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OldUnreal takes over maintenance of the Unreal Tournament code base

UT now belongs to the "old" Unreal as well. Supporting it for OpenGL and Sound its time to put up a board now.

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OldUnreal takes over maintenance of the Unreal Tournament code base

Post by anth »

Dear OldUnreal and Unreal Tournament communities,

What some of you may have already suspected or heard through the grapevine can now finally be announced. The OldUnreal team has reached an agreement with Epic games to take over maintenance of the Unreal Tournament code base. I will be joining this effort along with a few other members of the OldUnreal developer team.

The goal of our maintenance project is to fix bugs, address performance problems, and to ensure that UT keeps running smoothly on modern platforms. We will not, however, change the way the game looks or feels. We will also ensure that new releases of UT remain network-compatible with older releases.

We have been working on a new UT patch for a while now and we have made quite some progress. We initially based our patch on UTPG's unreleased MD5 patch, but have addressed a lot of security and stability issues and have made a lot of overall improvements to the game. We do not have an ETA for the initial release yet, but we feel we are getting close.

Keep an eye on this forum for more news!


Legal Disclaimer: This project was approved by Epic, but it is not an official Epic project, nor has it been reviewed or tested by Epic.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the following people:
  • Epic Games: obviously :)
  • Stacey Conley (aka "Flak"): this project would not have happened without her. Thank you Stacey, you are amazing!
  • Ryan C. Gordon (aka "icculus"): for his hard work on UT over the years and for SDL2. If you like Ryan's work, then please consider supporting him.
  • Smirftsch and the OldUnreal team: for their many years of work on Unreal 227, for contributing the new ALAudio and XOpenGLDrv renderers, for hosting this forum, and for joining this effort. If you like OldUnreal's work, then please consider a donation.
  • Higor: for being the lead tester, reporting numerous bugs, submitting lots of fixes, for XC_Engine, and for helping us keep this game alive.
  • Chamberly: for testing and for finding lots of creative ways to break the game.
  • Chris Dohnal: for contributing the UTGLR OpenGL and Direct3D 9 renderers.

Mandatory Q&A:

[*] Will this patch work on my machine?

Most likely! You will need a Pentium 4 machine running either Windows XP, a Linux distribution with glibc 2.19 or greater, Mac OS X 10.7, or macOS.
[*] Will you release the updated Mac OS X/macOS client?

Yes! Do keep in mind, however, that our team does not have a lot of macOS hardware or expertise. The macOS client has not been thoroughly tested.
[*] Will you release updated public headers?

Yes! We will be releasing an update to the core headers and the Windows import libraries. If you have any issues with porting native mods to UT v469, then please reach out to us here.
[*] Will this break any mods?

No! We worked very hard to maintain compatibility with earlier versions of the game. All UnrealScript mods for UT v432-v451b should work without any modifications. Many native mods will also continue to work. However, some of them might need some trivial adjustments and/or a recompile.
[*] Will this break my awesome 3D renderer?

No! All of your favorite 3D renderers will continue to work. Chris Dohnal's UTGLR renderers work great and are included in this patch. Marijn Kentie's [url=]Direct3D 10[/url] renderers work too, but are not included.
[*] Will you integrate XC_Engine?

Our agreement with Epic only allows us to fix bugs and to make sure the game keeps running smoothly on modern platforms. We therefore can (and have) only integrate(d) small parts of XC_Engine (thanks Higor!). XC_Engine itself will remain a standalone package.
[*] Is there anything I can do to help out?

Yes! Keep an eye on this forum. We will be needing Mac and Linux testers soon. Also, if you know of any serious bugs in either UCC, UnrealEd, or UT itself, and if you can explain how to reproduce those bugs, then please report them at the Bugs subforum.
[*] What happened to UTPG?

We don't know.
[*] Have you fixed Unreal Editor?

Yes and no. Our current version of UnrealEd is superior to the one included in versions v436 through v451, but still has a few annoying bugs. After our initial patch, we will investigate whether it is possible to bring Unreal 227's UnrealEd to UT.

