Catalan .ctt/Language Guidelines

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Untranslated lines
The following page contains untranslated lines for the Catalan language. If you're fluent or native on this language, you can help us fix them by locating the lines starting with two asterisks (**).
Oldunreal Localization Project
Portals: EnglishGermanFrenchSpanishItalianRussianPolishPortugueseHungarianCzechSwedishCatalanDutchNorwegianJapanese
Unreal: EnglishGermanFrenchSpanishItalianRussianPolishPortugueseHungarianCzechSwedishCatalanDutchNorwegianJapanese
UT99: EnglishGermanFrenchSpanishItalianRussianPolishPortugueseHungarianCzechSwedishCatalanDutchNorwegianJapanese
UT2004: EnglishGermanFrenchSpanishItalianRussianPolishPortugueseHungarianCzechSwedishCatalanDutchNorwegianJapanese
Guidelines: EnglishGermanFrenchSpanishItalianRussianPolishPortugueseHungarianCzechSwedishCatalanDutchNorwegianJapanese
Language Guidelines page
Here are common definitions for most of the elements for the games, mainly the [Public] header, weapons/items, location names, mutators and the like. These guidelines are NOT set in stone, and can be changed at any time if a better word or phrase is found. Just make sure you update the relevant pages as well, and everything should be OK.

"Advanced Options menu"

Original entry Translation Found In Class Metaclass Notes
Advanced Options Opcions Avançades Core.ctt, Editor.ctt, Engine.ctt Root.
Advanced Avançades Core.ctt, Engine.ctt
Audio So Engine.ctt, ALAudio.ctt, Galaxy.ctt, FMODAudioDrv.ctt, SwFMOD.ctt, Cluster.ctt
Decals Marques Engine.ctt Unreal Only
Display Visualització Engine.ctt, WinDrv.ctt, XDrv.ctt, SDL2Drv.ctt, SDLDrv.ctt
Drivers Controladors Engine.ctt Engine.Engine Category=Drivers
Editor Editor Editor.ctt
Game Settings Configuració de Joc Engine.ctt Engine.GameInfo
Game Types Tipus de jocs Engine.ctt, UnrealI.ctt, UnrealShare.ctt, UPak.ctt, Botpack.ctt
Joystick Comandament Engine.ctt, WinDrv.ctt, XDrv.ctt, SDL2Drv.ctt, SDLDrv.ctt
Networking Xarxa Engine.ctt, IpDrv.ctt, UnrealI.ctt, UnrealShare.ctt
Rendering Renderització Engine.ctt, D3DDrv.ctt, D3D9Drv.ctt, GlideDrv.ctt, MeTaLDrv.ctt, OpenGLDrv.ctt, SglDrv.ctt, SoftDrv.ctt, XMesaGLDrv.ctt, XOpenGLDrv.ctt, D3D8Drv.ctt, OGLDrv.ctt, OldOpenGLDrv.ctt, SDLGLDrv.ctt, SDLSoftDrv.ctt, D3D10Drv.ctt

"Advanced" menu

Original entry Translation Found In Class Metaclass Notes
File System Sistema de Fitxers Core.ctt Core.System
Game Engine Settings Configuració de Motor de Joc Engine.ctt Engine.GameEngine Category=Settings
Key Aliases Alies de Tecles Engine.ctt Engine.Input Category=Aliases
Raw Key Bindings Lligams primaris de Tecles Engine.ctt Engine.Input Category=RawKeys

"Game Types" menu

NOTE: In Unreal Tournament, the Deathmatch, Domination, Capture the Flag and Assault names must match those in TutVoiceDM.uax_ctt, TutVoiceDOM.uax_ctt, TutVoiceCTF.uax_ctt and TutVoiceAS.uax_ctt.

Original entry Translation Found In Class Metaclass Notes
Assault Assalt Botpack.ctt, UBrowser.ctt Botpack.Assault UT Only
Capture The Flag Captura la Bandera Botpack.ctt, UBrowser.ctt Botpack.CTFGame UT Only
Cloak Match Partit de Camuflatge UPak.ctt UPak.CloakMatch Unreal (RTNP) Only
Coop Play Partida Cooperativa UnrealShare.ctt UnrealShare.CoopGame Unreal Only
Darkmatch Partit Fosc UnrealI.ctt UnrealI.DarkMatch Unreal Only
Deathmatch Partida a Mort UnrealShare.ctt, UBrowser.ctt UnrealShare.DeathmatchGame Unreal Only
Domination Dominació Botpack.ctt, UBrowser.ctt Botpack.Domination UT Only
Gravity Match Partit de Gravetat UPak.ctt UPak.GravityMatch Unreal (RTNP) Only
King of the Hill Rei del Turó UnrealI.ctt UnrealI.KingOfTheHill Unreal Only
Last Man Standing Últim Home de Peu Botpack.ctt, UBrowser.ctt Botpack.LastManStanding UT Only
Marine Match Partit de Marines UPak.ctt UPak.MarineMatch Unreal (RTNP) Only
Team Play Partida per Equips UnrealShare.ctt, UBrowser.ctt UnrealShare.TeamGame Unreal Only
Terran Weapon Match Partit d'Armes Terrícolas UPak.ctt UPak.TerranWeaponMatch Unreal (RTNP) Only
Tournament Darkmatch Partit Fosc del Torneig Botpack.ctt Botpack.TournamentDarkmatch UT Only
Tournament Deathmatch Partida a Mort del Torneig Botpack.ctt Botpack.DeathmatchPlus UT Only
Tournament Team Game Partida per Equips del Torneig Botpack.ctt Botpack.TeamGamePlus UT Only

