Build number is version 221 and it was compiled on Jan 17 1999!

After downloading, you can just extract the zipped UT file with WinRar or 7ZIP and you're good to go.
You need to copy some texture files from your UT99 folder over to the beta folder.
Also, one of the files is broken, but Yrex made a quick fix for that and for one of the missing texture.
Software rendering is the most stable video driver for it and in order to get the music to work, go into the Advanced Settings -> Audio -> put UseDigitalMusic to True and then restart.
Quick Overview:
A different menu is introduced: a moving text with a voiceover

The build has lots of cut content, unreleased maps, a lot of obscure and weird stuff, a new health pickup and most of the weapons are different in some ways.
Also, most of the weapons are still from Unreal. Only the Ripper, the Pulse Gun and the Redeemer (AKA. the Warhead Launcher) are new
(and the translocator ofc).

We finally got a beta Ripper!

Some of the cut maps are straight up look like they were intended as a singleplayer map.

Honestly, there's a lot more to cover and to spoil.
You gotta see it for yourselves!
Yrex made some gameplay footage. If you can't try it out now or soon, I recommend them to watch:
Looks like this is the version most of the magazines were previewing back in 1999. (well, close to it)
So it's good that we've got another version from that era.
This is very exciting and I'm interested what do you guys think!