OldUnreal, purely devoted to the old Unreal (Tournament) versions
Full Game Installers
Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy new year![25-12-2024]
We didn't want to forget to wish everyone merry Christmas and a happy new year again!
Enjoy some time with your family and friends and have some peaceful days!
Unreal Tournament patch version 469e [17-12-2024]
We are happy to announce a new version of our community patch for Unreal Tournament: Version 469e (Release Candidate 4 as for now)!
Information about the patch you can find in our page for 469 patch
More details and the patch itself are hosted on Github
Please use GitHub reporting System to report issues you may encounter.
Feedback is always very welcome.
Update on progress for Unreal 227k [27-09-2024]
We are still working on the 227k version for Unreal, but if you want to test current beta version already check our public repo @ github: https://github.com/OldUnreal/Unreal-testing
Don't forget to report bugs and feedback either here in the forums or directly in Github!
Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy new year![25-12-2023]
The Oldunreal team wishes everyone merry Christmas and a happy new year!
We will continue our passion to fix, patch, update, upgrade, enhance, increase, code, re-code, re-invent and whatever else you can image to keep our and your games alive.
Have some peaceful days!
Unreal Tournament patch version 469d [11-12-2023]
We are happy to announce a new version of our community patch for Unreal Tournament: Version 469d !
Information about the patch you can find here:
More details and the patch itself are hosted on Github:
Please use the GitHub reporting System or our Forums to report issues you may encounter.
Feedback is always very welcome.
News ! [10-12-2023]
You may have noticed there haven't been many updates for quite some time, but that doesn't mean we are not active or even alive anymore. We are still working on new patches for Unreal and Unreal Tournament and there will be some new (beta) versions soon.
However, if you have anything you feel worth mentioning here, please send me a mail or drop me a message in the forums. I'd me more than happy to announce it.
We have been waiting for a long time... :) [08-11-2022]
A long awaited map pack has been released!
The One is a small/medium-sized mappack for the Oldunreal 227j patch, inspired by classic unreal community maps such as "Nali Cove", "One Day" or "Tashara’s Cove". But it utilizes oldunreal's 227j patch features such as improved stability and better graphical fidelity.
Read more about this great pack in our forums: The One
Chaos International : 24 year Unreal anniversary civil war edition! [06-08-2022]
I got news from Redrum Deatchmatches that there is an event on Redrum Deathmatches on Saturday August 6th 2022, at 2pm EST :
Join me at Redrum Deathmatches as we celebrate 24 years of Unreal at 2pm EST on Saturday, August 6th 2022. Let the international chaos begin!!!!
Anyone is invited and it will be surely a lot of fun :)
Small delay... [06-06-2022]
There has been some unexpected trouble with the installer for the patch, we are working on it, but for obvious reasons the release will have to be delayed until it's solved. It's not much, but we want to provide an uncomplicated and easy install. It'll be a few days at max :)
If my memory serves me right and if certain sources can be trusted, Unreal was released on May 22, 1998. This makes 24 years as of today!
A lot of things have been happened meanwhile, many things have been changed, I've gained a lot of friends and also lost some of them over the years. Greetings to everyone of those stepping by here, drop me a message maybe :)
We have a nice community, still a lot support and I am happy to be part of it.
So happy birthday to OUR old love!
PS: Rumors have been told that 227j is about to be released. While I am able to confirm that, it won't be today as planned.
But the release will be within the next 2 weeks.
End of the year surprise [31-12-2021]
The year ends soon but before it ends we have a surprise for you.
The creator of Unreal Redux presents a brand new trailer for his project. Today is it’s premier on his YouTube channel.
Don’t worry if you can’t join the premier the trailer will be available afterwards as a normal listed video on his channel.
Unreal Redux runs with OldUnreal’s upcoming 227j patch and is a perfect showcase of its new features.
OldUnreal update [18-01-2021]
It's been quite a while since oldunreal had an overhaul, but we are moving to another server which require some updates and changes. The biggest change is the migration of our old reliable YaBB forum to phpBB. This system expects you to login with your username and old password known from YaBB. If you experience any problems there is also the usual "password forgotten" function. If you have any further concerns feel free to contact me.
The next change is that the main page is entirely reworked and managed with a CMS. At first, there might be some content missing because I need to move and sort the downloads, but every download will be back again within the next weeks with even more content currently on the old page.The new layout is mobile responsive, and you can use the link forums.oldunreal.com to access the forums directly from your smartphone or tablet.
Wiki will remain the same and can be reached via link wiki.oldunreal.com.
Do not forget to clear your browser cache!
If you feel something is missing yet or if you encounter any problems, please let me know.
NEWBIESPLAYGROUND Unreal Contest 2020 [08-04-2020]
Hey friends, it's been way to long there have been any news, but now there is something I'm happy to announce.
Let's play some while there is time!DATE: 10th of April to 19th of April 2020 : SinglePlayer Contest
DATE: 10th of April to 19th of April 2020 : Coop Contest
Hi to all fragtastic Unreal players!NEWBIESPLAYGROUND has organised a special SinglePlayer and Coop Contest for the 2020 Easter period and we would like to take this opportunity to invite all players to participate in either or both of these events.
In these challenging, thought-provoking and enlightening times, we think this is a great time for all Unreal players to gather together and unite and enjoy some friendly competition in a peaceful, relaxing environment.
The selection of maps will be as follows :
SinglePlayer Contest
Dig (Rrajigar Mine) - Author: Cliff Bleszinski
MPNeveC (MP Neve’s Crossing) - Author: Nivlek
MPSpireland (MP Spire Valley) - Author: Nivlek / PanchoCoop Contest
Skaarj Tower - Author: Andrew "Drew" Ross
So polish your ASMD, scrape the rust from your FlakCannon, pick up that heavy EightBall and head over to the servers, where you will be most welcome!
Servers are available right now for some online practice, prior to the start of the contest on April 10th.
For much more detailed information and the current scoreboard, please see: UNREAL CONTEST 2020