"Networking" menu

Original entry Translation Found In Class Metaclass Notes
Channel Download Descàrregues de Canal Engine.ctt Engine.ChannelDownload Unreal Only
Connection Notifications Notificacions de Connexió Engine.ctt Engine.Gameinfo Category=Networking
Unreal Only
Map Lists Llistes de mapes Engine.ctt, UnrealI.ctt, UnrealShare.ctt Unreal Only
Master Server Uplink Connexió Ascendent amb Servidor Mestre IpServer.ctt IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Public Server Information Informació de Servidor Públic Engine.ctt Engine.GameReplicationInfo
Server Beacon Balisa de Servidor IpDrv.ctt IpDrv.UdpBeacon
TCP/IP Network Play Joc en Xarxa TCP/IP IpDrv.ctt IpDrv.TcpNetDriver
UBrowser UBrowser UBrowser.ctt UBrowser.UBrowserMainClientWindow Unreal Only
Unreal Integrity Integritat Unreal UnrealIntegrity.ctt UnrealIntegrity.cttegrityServer Unreal Only
Web Server Servidor Web UWeb.ctt[**], UWebAdmin.ctt[*] UWeb.WebServer[**] [*] Unreal Only, [**] UT Only
Web-Based Remote Administration (**)Web-Based Remote Administration UTServerAdmin.ctt UTServerAdmin.UTServerAdmin UT Only

"Unreal Integrity" menu

Original entry Translation Found In Class Metaclass Notes
Integrity Server Servidor d’Integritat UnrealIntegrity.ctt UnrealIntegrity.cttegrityServer
Whitelist Llista Blanca UnrealIntegrity.ctt UnrealIntegrity.ExternalWhiteList

"Web Server" menu

Original entry Translation Found In Class Metaclass Notes
Messaging Spectator Missatges d'Espectador UWebAdmin.ctt UWebAdmin.MessagingSpectator Unreal Only
Sub Web Manager Subadministrador Web UWebAdmin.ctt UWebAdmin.SubWebManager Unreal Only
Web Connection Connexió Web UWebAdmin.ctt UWebAdmin.WebServer Unreal Only
Web Manager Gestor Web UWebAdmin.ctt UWebAdmin.WebAdminManager Unreal Only

"Map Lists" menu

Original entry Translation Found In Class Metaclass Notes
Darkmatch Maps Mapes de Partit Fosc UnrealI.ctt UnrealI.DkMapList Unreal Only
Deathmatch Maps Mapes de Combat a Mort UnrealShare.ctt UnrealShare.DmMapList Unreal Only

"Decals" menu

Original entry Translation Found In Class Metaclass Notes
Blood Sang Engine.ctt Unreal Only
Config Config UnrealShare.ctt UnrealShare.Scorch Unreal Only
Decoration Shadow Ombres de Decoració Engine.ctt Engine.DecoShadow Unreal Only
Pawn Shadow Ombra de Peons Engine.ctt Engine.PawnShadow Unreal Only
Projectile Shadow Ombres de Projectil Engine.ctt Engine.ProjectileShadow Unreal Only

"Blood" menu

Original entry Translation Found In Class Metaclass Notes
Client Client UnrealShare.ctt UnrealShare.UnrealBlood Unreal Only
Server Servidor Engine.ctt Engine.GameInfo Unreal Only.

"Editor" menu

Original entry Translation Found In Class Metaclass Notes
Advanced (Editor) Avançades (Editor) Editor.ctt Editor.EditorEngine Category=Advanced
Colors Colors Editor.ctt Editor.EditorEngine Category=Colors
Commandlets and Exporters Comandaments i Exportadors Editor.ctt Unreal only
Grid Graella Editor.ctt Editor.EditorEngine Category=Grid
Rotation Grid Graella de Rotació Editor.ctt Editor.EditorEngine Category=RotationGrid

"Commandlets and Exporters" menu

Original entry Translation Found In Class Metaclass Notes
AudioPackage Commandlet AudioPackage Comandament Editor.ctt Editor.AudioPackageCommandlet Unreal Only
BatchMeshExport Commandlet BatchMeshExport Comandament Editor.ctt Editor.BatchMeshExportCommandlet Unreal Only
FullBatchExport Commandlet FullBatchExport Comandament Editor.ctt Editor.FullBatchExportCommandlet Unreal Only
MusicPackages Commandlet MusicPackages Comandament Editor.ctt Editor.MusicPackagesCommandlet Unreal Only
RebuildImports Commandlet RebuildImports Comandament Editor.ctt Editor.RebuildImportsCommandlet Unreal Only
SkeletalAnim (PSA) Exporter SkeletalAnim (PSA) Exportador Editor.ctt Editor.SkeletalAnimExpPSA Unreal Only

"Audio" menu

Original entry Translation Found In Class Metaclass Notes
Cluster 3D Audio Support Suport per al so Cluster 3D Cluster.ctt Cluster.ClusterAudioSubsystem UT Only
FMOD 3D Audio Support Suport per al so FMOD 3D FMODAudioDrv.ctt FMODAudioDrv.FMODAudioDevice
Galaxy 3D Audio Support Suport per al so Galaxy 3D Galaxy.ctt Galaxy.GalaxyAudioSubsystem
OpenAL 3D Audio Support Suport per al so OpenAL 3D ALAudio.ctt ALAudio.ALAudioSubsystem
SwFModEx Audio Support Suport per al so SwFMODEx SwFMOD.ctt SwFMOD.SwFMOD Unreal Only

