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Localization Project page
This page belongs to the OldUnreal Localization Project. We aim to localize the game to other languages as flawlessly as possible, with the least amount of errors possible (ideally 0).
In order to achieve such objective, we need your help. Some of these lines contain computer-generated strings which need to be reviewed by actual native or fluent Catalan speakers. Also these lines aren't final, they're always subject to modification, and we're sure better strings can (and will be) eventually found.
The localization project is also available at the Github repository. Completed and incomplete pages will be adapted there once complete.
This page in other languages
English - German - French - Spanish - Italian - Russian - Polish - Portuguese - Hungarian - Czech - Swedish - Catalan - Dutch - Norwegian - Japanese
Language Catalan
Game Unreal
Status 10/10
; EN: Title="Escape from Na Pali"
Title="Escapa de Na Pali"

; EN: Title="Escape from Na Pali"
Title="Escapa de Na Pali"

; EN: Message="Why me?"
Message="Per què jo?"

; EN: Message="LOG: J. Crable: After trying to trade a useless flashlight to one of the Nali natives for some food, he turned me into a cow. I've learned that I must travel to high peaks of Mon-Ton Dew and meet with the high Priestess for a cure. My quest begins."
Message="REGISTRE: J. Crable: Després d’intentar canviar una llanterna inútil a una de les natives de Nali per obtenir menjar, em va convertir en una vaca. He après que he de viatjar als alts cims de Mon-Ton Dew i reunir-me amb l’alta sacerdotessa per obtenir una cura. Comença la meva recerca."

; EN: Message="LOG: D. Beck: Our luck seems to have changed. We've found a Terran vessel of some sort settled in a mountain fortress. A gate prevents us from reaching it but the natives say it can be opened from a nearby tower. Looks like we're home free."
Message="REGISTRE: D. Beck: La nostra sort sembla que ha canviat. Hem trobat una mena de vaixells terrestres instal·lats en una fortalesa de muntanya. Una porta ens impedeix arribar-hi, però els nadius diuen que es pot obrir des d’una torre propera. Sembla que som a casa lliures."

; EN: Message="They tell me I must hurry. The Sky Demons have uncovered our secret. There is much work here, time escapes me. Nevertheless, the future shines bright in my eyes. We shall be victorious in the next life, but for now, everything must come to an end..."
Message="Em diuen que m’he d’afanyar. Els dimonis del cel han descobert el nostre secret. Aquí hi ha molta feina, el temps se m’escapa. No obstant això, el futur brilla als meus ulls. Serem victoriosos en la pròxima vida, però per ara, tot ha d’acabar ..."

; EN: Message="LOG: M. Tetreault: As soon as I find that switch to open the gate, we can get the hell out of here. Think happy thoughts. Uh-oh, spotted another one of those Skaarj creatures. That's it, his ass is mine."
Message="REGISTRE: M. Tetreault: Tan aviat com trobi aquest interruptor per obrir la porta, podem sortir de l'infern. Penseu en pensaments feliços. Uh-oh, vaig veure una altra d’aquestes criatures Skaarj. Ja està, el cul és meu."

; EN: Message="What is the point of me hanging around on this spike? What does it prove? I'm in a lot of pain here and I fail to see the humor in any of this."
Message="Quin sentit té que estic en aquesta punta? Què demostra? Aquí tinc molt dolor i no veig l’humor en res d’això."

; EN: Message="My time has come to sleep the eternal sleep. Our struggle with the Sky Demons lives on. We pray for the savior to return to us, but our prayers go unanswered. At least the suffering is almost over..."
Message="Ha arribat el meu moment de dormir el son etern. La nostra lluita amb els dimonis del cel continua. Preguem perquè el salvador torni a nosaltres, però les nostres oracions no tenen resposta. Si més no, el patiment s’ha acabat ..."