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Re: OldUnreal takes over maintenance of the Unreal Tournament code base

Post by Hellkeeper »

This is amazing. Given how horrible mapping for UT2004 has become on W10 as D3D is hardcoded, cannot be changed and has become a nightmare for selecting and manipulating actors, I was wondering how to get my mapping fix, either UT99 which felt really deprecated but has an audience or Unreal which is now incredibly well finished thanks to OldUnreal but suffers from a lack of players and a pretty much inexistant multiplayer community outside of coop.
This should open the door for the best of both world: a UT99 with all the benefits from OldUnreal's great work and improvements and the opportunity to map with a small chance that someone will play what is released.

I, on a personal level, see this as a godsend. And I know it might very well reinvigorate UT, which would be a beautiful sight to behold.
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Re: OldUnreal takes over maintenance of the Unreal Tournament code base

Post by Hook »

I totally agree with Hellkeeper!
This is totally awesome.

Thank you for this!
HUTP will also support and do what we can for this project! ;)
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Re: OldUnreal takes over maintenance of the Unreal Tournament code base

Post by Buster »

Great news for the Unreal (UT) world. I sure hope they can get the 227 editor (and all of its goodies) working for UT. I'm sure the mappers still out there will really like that.

Gotta love the dedication and hard work of all the people mentioned above. Makes me proud to be a part of the Oldunreal community, even in a small way.

Amazing to watch a gaming community evolve over the last 14 years. What a fantastic collection of talented people. I look forward to seeing the development of this project.
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Re: OldUnreal takes over maintenance of the Unreal Tournament code base

Post by Shai »

What an exciting announcement - many thanks to all involved for your hard work in bringing this about.
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Re: OldUnreal takes over maintenance of the Unreal Tournament code base

Post by medor »

New ACE with UT scr .... goodbye cheaters :D
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Re: OldUnreal takes over maintenance of the Unreal Tournament code base

Post by zac »

This is great news!
I have a 2011 Mac High Sierra 10.13 and willing to test new UT mac versions on it ( and definitely not so I can play at work )

Also, I have a legacy Linux distro called Lubuntu which I can also use to test versions. To get in contact with me, please reach out to me on the ut99 Discord. I'm user #8409
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Re: OldUnreal takes over maintenance of the Unreal Tournament code base

Post by Feralidragon »

This was revealed about a week or more ago in the discord, and is indeed great news, and a good motivator for existing enthusiasts to come back, and for players to eventually try it out.

If it ends up coming before the 20th anniversary, that would be ideal, since by then Epic may do the same they did with Unreal, and have it temporarily free by then, which means that a lot of players may try it out, many for the first time, so it with a patch like this released, players won't have to install and tweak dozens of different things to have the game work smoothly.

Having that said:
@anth: could you also create this same topic at
Given that it is currently the defacto UT99 forum, and although we could copy the topic, it would be best if it was created and maintained by the man himself.

After you do that, it's likely that the mods will make it sticky so anyone going there knows about the patch, since right now there's a bit of a confusion among UT99ers.
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Re: OldUnreal takes over maintenance of the Unreal Tournament code base

Post by Beemo »

Cannot wait!
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Re: OldUnreal takes over maintenance of the Unreal Tournament code base

Post by deathpax »

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Re: OldUnreal takes over maintenance of the Unreal Tournament code base

Post by Dr.Flay™ »

I would like to ask for the Spider_Phys to be fixed please !

There are also a bunch of fixes that MrLoathsome did for the engine that should be considered for inclusion.
Simple fixes such as improved decals code that works with all mods and an improved spectator mode would be very handy for all.
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Re: OldUnreal takes over maintenance of the Unreal Tournament code base

Post by cafe »

This is amazing news! Thank you Epic, Flak, Old Unreal, and everyone else involved!

You guys really are a treasure of this community. Thank you for giving our beloved game a chance at new life.