"Rendering" menu

Original entry Translation Found In Class Metaclass Notes
3dfx Glide Support Suport per al vídeo 3dfx Glide GlideDrv.ctt GlideDrv.GlideRenderDevice
Direct3D 7 Support Suport per al vídeo Direct3D 7 D3DDrv.ctt D3DDrv.D3DRenderDevice
Direct3D 8 Support Suport per al vídeo Direct3D 8 D3D8Drv.ctt D3D8Drv.D3D8RenderDevice Unreal Only
Direct3D 9 Support Suport per al vídeo Direct3D 9 D3D9Drv.ctt D3D9Drv.D3D9RenderDevice
Direct3D 10 Support Suport per al vídeo Direct3D 10 D3D10Drv.ctt D3D10Drv.D3D10RenderDevice No game present
Mesa 3D Support Suport per al vídeo Mesa 3D XMesaGLDrv.ctt XMesaGLDrv.XMesaGLRenderDevice Unreal Only
OGL Support Suport per al vídeo OGL OGLDrv.ctt OGLDrv.OpenGLRenderDevice Unreal Only
OldOpenGL Support Suport per al vídeo OldOpenGL OldOpenGLDrv.ctt OldOpenGLDrv.OpenGLRenderDevice Unreal Only
OpenGL Support Suport per al vídeo OpenGL OpenGLDrv.ctt OpenGLDrv.OpenGLRenderDevice
PowerVR SGL Support Suport per al vídeo PowerVR SGL SglDrv.ctt SGLDrv.SGLRenderDevice
S3 MeTaL Support Suport per al vídeo S3 MeTaL MeTaLDrv.ctt MeTaLDrv.MeTaLRenderDevice
SDL OpenGL Support Suport per al vídeo SDL OpenGL SDLGLDrv.ctt SDLGLDrv.SDLGLRenderDevice
SDL Software Rendering Representació de programari SDL SDLSoftDrv.ctt SDLSoftDrv.SDLSoftwareRenderDevice
Software Rendering Representació de programari SoftDrv.ctt SoftDrv.SoftwareRenderDevice
XOpenGL Support Suport per al vídeo XOpenGL XOpenGLDrv.ctt XOpenGLDrv.XOpenGLRenderDevice Category=Options

"XOpenGL Support" menu

Original entry Translation Found In Class Metaclass Notes
Debug Options Opcions de Desvolopament XOpenGLDrv.ctt XOpenGLDrv.XOpenGLRenderDevice Category="DebugOptions"
Render Options Opcions de Renderització XOpenGLDrv.ctt XOpenGLDrv.XOpenGLRenderDevice Category="Client"

"Display" and "Joystick" menus

Original entry Translation Found In Class Metaclass Notes
Source Development Layer Source Development Layer SDLDrv.ctt SDLDrv.SDLClient Category=Display
Source Development Layer 2 Source Development Layer 2 SDL2Drv.ctt SDL2Drv.SDL2Client Category=Display
Unreal only
Windows Windows WinDrv.ctt WinDrv.WindowsClient Category=Display
X Server X Server XDrv.ctt XDrv.XClient Category=Display



NOTE: In Unreal Tournament, the Enforcer, Shock Rifle, Translocator and Impact Hammer's names must match the audio strings from the files TutVoiceDM.uax_ctt and TutVoiceDOM.uax_ctt. Because of this, for consistency reasons, we're going to also use the translated name for the Translocator for its Unreal equivalent.

Original entry Translation Found In Class Metaclass Notes
ASMD ASMD OldWeapons.ctt, UnrealShare.ctt, UPak.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
AutoMag Autopistola Nyleve.ctt, OldWeapons.ctt, UnrealShare.ctt, UPak.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Chainsaw (**)Chainsaw Botpack.ctt, UTMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT Only
Combat Assault Rifle Rifle d'Assalt de Combat UPak.ctt [Empty] [Empty] RTNP Only
Dispersion Pistol Pistola de Dispersió OldWeapons.ctt, UnrealShare.ctt, UPak.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Dual Enforcers (**)Dual Enforcers Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT Only
Eightball Gun Eightball OldWeapons.ctt, UnrealShare.ctt, UPak.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Enforcer (**)Enforcer Botpack.ctt, UTMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT Only
Enhanced Shock Rifle (**)Enhanced Shock Rifle Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT Only
Flak Cannon Canó de Metralla Botpack.ctt, CTF-Orbital.ctt, DM-Shrapnel][.ctt, OldWeapons.ctt, UnrealI.ctt, UPak.ctt, UTMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
GES BioRifle Rifle Bio GES Botpack.ctt, DM-Phobos.ctt, OldWeapons.ctt, UnrealI.ctt, UPak.ctt, UTMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Impact Hammer (**)ImpactHammer Botpack.ctt, UTMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT Only
Minigun Minigun Botpack.ctt, OldWeapons.ctt, UnrealI.ctt, UPak.ctt, UTMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Peacemaker Pacificador UnrealI.ctt [Empty] [Empty] Unreal Only
Pulse Gun (**)Pulse Gun Botpack.ctt, UTMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT Only
Quad-Barreled Shotgun Escopeta Quàdruple UnrealI.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
RazorJack Llançador de Fulles OldWeapons.ctt, UnrealI.ctt, UPak.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Redeemer (**)Redeemer Botpack.ctt, CTF-Face-SE.ctt, CTF-LavaGiant.ctt, DM-ArcaneTemple.ctt, UTMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT Only
Ripper (**)Ripper Botpack.ctt, DOM-Leadworks.ctt, UTMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT Only
Rocket Launcher (**)Rocket Launcher Botpack.ctt, CTF-LavaGiant.ctt, DM-Shrapnel][.ctt, DM-Tempest.ctt, DOM-Leadworks.ctt, UTMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT Only
Shock Rifle (**)Shock Rifle Botpack.ctt, UTMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT Only
Sniper Rifle Rifle de Franctirador Botpack.ctt, OldWeapons.ctt, UnrealI.ctt, UPak.ctt, UTMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Stinger Canó Perforador OldWeapons.ctt, UnrealShare.ctt, UPak.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Translocator Translocador UnrealShare.ctt, Botpack.ctt, UTMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
UMS Grenade Launcher Llançacoets UMS UPak.ctt [Empty] [Empty] RTNP Only
UMS Rocket Launcher Llançagranades UMS UPak.ctt [Empty] [Empty] RTNP Only


