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// RainGen.
// author: c0mpi1e(Carlos Cuello)
// Total Time So Far: 20 hrs.
// legal: Everything in this class is 100% original and is the 
//        property of me.  It was originally
//      produced for the USCM:Infestation TC, and any revisions 
//      to this mod will be used in that.  This is the final 
//      version that I will release to the public.  You may use 
//      this in any map and release it as part of any map you 
//      create as long as you give me full credit.  If you need
//      anything added in particular you can email me and I'll see
//      what I can do.  
// This is basically what controls the Rain and is the only thing you 
// will have to work with.  I wanted to keep this something that anyone 
// can use, tried to keep it very configurable and tried to make 
// everything be handled from UnrealEd.  So for all you map makers, 
// simply add as many raingen's to the ceiling of the sky where you want 
// it to fall from.  The RainGen delivers a limited range of raindrops, so
// do not expect one raingen to create a monsoon.  To change the various
// settings for the rain, select all the RainGens in your map and click
// on the properties dialog box, then click on the several Rain propety
// menu's that appear(Rain_Behaviour, Rain_Looks, Rain_Sounds).  The 
// intensity variable should be kept between 0 and 5 or so to keep 
// rendering speed good.  DropSpeed should be negative for faster rain, 
// and positive for slower rain, however beware that a positive integer 
// greater than 100 or so will cause the raindrops to go up and hit the
// ceiling.  
// Note: For this release, lightning is not working, if you absolutley 
//      need it, then email me and I'll see what I can do.
class RainGen expands Effects;
// Variables you can manipulate from UnrealED
// This enum lets a mapper or whatnot choose between 3 different sprites
// for the rain drop.  The parenthesis after var tells unreal that this
// variable can be changed from Unrealed, if you put something in the 
// parenthesis then that will be the parent menu of the variable.
var(Rain_Looks) enum ERainType
} RainDrawType;
var(Rain_Looks) float DropSize;    // The size of each drop
var(Rain_Behaviour) int intensity; // The intensity of the rain
var(Rain_Behaviour) int DropSpeed; // determines the drop speed. Neg numbers
                                   // make it drop faster, positive slows it
                                   // down, should be modified for the
                                   // default properties dialog
var(Rain_Behaviour) int RainRadius;   // The radius of the rain, which is
                                      // random from 0 to RainRadius
var(Rain_Behaviour) bool bThunder;  
var(Rain_Behaviour) bool bLightning;  // not implemented yet
var(Rain_Sounds)  Sound ThunderSound1;
var(Rain_Sounds)  Sound ThunderSound2;
var(Rain_Sounds)  int SoundRadius;
var(Rain_Sounds)  int RainVolume;
// Private Variables we want to keep to ourselves
var  int ct;      // misc counter variable, used for
                  // for loops, rather have it as a global
                  // variable because we might use it more
                  // than once.
var  Effects D;   // the actual raindrop
var  Effects L;   // used for lightining
var  vector NewLoc;  // the location of the random rain drop
// Set all our variables.
simulated function PreBeginPlay()
  // We want to enable the timer
  // Set the timer for every ten clicks we want the thunder to be
  // handled here, randomly.  If you put this into the tick function
  // it slows things down considerably.
  SetTimer(10, true);
  // Play the rain sound, using the Ambient slot
  PlaySound(EffectSound1, Slot_Ambient, RainVolume,, SoundRadius);
// Find a random number from -Max to Max
function int RandomNeg(int Max)
    local int k;
  k = Rand(Max + 1);
  if (Rand(2) == 1)
    k = -k;
  return k;
// This is where thunder and lightning are handled
function Timer()
  if (bThunder == true && Rand(5) < 3)
    // Randomly choose which thunder sound to use
    if (Frand() < 0.5)
      PlaySound(ThunderSound1, Slot_Misc, 25, true);
      PlaySound(ThunderSound2, Slot_Misc, 25, true);
  // If we go into the timer, but have bThunder set to false
  // then we no longer want to call the timer, we can put this before
  // in PreBeginPlay, but because we use default properties
  // to handle everything, we will not know then.
  if (bThunder == false)
// This is where everything takes place
function Tick(float deltatime)
  // For the number of intensity that is set from UnrealEd, then
  // spawn a new raindrop
  for (ct = 0; ct < intensity; ct ++)
    // Find a new location for the spawned RainDrop, using my
    // function RandomNeg() and base it off of the current Location
    // we only want to produce one on the horizontal plane of 
    // sky or ceiling, so we leave the Z axes alone.
    NewLoc.X = Location.X + RandomNeg(RainRadius);
    NewLoc.Y = Location.Y + RandomNeg(RainRadius);
    NewLoc.Z = Location.Z;
    // Spawn a raindrop at NewLoc
    d = Spawn(class'RainDrops',,,NewLoc);
    // Set the size to what the user specified
    d.DrawScale = DropSize;  
    // Same with the speeed
    d.Velocity.Z = DropSpeed;
    // Depending on what you choose for RainDrawType then set
    // the appropriate Texture.
    switch RainDrawType
      case Rain_Drop:
        d.Texture = Texture'RainDrop4';
      case Rain_Line:
        d.Texture = Texture'RainLong';
      case Rain_LongLine:
        d.Texture = Texture'RainLonger';
        d.Texture = Texture'RainDrop4';
// RainDrops
class RainDrops expands Effects;
var effects d;
function PreBeginPlay()
  // Make the rain actually fall :)
// When a drop hits a wall or lands on the ground then create
// a small rain puddle effect
function HitWall( vector HitNormal, actor HitWall )
  Super.HitWall(HitNormal, HitWall);
  // 60% chance that there will be a puddle left on the ground
  // do this to keep performance up
  if (Frand() < 0.8)
// Same for Landed
function Landed(vector HitNormal)
  if (Frand() < 0.8)
// RainPuddle.
// Most of the code here is copied from the RingExplosion
// code, basically I just changed the DrawScale to a smaller 
// value, I do not take any credit for this outside of that,
// its makes a very nice effect.
class RainPuddle expands Effects;
var bool bSpawnOnce;
simulated function Timer()
  local WaterRing r;
  if ( Level.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer )
    r = Spawn(class'WaterRing',,,,rot(16384,0,0));
    r.DrawScale = 0.02;
    r.RemoteRole = ROLE_None;
  if (bSpawnOnce) Destroy();
simulated function PostBeginPlay()