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Re: OldUnreal takes over maintenance of the Unreal Tournament code base

Post by Dr.Flay™ »

So much work went into the UT99-SDK it would be worth seeing what features could be added.

Would it be worth asking if he wants to move to this project ?
He did start work on it again last year, so it would make sense to make use of his experience.
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Re: OldUnreal takes over maintenance of the Unreal Tournament code base

Post by gopostal »

I was reading this thread at UT99 and it's also happening here. Please go back and look at the first post, specifically this part:
The goal of our maintenance project is to fix bugs, address performance problems, and to ensure that UT keeps running smoothly on modern platforms. We will not, however, change the way the game looks or feels. We will also ensure that new releases of UT remain network-compatible with older releases.
Very few actual bug reports are being issued, it's almost entirely "Can you add this entire years-long project to the game?" like it's simply cut-and-paste effort. How about solving the editor crashing or going whitescreen *first*, and let the modders deal with things like they always have. Most of the asked for projects are still in development...That's crazy talk to consider that they need to be slipstreamed into the base game. It's going to create a mess and we all know who is going to get blamed for every error.

We are going to frustrate and demoralize the people giving of their time to improve the game base when the things they ask for are ignored and people just concentrate on being a little selfish about what they want instead. It's been asked of us to provide bug reports, so provide bug reports in the main threads. If you have a dream list of additions then start a new thread and reference the announcement.

In a very real way we as a community have been asked to help and it's being ignored for selfish reasons. We should be better than that.
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Re: OldUnreal takes over maintenance of the Unreal Tournament code base

Post by []KAOS[]Casey »

the following text is speculation based on what I knew in the past and what little I know about the new ut99 patch:

to be fair a lot of the bugfix contributions for UT smirf has already done behind the scenes such as the nefarious DrawWorldAnomaly years ago but was never actually allowed to release it himself because that was UTPG's job, not his. I'm assuming the next release of UT99 patch will include these among other things ported from 227 such as numerous division by zero fixes and such. 436 wasn't totally unstable compared to 226b/226f to begin with. I'd wait for release to see how stable it is. Certainly UT isn't my area of expertise but I trust anth to take what is in 227 out to make it stable and put it in UT. I always hated that all the work dots and I plus many others did to try to get 227 stable and just couldn't give it to our friends playing UT... but now we can, so I think we should enjoy a little celebration first ;)
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Re: OldUnreal takes over maintenance of the Unreal Tournament code base

Post by Dr.Flay™ »

Fair points Gopo
I can easily contextualise my suggestions into enhancements or bug fixes.

Bug: Decals don't work in all mods, and lags the game when lots are in use.
Fix for both issues is available and would be appreciated built-in.
(This will increase compatibility if anything)

Speaking of compatibility I fear we will face the inevitable problem of the UT server world and few admin will bother updating. Doubtful any current 436 servers will update.
People are going to have to pester admin as much as possible (if they can find them).
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Re: OldUnreal takes over maintenance of the Unreal Tournament code base

Post by BaTHuK »

Hello, that's great news. Thanks for your work.
As I know devs are collecting ideas for a new patch.
We have got one idea for many years already.
Competitive ictf players especially from ut2004 and ut4 ask for bright skins in ut99.
I know there is a tweak for that which is illegal according to the old CB rules.
Is that possible to create a server side mutator which will allow players to use or not to use bright skins while playing?
@OwYeaW tried to do that as i know
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Re: OldUnreal takes over maintenance of the Unreal Tournament code base

Post by Malevol3nt »

Dear OldUnreal and Unreal Tournament communities,
Wow, that is pretty great news!

Is there a plan to fix the crosshair scaling issue on high-resolution displays? Over the years, I've had the same problem on many machines. When the in-game resolution is high (think 1920.1080p or more), the crosshair appears scaled up and blurry.

There are ways to work around this, some monitors have built-in crosshair display support, for example. But it's not the best option as this puts the crosshair permanently on screen until it's manually removed.