Original entry Translation Found In Class Metaclass Notes
ASMD Core Nucli ASMD OldWeapons.ctt, UnrealShare.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Bullet Box Caixa de Bales OldWeapons.ctt, UnrealShare.ctt, Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
CAR Clip Clip CAR UPak.ctt [Empty] [Empty] RTNP only
Clip Clip OldWeapons.ctt, UnrealShare.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Dispersion Pistol Powerup Millora de pistola de dispersió OldWeapons.ctt, UnrealShare.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Eightballs Projectils Eightball OldWeapons.ctt, UnrealShare.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Enhanced Shock Cores (**)Enhanced Shock Cores Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT Only
Flak Shells Projectils de Metralla OldWeapons.ctt, UnrealI.ctt, Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Pulse Cells (**)Pulse Cells Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT Only
Razor Blades Fulles Filoses OldWeapons.ctt, UnrealI.ctt, Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Rifle Rounds Cartutxos de Fusell OldWeapons.ctt, UnrealI.ctt, Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Rocket Pack (**)Rocket Pack Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT Only
Shell Box Caixa de Cartutxos OldWeapons.ctt, UnrealI.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Shock Cores (**)Shock Cores Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT Only
Tarydium Biosludge Residus de Taridio OldWeapons.ctt, UnrealI.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Tarydium Shards Fragments de Tarydium OldWeapons.ctt, UnrealShare.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
UMS Grenades Granades UMS UPak.ctt [Empty] [Empty] RTNP only
UMS Rockets Coets UMS UPak.ctt [Empty] [Empty] RTNP only


Original entry Translation Found In Class Metaclass Notes
Acoustic Dampener Silenciador Acústic UnrealI.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
AntiGrav Boots (**)AntiGrav Boots Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT Only
Antitoxin Suit Vestit Antitòxic UnrealI.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Asbestos Suit Vestit d'Amiant UnrealI.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Assault Vest Armilla d'Assalt UnrealShare.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Bandages Embenats UnrealShare.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Big Keg O' Health (**)Big Keg O' Health Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT Only
Body Armor (**)Body Armor Botpack.ctt, CTF-Kosov.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT Only
Cloaking Device Dispositiu de Camuflatge UPak.ctt [Empty] [Empty] RTNP Only
Computer Tablet Tauleta d’Ordinador UPak.ctt [Empty] [Empty] RTNP Only
Damage Amplifier (**)Damage Amplifier Botpack.ctt, CTF-Orbital.ctt, DM-Tempest.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT Only
Energy Amplifier Amplificador d'Energia OldWeapons.ctt, UnrealShare.ctt [Empty] [Empty] Unreal Only
Flare Bengala UnrealShare.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Flashlight Llanterna UnrealShare.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Force Field Camp de Força Portàtil UnrealI.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Health Pack Paquet de Salut UnrealShare.ctt, Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Health Vial (**)Health Vial Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT Only
Invisibility Invisibilitat UnrealI.ctt, Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Jump Boots Botes de Salt UnrealI.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Kevlar Suit Armilla de Kevlar UnrealShare.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Marine SCUBA Gear Equip de Busseig Marine UPak.ctt [Empty] [Empty] RTNP Only
Master of the Woods Mestre dels Boscos UnrealShare.ctt [Empty] [Empty] Unreal Only
Minigun Sentry Torreta Sentinella UnrealShare.ctt [Empty] [Empty] Unreal Only
Nali Fruit Seeds Llavors de planta Nali UnrealI.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Nali Healing Fruit Fruita de Curació Nali UnrealShare.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Power Shield Escut Energètic UnrealI.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Relic of Defense (**)Relic of Defense Relics.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT Only
Relic of Redemption (**)Relic of Redemption Relics.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT Only
Relic of Regeneration (**)Relic of Regeneration Relics.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT Only
Relic of Speed (**)Relic of Speed Relics.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT Only
Relic of Strength (**)Relic of Strength Relics.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT Only
Relic of Vengeance (**)Relic of Vengeance Relics.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT Only
SCUBA Gear Equip de Busseig UnrealShare.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Search Light Llanterna de recerca UnrealI.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Shield Belt Cinturó de Protecció Botpack.ctt, CTF-LavaGiant.ctt, DM-Shrapnel][.ctt, DM-Tempest.ctt, UnrealShare.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Super Health Pack Superpaquet de Salut UnrealShare.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Thigh Pads (**)Thigh Pads Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT Only
Universal Translator Traductor Universal UnrealShare.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Voice Box Caixa de Veus UnrealShare.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Woodruff Seeds Llavors Woodruff UnrealI.ctt [Empty] [Empty] Unreal Only


