing in the game menus (e.g., in the list of game types or skins)
  • The top right corner of the in-game menu bar now includes additional version information
  • The renderer no longer gets destroyed when switching between windowed mode and fullscreen mode
  • The Linux client now has an (experimental) wxWidgets-based launcher (wx-ut-bin-). This launcher adds support for the "preferences" console command. It requires wxWidgets 3.1.4 or later. (External Contribution by Buggie)
  • The client now retains the INI, USERINI, LOG, LANPLAY, and NEWWINDOW command line options when relaunching


  • Restored compatibility with a couple of older mods that replace the game menu
  • Added new crosshair rendering options to the in-game menu
  • Merged several improvements to the in-game voice menu, including numbered labels, larger lists, and scrolling in larger steps. (External Contribution by Buggie)
  • CTF flags now automatically respawn and get returned to their flag base if they get destroyed. This allows CTF flags to work on maps with CloudZones or TriggeredDeath triggers. The fix is enabled by default but can be disabled by setting Botpack.CTFGame.bAutoRespawnFlags to false. (External Contribution by Buggie)
  • The pulse beam no longer despawns if you hold the pulsegun altfire button for more than 60 seconds

Audio and 3D Rendering

  • Restored distance culling and sound dampening for occluded sound sources in Galaxy and Cluster
  • Made Cluster reset all music channels when looping tracker music
  • Increased the draw distance in D3D9Drv
  • Restored compatibility with legacy audio drivers from earlier windows patches (although you may have to use the -nodep commandline switch)
  • Improved XOpenGLDrv performance (particularly for people with older GPUs)
  • Revamped OpenGLDrv shader code
  • Enabled Ogg Vorbis support in all audio drivers and in the UnrealEd music browser
  • Added more VSync control options to the in-game menu
  • Added audio output selection options to the in-game menu (supported by ALAudio and Cluster)
  • Increased the size of the vertex selection markers when using OpenGLDrv or D3D9Drv


  • Added a menu option to control the Translocator's weapon switching behavior when pressing fire and alt-fire simultaneously. This option will only affect local games or games on 469b (and later) servers.
  • The gargbage collector now tracks and cleans up actor references stored in object default properties