; EN: Message="No secrets for you!"
Message="No hi ha secrets per a tu!"
Unreal Catalan Localization
Shared files: ALAudio.cttCore.cttD3DDrv.cttEditor.cttEngine.cttIpDrv.cttSetup.cttStartup.cttUnrealEd.cttWindow.cttWinDrv.cttD3D9Drv.cttFMODAudioDrv.cttGalaxy.cttGlideDrv.cttIpServer.cttMeTaLDrv.cttOpenGLDrv.cttSglDrv.cttSoftDrv.cttUBrowser.cttUMenu.cttUnrealI.cttUnrealShare.cttUWindow.cttXDrv.cttXMesaGLDrv.cttXOpenGLDrv.ctt
Unreal exclusives: SetupUnreal.cttSetupUnrealPatch.cttD3D8Drv.cttEFX.cttOGLDrv.cttOldOpenGLDrv.cttOldWeapons.cttPhysXPhysics.cttScriptedAI.cttSDL2Drv.cttSwFMOD.cttUnreal.cttUnrealIntegrity.cttUnrealLinux.cttUnrealLinux.bin.cttUnrealOSX.cttUnrealOSX.bin.cttUnrealSDL2.cttUnrealSDL2.bin.cttUnrealXLinux.cttUnrealXLinux.bin.cttUWebAdmin.cttWebAdminHTML.ctt
Assets: Bluff.cttCeremony.cttChizra.cttDark.cttDasaCellars.cttDasaPass.cttDCrater.cttDig.cttDKNightOp.cttDmAriza.cttDmBeyondTheSun.cttDmCurse.cttDmDeathFan.cttDmDeck16.cttDmElsinore.cttDmExar.cttDMfith.cttDmHealPod.cttDmMorbias.cttDmRadikus.cttDmRetrospective.cttDmRiot.cttDmTundra.cttDug.cttEndGame.cttExtremeBeg.cttExtremeCore.cttExtremeDark.cttExtremeDarkGen.cttExtremeDGen.cttExtremeEnd.cttExtremeGen.cttExtremeLab.cttFemale1Skins.cttFemale2Skins.cttGateway.cttHarobed.cttIsvDeck1.cttIsvKran32.cttIsvKran4.cttMale1Skins.cttMale2Skins.cttMale3Skins.cttNaliBoat.cttNaliC.cttNaliLord.cttNoork.cttNyleve.cttPassage.cttQueenEnd.cttRuins.cttSkTrooperSkins.cttSkyBase.cttSkyCaves.cttSkyTown.cttSpireVillage.cttTerraLift.cttTerraniux.cttTheSunspire.cttTrench.cttVeloraEnd.cttVortex2.ctt
Return to Na Pali: UDSDemo.cttUPak.cttUPakFix.cttAbyss.cttCrashsite.cttCrashsite1.cttCrashsite2.cttDmAthena.cttDmDaybreak.cttDmHazard.cttDmStomp.cttDmSunSpeak.cttDmTerra.cttDuskFalls.cttEldora.cttEnd.cttFoundry.cttGlacena.cttGlathriel1.cttGlathriel2.cttInterIntro.cttInter1.cttInter2.cttInter3.cttInter4.cttInterCrashsite.cttInter5.cttInter6.cttInter7.cttInter8.cttInter9.cttInter10.cttInter11.cttInter12.cttInter13.cttInter14.cttIntro1.cttIntro2.cttNagomi.cttNagomiSun.cttNalic2.cttNevec.cttSpireLand.cttToxic.cttUGCredits.cttUpack.cttVelora.ctt
Fusion Mappack: DM-Cybrosis.cttDM-Letting.cttDM-Loxi.cttDM-Mojo.cttDM-Shrapnel.cttDM-Twilight.ctt
Division Mappack: DmBayC.cttDmCreek.cttDmDespair.cttDmEclipse.cttDmKrazy.cttDmLocke.cttDmMorbfanza.cttDmScruular.cttDmSplash.cttDmVilla.ctt