Unreal SP

Original entry Translation Found In Class Metaclass Notes
Bluff Eversmoking Penya-segat Eversmoking Bluff.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Cellars at Dasa Pass Cellers del Pas de Dasa DasaCellars.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Chizra - The Nali Water God Temple Chizra - Déu de l'Aigua Nali Chizra.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Dark Arena Arena Fosca Dark.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Dasa Mountain Pass Pas del Mont Dasa DasaPass.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Demon Crater Cràter del Dimoni DCrater.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Demonlord's Lair El Cau del Senyor Dimoni NaliLord.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Depths of Rrajigar Profunditats de Rrajigar Dug.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Ending Sequence Seqüència final EndGame.ctt[*], End.ctt[**] [Empty] [Empty] [*] Unreal only
[**] RTNP only
Gateway to Na Pali Porta d’Entrada a Na Pali SkyCaves.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Harobed Village Poble Harobed Dig.ctt, Harobed.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Illumination Enlluernament ExtremeDarkGen.ctt, ExtremeDGen.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
ISV-Kran Deck 1 Coberta 1 de l'ISV-KRAN IsvDeck1.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
ISV-Kran Deck 4 Coberta 4 de l'ISV-KRAN IsvKran4.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
ISV-Kran Decks 2 & 3 Cobertes 3 i 2 de l'ISV-KRAN IsvKran32.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Mothership Basement Subterrani de la Nau Nodrissa ExtremeBeg.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Mothership Core Nucli de la Nau Nodrissa ExtremeCore.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Mothership Lab Laboratori de la Nau Nodrissa ExtremeLab.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Na Pali Haven Refugi de Na Pali SkyTown.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Nali Castle Castell nali NaliC.ctt, Upack.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Noork's Elbow El Colze de Noork Noork.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Nyleve's Falls Cascades de NyLeve Nyleve.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Outpost 3J Lloc Avançat 3J SkyBase.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Rrajigar Mine Mina Rrajigar Dig.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Sacred Passage Passatge Sagrat Passage.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Serpent Canyon Gorja de la Serpent NaliBoat.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Skaarj Generator Generador Skaarj ExtremeGen.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Spire Village Poble de l'Agulla SpireVillage.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Temple of Vandora Temple de Vandora Ruins.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Terraniux Terraniux Terraniux.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Terraniux Underground Subsòl Terraniux TerraLift.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
The Ceremonial Chambers Les Cambres Cerimonials Ceremony.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
The Darkening L'enfosquiment ExtremeDark.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
The Gateway El Portal Gateway.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
The Source La Font QueenEnd.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
The Source Antechamber L'Antecambra de la Font ExtremeEnd.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
The Sunspire L'Espira Solar TheSunspire.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
The Trench La Trinxera Trench.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Velora Pass Pas de Velora VeloraEnd.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Vortex Rikers Vortex Rikers Vortex2.ctt [Empty] [Empty]

Unreal DM

Original entry Translation Found In Class Metaclass Notes
Night Op Op. Nocturna DKNightOp.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Ariza Ariza DmAriza.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Curse Maledicció DmCurse.ctt, DM-Curse][.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Death Fan Fan de la mort DmDeathFan.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Deck #16 Coberta núm. 16 DmDeck16.ctt, DM-Deck16][.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Elsinore Elsinore DmElsinore.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Fire In The Hole Foc al forat DMfith.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Healing Pod Pod de curació DmHealPod.ctt, DM-HealPod][.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Morbias Morbies DmMorbias.ctt, DM-Morbias][.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Radikus Radikus DmRadikus.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Tundra Tundra DmTundra.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Cybrosis Central Cibrosi Central DM-Cybrosis.ctt, CTF-Cybrosis][.ctt, DM-Cybrosis][.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Blood Letting Sacrifici de Sang DM-Letting.ctt [Empty] [Empty] Unreal FMP Only
Loxi Loxi DM-Loxi.ctt [Empty] [Empty] Unreal FMP Only
Mojo Mojo DM-Mojo.ctt, DM-Mojo][.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Shrapnel Metralla DM-Shrapnel.ctt, DM-Shrapnel][.ctt, Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Twilight Crepuscle DM-Twilight.ctt [Empty] [Empty] Unreal FMP Only
Bay C Badia C DmBayC.ctt [Empty] [Empty] Unreal DMP Only
Blood Creek Rierol de Sang DmCreek.ctt [Empty] [Empty] Unreal DMP Only
Despair Desesperació DmDespair.ctt [Empty] [Empty] Unreal DMP Only
Eclipse Eclipsi DmEclipse.ctt [Empty] [Empty] Unreal DMP Only
Krazy Boig DmKrazy.ctt [Empty] [Empty] Unreal DMP Only
Locke Locke DmLocke.ctt [Empty] [Empty] Unreal DMP Only
Morbfanza Morbfanza DmMorbfanza.ctt [Empty] [Empty] Unreal DMP Only
Scruular Escruular DmScruular.ctt [Empty] [Empty] Unreal DMP Only
Splash Fortress Fortalesa Splash DmSplash.ctt [Empty] [Empty] Unreal DMP Only
The Villa Docks Els molls de la Vila DmVilla.ctt [Empty] [Empty] Unreal DMP Only
Beyond The Sun Més enllà del sol DmBeyondTheSun.ctt [Empty] [Empty] Unreal 227 Only
Exar Exar DmExar.ctt [Empty] [Empty] Unreal 227 Only
Retrospective Retrospectiva DmRetrospective.ctt [Empty] [Empty] Unreal 227 Only
Riot! Motí! DmRiot.ctt [Empty] [Empty] Unreal 227 Only