Anyway I wish you guys the best of luck! I wish I could see UT's codebase one day, I'm a developer too. Cheers!
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Re: OldUnreal takes over maintenance of the Unreal Tournament code base

Post by medor »

Dear OldUnreal and Unreal Tournament communities,
Wow, that is pretty great news!

Is there a plan to fix the crosshair scaling issue on high-resolution displays? Over the years, I've had the same problem on many machines. When the in-game resolution is high (think 1920.1080p or more), the crosshair appears scaled up and blurry.

There are ways to work around this, some monitors have built-in crosshair display support, for example. But it's not the best option as this puts the crosshair permanently on screen until it's manually removed.

Anyway I wish you guys the best of luck! I wish I could see UT's codebase one day, I'm a developer too. Cheers!
Include inbuilt crosshair scaling window would be nice without ace (optional thing), i have created the window for my server, if someones wants that feel free to ask me, i will give the source ... u&start=15
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Re: OldUnreal takes over maintenance of the Unreal Tournament code base

Post by papercoffee »

Ok ...for me, and I know it's a little bit selfish, needs the behaviour of Portals be fixed. Not in the game but the Editor. (well yes there as well)
It's always a pain in the butt to adjust the portal sheets in an exact way just to get them to work and when you screw this up it won't work or worse your map is corrupted.

What also is a huge problem hit-scan weapons through portals. I don't know if this is doable without breaking something. But for a lot of effects it would be needed.
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Re: OldUnreal takes over maintenance of the Unreal Tournament code base

Post by Hellkeeper »

Ok ...for me, and I know it's a little bit selfish, needs the behaviour of Portals be fixed. Not in the game but the Editor. (well yes there as well)
It's always a pain in the butt to adjust the portal sheets in an exact way just to get them to work and when you screw this up it won't work or worse your map is corrupted.
In my experience, all problems with warpzone portals come from alignment and can be easily identified with the [url=]right texture choice.[/url]
What also is a huge problem hit-scan weapons through portals. I don't know if this is doable without breaking something. But for a lot of effects it would be needed.
Since this has been made possible in Unreal, I don't see why it wouldn't be possible in UT. I'm looking forward for this too, it always limited the great potential of warpzones.
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Re: OldUnreal takes over maintenance of the Unreal Tournament code base

Post by papercoffee »

In my experience, all problems with warpzone portals come from alignment and can be easily identified with the [url=]right texture choice.[/url]
And that alignment sometimes even fails. If you use special kind of shapes for the portal sheets it's a play with the fire...
Maybe you remember my Gravity Mayhem map?

Yes, this map consists nearly only of portals. And what also is a bummer the relevance from one object in another room won't be transported into the next. Sound will never travel through a portal.
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Re: OldUnreal takes over maintenance of the Unreal Tournament code base

Post by Hellkeeper »

Obviously with very complex portal angles, you end up with alignment which are very hard to understand. Maybe that's the root of the problems you had?
The relevance problem is a big problem obviously, I didn't test it in 227, I can't tell if a workaround has been implemented, but the trace weapons firing through the warpzones is the main issue IMO, so I can't wait for it to be added. If sounds and such could be made to work too that'd be great.
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Re: OldUnreal takes over maintenance of the Unreal Tournament code base

Post by rdy2bz »

Yes! Keep an eye on this forum. We will be needing Mac and Linux testers soon.
I can help you test the Linux release. Is there anything available yet?
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Re: OldUnreal takes over maintenance of the Unreal Tournament code base

Post by []KAOS[]Casey »

Sounds through portals is a bit harder... it uses VSize(source.location-listener.location) to determine how far away you are, and it's simply not aware of the "real" distance between a portal that makes the visual distance between point A/B extremely small, but in world coords is hugely different. I don't know if they solved this for unreal engine 4, or if warpzones even still exist. The source code for UE4 is literally just online waiting to be read, so if it's fixed it can be backported.
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