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Localization Project page
This page belongs to the OldUnreal Localization Project. We aim to localize the game to other languages as flawlessly as possible, with the least amount of errors possible (ideally 0).
In order to achieve such objective, we need your help. Some of these lines contain computer-generated strings which need to be reviewed by actual native or fluent Catalan speakers. Also these lines aren't final, they're always subject to modification, and we're sure better strings can (and will be) eventually found.
The localization project is also available at the Github repository. Completed and incomplete pages will be adapted there once complete.
This page in other languages
English - German - French - Spanish - Italian - Russian - Polish - Portuguese - Hungarian - Czech - Swedish - Catalan - Dutch - Norwegian - Japanese
Language Catalan
Game Unreal
Status 15/15
; EN: Title="Outpost 3J"
Title="Lloc Avançat 3J"
; EN: LevelEntryText="Entering the Outpost 3J"
LevelEntryText="Entrant al Lloc Avançat 3J"

; EN: Title="Outpost 3J"
Title="Lloc Avançat 3J"
; EN: LevelEntryText="Entering the Outpost 3J"
LevelEntryText="Entrant al Lloc Avançat 3J"

; EN: Message="Security Log: Outpost 3J Base Commander Ssja'Rath 10th Talon of Ssa'Rath. To maintain order and security we have been keeping a constant watch on the Nali in the town. Vigilance is the Guardian of Honor."
Message="Registre de seguretat: lloc avançat del comandant de la base 3J Ssja'Rath 10è taló de Ssa'Rath. Per mantenir l'ordre i la seguretat hem estat vigilant constantment els Nali a la ciutat. La vigilància és el guardià d’honor."

; EN: Message="Teleporter Controls"
Message="Controls de teletransportador"

; EN: Message="Rear Entrance Force Field Controls"
Message="Controls de camp de força d’entrada posterior"

; EN: Message="Right Hangar Bay Door Controls"
Message="Controls de la porta de la badia dreta"

; EN: Message="Force Field Controls"
Message="Controls de camp de força"

; EN: Message="Left Hangar Bay Door Controls"
Message="Comandaments de la porta de la badia del hangar esquerre"

; EN: Message="Message Log 7: Mothership acknowledges request for resupply of Outpost 3J. Scout Skimmer 3J-1A authorized to return to the mothership to pick up cargo."
Message="Registre de missatges 7: Mothership accepta la sol·licitud de subministrament de l'avançada 3J. Scout Skimmer 3J-1A autoritzat a tornar a la nau mare per recollir càrrega."

; EN: Message="Main Bay Door Controls"
Message="Controls de la porta principal de la badia"

; EN: Message="Lower Security Access Panel"
Message="Tauler d’accés de seguretat inferior"

; EN: Message="No unauthorized access to lower church catacombs. All personnel must be checked by security before access is granted."
Message="No hi ha accés no autoritzat a les catacumbes de les esglésies inferiors. Tot el personal ha de ser verificat per seguretat abans que es concedeixi l'accés."

; EN: Message="Teleporter target coordinates set for surface transporter pad 13. Sentry personnel already dispatched to location to secure area against resistance. Area cleared for cargo transmission."
Message="Coordenades objectiu del teletransportador establertes per a la plataforma de transport de superfície 13. El personal de la sentinella ja va enviar a la ubicació per protegir la zona contra la resistència. Zona lliure per a la transmissió de càrrega."
Unreal Catalan Localization
Shared files: ALAudio.cttCore.cttD3DDrv.cttEditor.cttEngine.cttIpDrv.cttSetup.cttStartup.cttUnrealEd.cttWindow.cttWinDrv.cttD3D9Drv.cttFMODAudioDrv.cttGalaxy.cttGlideDrv.cttIpServer.cttMeTaLDrv.cttOpenGLDrv.cttSglDrv.cttSoftDrv.cttUBrowser.cttUMenu.cttUnrealI.cttUnrealShare.cttUWindow.cttXDrv.cttXMesaGLDrv.cttXOpenGLDrv.ctt
Unreal exclusives: SetupUnreal.cttSetupUnrealPatch.cttD3D8Drv.cttEFX.cttOGLDrv.cttOldOpenGLDrv.cttOldWeapons.cttPhysXPhysics.cttScriptedAI.cttSDL2Drv.cttSwFMOD.cttUnreal.cttUnrealIntegrity.cttUnrealLinux.cttUnrealLinux.bin.cttUnrealOSX.cttUnrealOSX.bin.cttUnrealSDL2.cttUnrealSDL2.bin.cttUnrealXLinux.cttUnrealXLinux.bin.cttUWebAdmin.cttWebAdminHTML.ctt
Assets: Bluff.cttCeremony.cttChizra.cttDark.cttDasaCellars.cttDasaPass.cttDCrater.cttDig.cttDKNightOp.cttDmAriza.cttDmBeyondTheSun.cttDmCurse.cttDmDeathFan.cttDmDeck16.cttDmElsinore.cttDmExar.cttDMfith.cttDmHealPod.cttDmMorbias.cttDmRadikus.cttDmRetrospective.cttDmRiot.cttDmTundra.cttDug.cttEndGame.cttExtremeBeg.cttExtremeCore.cttExtremeDark.cttExtremeDarkGen.cttExtremeDGen.cttExtremeEnd.cttExtremeGen.cttExtremeLab.cttFemale1Skins.cttFemale2Skins.cttGateway.cttHarobed.cttIsvDeck1.cttIsvKran32.cttIsvKran4.cttMale1Skins.cttMale2Skins.cttMale3Skins.cttNaliBoat.cttNaliC.cttNaliLord.cttNoork.cttNyleve.cttPassage.cttQueenEnd.cttRuins.cttSkTrooperSkins.cttSkyBase.cttSkyCaves.cttSkyTown.cttSpireVillage.cttTerraLift.cttTerraniux.cttTheSunspire.cttTrench.cttVeloraEnd.cttVortex2.ctt
Return to Na Pali: UDSDemo.cttUPak.cttUPakFix.cttAbyss.cttCrashsite.cttCrashsite1.cttCrashsite2.cttDmAthena.cttDmDaybreak.cttDmHazard.cttDmStomp.cttDmSunSpeak.cttDmTerra.cttDuskFalls.cttEldora.cttEnd.cttFoundry.cttGlacena.cttGlathriel1.cttGlathriel2.cttInterIntro.cttInter1.cttInter2.cttInter3.cttInter4.cttInterCrashsite.cttInter5.cttInter6.cttInter7.cttInter8.cttInter9.cttInter10.cttInter11.cttInter12.cttInter13.cttInter14.cttIntro1.cttIntro2.cttNagomi.cttNagomiSun.cttNalic2.cttNevec.cttSpireLand.cttToxic.cttUGCredits.cttUpack.cttVelora.ctt
Fusion Mappack: DM-Cybrosis.cttDM-Letting.cttDM-Loxi.cttDM-Mojo.cttDM-Shrapnel.cttDM-Twilight.ctt
Division Mappack: DmBayC.cttDmCreek.cttDmDespair.cttDmEclipse.cttDmKrazy.cttDmLocke.cttDmMorbfanza.cttDmScruular.cttDmSplash.cttDmVilla.ctt