Original entry Translation Found In Class Metaclass Notes
Approaching UMS Prometheus Arribant a l'UMS Prometeu Crashsite.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Bounds of Foundry Límits de fosa Toxic.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Edge of Na Pali Vora de Na Pali DuskFalls.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Escape from Na Pali Escapa de Na Pali Nalic2.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Foundry Tarydium Plant Planta de tarydium de fosa Foundry.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Gala's Peak El pic de Gala Abyss.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Glathriel Village Poble de Glathriel Glathriel1.ctt, Glathriel2.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Inside UMS Prometheus Dins UMS Prometeu Crashsite2.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Intermission X Entrada X InterIntro.ctt, Inter1.ctt, Inter2.ctt, Inter3.ctt, Inter4.ctt, Inter5.ctt, Inter6.ctt, Inter7.ctt, Inter8.ctt, Inter9.ctt, Inter10.ctt, Inter11.ctt, Inter12.ctt, Inter13.ctt, Inter14.ctt, InterCrashsite.ctt, Intro1.ctt, Intro2.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Nagomi Passage Passatge de Nagomi Nagomi.ctt, NagomiSun.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Neve's Crossing Cruïlla de Neve Nevec.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Spire Valley Vall de l'Agulla SpireLand.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
The Eldora Well El pou Eldora Eldora.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
UMS Prometheus UMS Prometeu Crashsite1.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Velora Temple Temple de Velora Velora.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Watcher of the Skies Vigilant dels Cels Glacena.ctt [Empty] [Empty]


Original entry Translation Found In Class Metaclass Notes
Athena Atena DmAthena.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Daybreak L’alba DmDaybreak.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Hazard Perill DmHazard.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Stomp Trepitjo DmStomp.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Sun Speak Llengua Solar DmSunSpeak.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Terra Terra DmTerra.ctt [Empty] [Empty]

UT Assault

Original entry Translation Found In Class Metaclass Notes
Frigate (**)Frigate AS-Frigate.ctt, Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Guardia Fortress (**)Guardia Fortress AS-Guardia.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
High Speed (**)High Speed AS-HiSpeed.ctt, Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Mazon Fortress (**)Mazon Fortress AS-Mazon.ctt, Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Ocean Floor "Station 5" (**)Ocean Floor "Station 5" AS-Oceanfloor.ctt, Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Operation Overlord (**)Operation Overlord AS-Overlord.ctt, Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Rook (**)Rook AS-Rook.ctt, Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Assault Tutorial (**)Assault Tutorial AS-Tutorial.ctt, Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty]


Original entry Translation Found In Class Metaclass Notes
The Last Command (**)The Last Command CTF-Command.ctt, Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Coret Center (**)Coret Center CTF-Coret.ctt, Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Dreary Outpost (**)Dreary Outpost CTF-Dreary.ctt, Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Eternal Caves (**)Eternal Caves CTF-EternalCave.ctt, Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Facing Worlds (**)Facing Worlds CTF-Face.ctt, CTF-Face-SE.ctt, CTF-Face][.ctt, Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
The Iron Gauntlet (**)The Iron Gauntlet CTF-Gauntlet.ctt, Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Lava Giant (**)Lava Giant CTF-LavaGiant.ctt, Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Niven Experimental Lab (**)Niven Experimental Lab CTF-Niven.ctt, Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
November Sub Pen (**)November Sub Pen CTF-November.ctt, Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Capture The Flag Tutorial (**)Capture The Flag Tutorial CTF-Tutorial.ctt, Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Darji Outpost #16-A (**)Darji Outpost #16-A CTF-Darji16.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT GOTY/BP1 Only
Hydro Bases (**)Hydro Bases CTF-Hydro16.ctt, Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT GOTY/BP1 Only
Noxion Base (**)Noxion Base CTF-Noxion16.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT GOTY/BP1 Only
Hall of Giants (**)Hall of Giants CTF-HallOfGiants.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT GOTY/BP2 Only
Orbital Station #12 (**)Orbital Station #12 CTF-Orbital.ctt, Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT GOTY BP2 Only
High Towers (**)High Towers CTF-High.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT GOTY/BP3 Only
Kosov Canyon (**)Kosov Canyon CTF-Kosov.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT GOTY/BP3 Only
Nucleus Power Plant (**)Nucleus Power Plant CTF-Nucleus.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT GOTY/BP3 Only
Temple of Beatitude (**)Temple of Beatitude CTF-Beatitude.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT BP4 Only
Epic Boy (**)Epic Boy CTF-EpicBoy.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT BP4 Only
Ratchet (**)Ratchet CTF-Ratchet.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT BP4 Only

