Feralidragon's Mods (Nali Weapons 3, O.M.P.,Squidy, etc.)
Feralidragon's Mods
O.M.P. WIP source:
Starting with the O.M.P., the native project I was actively developing for UT for the past few months was canceled as I can do the same (and actually better and hell lot faster) in Unity.
My progress in it resumes so far however to just some experimental integration of some known stuff into UT such as cURL, sqLite3, zip, threading and a OpenGL upgrade.
I was in the past 2 months rewriting the mesh rendering pipeline in OpenGL and could thus far eliminate the current UT polycount bottleneck completely, and the result was that for the first time I heard the fan starting working in UT as if I was playing a modern game, that and being able to render about 15x more polys (from 30.000 to around 450.000), and I think that my methods can still be optimized to render even more. I was also already coding in GLSL to make custom shaders, although only 1 is included: the environment mapping shader (which tries to approximate to the one of UT, but which is completely executed GPU-side).
I am releasing this WIP work so whoever wants to continue at least the render part or wants to integrate it into something else, can do so.
This source includes all the ready-to-compile files (D3D9 is broken though, as I didn't update it in any way) made in VS2010.
I won't say what the O.M. part stands for yet, since my project in Unity will have the same naming, and it's an original name I want to preserve and not get crawled or known yet.
Some notes however: the headers included are a mix of the github surreal headers, with anth, with modifications of my own, and the main modification is that the macro TEXT("") is UTEXT("") in my project since it conflicted with the existing TEXT("") macro from windows itself. Others were mostly to make the integration of certain libraries work.
Other than that you can use it for whatever projects of yours you want.
X-Vehicles mod and source:
As some of you know a past project I had was X-Vehicles, a mod aimed to bring vehicles to UT. However I abandoned the project a long time ago.
The first link is the mod, the second the source. As for the mod it only has a test map and the packages themselves, there's no mutator to include them directly in other maps, but you can summon the vehicles with console commands and make your own experiments.
The physics is not that great though.
You can also extend from it, fix it, etc if you wish, do whatever you want with them.
Nali Weapons 3 Final + Source:
Probably the source most developers following the mod may be interested to have, and there you have it. Feel free to make new NW3 versions if you wish, fix bugs, enhance it, build upon it, etc.
The original weapon model files are also included, in case you want to modify them as well.
A couple of notes though: the packages are suffixed with _SRC on purpose, as it's supposed to be changed and this way the danger of compiling a package with the same name as of the already released files is nullified. Also, the Core and WRE packages won't compile right away, as for them to compile you need to bytehack the engine.u file and remove the "const" constraint applied in the bFogZone property of ZoneInfo, either that or remove the code that will error if you try to compile without (the code in question simply "fixes" an engine bug of not having decals in fog zones, by toggling the fog when adding decals).
Other sources:
And finally, the rest of the sources, not as big as the ones above, but maybe someone may find some use or some answers to any questions in them:
CSMCXExtras: CSMCXExtras_SRC.rar
Mission Ultimate XZones: MU_Mapping_Custom_Resources
Nali Weapons 2 X: NaliWeaponsIIX_SRC
Native Ready Project: NativeReadyProject (a base emtpy project to build native mods for UT in VS2010 without most of the hassle involved)
Venom-X: NemesisWINGSvX_SRC
NW3 Menus SSE: NWMenusSSE_SRC (simplified system of menus from NW3)
NW3 Ultra Gore SSE: NWUltraGoreSSEb_SRC
X-CTF Announcer: XCTFAnnouncer_SRC
X-Pickups: XPickups_SRC
Squidy: A very simple weapon made for a coding contest from about half a year ago (the challenge was to use only standard assets and a monster mesh as the weapon itself, so I chose he squid, and it works online and everything):
Squidy (mod)
Squidy_SRC (source)
UWeb: (something I started off to digest hashes from MD5 to pretty much the entire SHA family, JSON parser [read and write], a better simplified HTTP request object, etc):
uWeb-WIP_SRC (same as the one above, but this one has more WIP code in it where I started to develop a UScript-SQL based database system, but it's nowhere near complete, not even an alpha, it's half done)
And with this I probably won't write another line of UScript ever again, maybe not even work with UEngine, so use the above sources and the few mods as you please. Any doubts you have on the above you can still ask and I will answer (if possible, some sources are so old that there might be nonsensical code that not even I can explain lol).