UT Deathmatch

Original entry Translation Found In Class Metaclass Notes
Orion's Barricade (**)Orion's Barricade DM-Barricade.ctt, Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Codex of Wisdom (**)Codex of Wisdom DM-Codex.ctt, Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Conveyor (**)Conveyor DM-Conveyor.ctt, Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Fetid Sewers (**)Fetid Sewers DM-Fetid.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Fractal Reactor (**)Fractal Reactor DM-Fractal.ctt, Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Gothic Castle (**)Gothic Castle DM-Gothic.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Heavy Metal Grinder (**)Heavy Metal Grinder DM-Grinder.ctt, Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
HyperBlast (**)HyperBlast DM-HyperBlast.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Koos Galleon (**)Koos Galleon DM-KGalleon.ctt, Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Liandri Central Core (**)Liandri Central Core DM-Liandri.ctt, Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Morpheus (**)Morpheus DM-Morpheus.ctt, Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
ITV Oblivion (**)ITV Oblivion DM-Oblivion.ctt, Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Peak Monastery (**)The Peak Monastery DM-Peak.ctt, Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Phobos Moon (**)Phobos Moon DM-Phobos.ctt, Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Pressure (**)Pressure DM-Pressure.ctt, Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Floating Pyramid (**)Floating Pyramid DM-Pyramid.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Stalwart (**)Stalwart DM-Stalwart.ctt, DM-StalwartXL.ctt, Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Tempest (**)Tempest DM-Tempest.ctt, Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Turbine (**)Turbine DM-Turbine.ctt, Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Deathmatch Tutorial (**)Deathmatch Tutorial DM-Tutorial.ctt, Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Ice Station Zeto (**)Ice Station Zeto DM-Zeto.ctt, Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
The Pit of Agony (**)The Pit of Agony DM-Agony.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT GOTY/BP1 Only
Arcane Temple (**)Arcane Temple DM-ArcaneTemple.ctt, Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT GOTY/BP1 Only
Malevolence (**)Malevolence DM-Malevolence.ctt, Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT GOTY/BP1 Only
The Cranes (**)The Cranes DM-Crane.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT GOTY/BP3 Only
Space Noxx (**)Space Noxx DM-SpaceNoxx.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT GOTY/BP3 Only
Bishop (**)Bishop DM-Bishop.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT BP4 Only
Closer Resolution (**)Closer Resolution DM-Closer.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT BP4 Only
Grit (**)Grit DM-Grit-TOURNEY.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT BP4 Only
Viridian Dreams (**)Viridian Dreams DM-Viridian-TOURNEY.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT BP4 Only

UT Domination

Original entry Translation Found In Class Metaclass Notes
Cinder Foundry (**)Cinder Foundry DOM-Cinder.ctt, Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Condemned (**)Condemned DOM-Condemned.ctt, Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Cryptic (**)Cryptic DOM-Cryptic.ctt, Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Gearbolt Installation (**)Gearbolt Installation DOM-Gearbolt.ctt, Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Ghardhen Labs (**)Ghardhen Labs DOM-Ghardhen.ctt, Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Lament (**)Lament DOM-Lament.ctt, DOM-Lament][.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Southside Leadworks (**)Southside Leadworks DOM-Leadworks.ctt, Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Metal Dream (**)Metal Dream DOM-MetalDream.ctt, Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Olden Aquifer (**)Olden Aquifer DOM-Olden.ctt, Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Tomb of Sesmar (**)Tomb of Sesmar DOM-Sesmar.ctt, Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Domination Tutorial (**)Domination Tutorial DOM-Tutorial.ctt, Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Bulletproof (**)Bulletproof DOM-Bullet.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT BP4 Only
City Domination (**)City Domination DOM-Cidom.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT BP4 Only
Wolf's Bay (**)Wolf's Bay DOM-WolfsBay.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT BP4 Only

UT Other

Original entry Translation Found In Class Metaclass Notes
City Intro (**)City Intro CityIntro.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT City Intro
End of Ladder (**)End of Ladder EOL_Assault.ctt, EOL_Challenge.ctt, EOL_CTF.ctt, EOL_Deathmatch.ctt, EOL_Domination.ctt, EOL_Statues.ctt [Empty] [Empty] Played at the end ("winning the championship") of each ladder.


Letters (A-Z) and numbers (0-9) are excluded of this list for simplicity reasons. Also input sets (i.e. Joy1-Joy16) will appear as <input> X (i.e. Joy X).

Original entry Translation Found In Class Metaclass Notes
Left Mouse Ratolí Esquerre UMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Right Mouse Ratolí Dret UMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Cancel Cancel·lar UMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Middle Mouse Ratolí Mig UMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Unknown X Desconegut X UMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Backspace Retrocés UMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Tab Tab UMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Enter Entra UMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Shift Maj UMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Control Control UMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Alt Alt UMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Pause Pause UMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Caps Lock Bloq. Majús. UMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Mouse X Ratolí X UMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Escape Escapar UMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Space Espai UMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Page Up Pàgina Amunt UMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Page Down Avançar Pagina UMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
End Final UMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Home Inici UMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Left Esquerra UMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Up Amunt UMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Right Dret UMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Down A baix UMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Select Seleccioneu UMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Print Imprimir UMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Execute Executar UMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Print Screen Imprimir Pantalla UMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Insert Insereix UMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Delete Suprimeix UMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Help Ajuda UMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Num. Pad X Teclat Numèric X UMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Separator Separador UMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Num. Lock Bloq. Num. UMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Scroll Lock Bloq. Despl. UMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Left Shift Majús. Esquer. UMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Right Shift Majús. Dreta UMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Left Control Ctrl. Esquer. UMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Right Control Ctrl. Dret UMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Semicolon Punt i Coma UMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Equals Igual UMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Comma Coma UMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Minus Menys UMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Period Punt UMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Slash Barra UMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Tilde Tilde UMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Joystick X Joistic X UMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Left Bracket Corxet Esque. UMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Backslash Barra Inver. UMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Right Bracket Corxet Dret UMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Single Quote Com. Simple UMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Mouse Wheel Up Roda Rat. Amunt UMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Mouse Wheel Down Roda Rat. A Baix UMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Attention Atenció UMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Cr Sel Cr Sel UMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Ex Sel Ex Sel UMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Er Eof Er Eof UMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Play Jugar UMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Zoom Zoom UMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
No Name Sense Nom UMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
PA1 PA1 UMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
OEM Clear OEM Clar UMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]


Input sets (i.e. Look for Player 1-10) will appear as <function> X (i.e. Look for Player X). Weapons are already covered in its section.

Original entry Translation Found In Class Metaclass Notes
Fire Tret UMenu.ctt, UnrealShare.ctt, UTMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Alternate Fire Tret Alternatiu UMenu.ctt, UnrealShare.ctt, UTMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Move Forward Avançar UMenu.ctt, UnrealShare.ctt, UTMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Move Backwards Retrocedir UMenu.ctt, UnrealShare.ctt, UTMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Turn Left Gir a l'Esquerra UMenu.ctt, UnrealShare.ctt, UTMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Turn Right Gir a la Dreta UMenu.ctt, UnrealShare.ctt, UTMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Strafe Left Des. Lat. Esquerre UMenu.ctt, UnrealShare.ctt, UTMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Strafe Right Des. Lat. Dret UMenu.ctt, UnrealShare.ctt, UTMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Jump/Up Saltar/Pujar UMenu.ctt, UnrealShare.ctt, UTMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Crouch/Down Ajupir/Baixar UMenu.ctt, UnrealShare.ctt, UTMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Mouse Look Mirar amb Mouse UMenu.ctt, UnrealShare.ctt, UTMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Activate Item Activa Objecte UMenu.ctt, UnrealShare.ctt [Empty] [Empty] Unreal Only
Next Item Objecte Següent UMenu.ctt, UnrealShare.ctt [Empty] [Empty] Unreal Only
Previous Item Objecte Anterior UMenu.ctt, UnrealShare.ctt [Empty] [Empty] Unreal Only
Look Up Mirar cap Amunt UMenu.ctt, UnrealShare.ctt, UTMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Look Down Mirar cap Avall UMenu.ctt, UnrealShare.ctt, UTMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Center View Centrar Vista UMenu.ctt, UnrealShare.ctt, UTMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Walk Caminar UMenu.ctt, UnrealShare.ctt, UTMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Strafe Desplaç. Lateral UMenu.ctt, UnrealShare.ctt, UTMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Next Weapon Arma Següent UMenu.ctt, UnrealShare.ctt, UTMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Previous Weapon Arma Anterior UMenu.ctt, UnrealShare.ctt, UTMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Throw Weapon Tirar Arma UMenu.ctt, UnrealShare.ctt, UTMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Feign Death Fingir Mort UMenu.ctt, UnrealShare.ctt, UTMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Show Music Menu Mostra Menú de Música UMenu.ctt, UnrealShare.ctt [Empty] [Empty] Unreal Only
Show Admin Menu Mostra Menú d'Administració UnrealShare.ctt [Empty] [Empty] Unreal Only
Chat Parlar UMenu.ctt, UnrealShare.ctt, UTMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Team Chat Parlar a Equip UMenu.ctt, UnrealShare.ctt, UTMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Show Scores Mostra Puntuacions UMenu.ctt, UnrealShare.ctt [Empty] [Empty] Unreal Only
Grab Decoration Agafar Decoració UMenu.ctt, UnrealShare.ctt [Empty] [Empty] Unreal Only
Toggle Behindview Vista 3° Pers. UMenu.ctt, UnrealShare.ctt [Empty] [Empty] Unreal Only
Activate Translator Activa Traductor UnrealShare.ctt [Empty] [Empty] Unreal Only
Suicide Suïcidar-se UnrealShare.ctt [Empty] [Empty] Unreal Only
Quick Save Guardat Ràpid UnrealShare.ctt [Empty] [Empty] Unreal Only
Quick Load Carregat Ràpid UnrealShare.ctt [Empty] [Empty] Unreal Only
Screenshot Captura Pantalla UnrealShare.ctt [Empty] [Empty] Unreal Only
Change Brightness Canviar Brillantor UnrealShare.ctt [Empty] [Empty] Unreal Only
Cancel Connection Cancel Connexió UnrealShare.ctt [Empty] [Empty] Unreal Only
Disconnect Desconnectar UnrealShare.ctt [Empty] [Empty] Unreal Only
Reconnect Reconnectar UnrealShare.ctt [Empty] [Empty] Unreal Only
Console Button Activa Consola UnrealShare.ctt, UTMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Console Character Caràcter de Consola UnrealShare.ctt [Empty] [Empty] Unreal Only
Quick Console Consola Ràpida UnrealShare.ctt, UTMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Show Voice Menu (**)Show Voice Menu UTMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT Only
Thrust (**)Thrust UTMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT Only
Wave (**)Wave UTMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT Only
Victory X (**)Victory X UTMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT Only
Select Best Weapon (**)Select Best Weapon UTMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT Only
View Teammate X (**)View Teammate X UTMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT Only
Increase HUD (**)Increase HUD UTMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT Only
Decrease HUD (**)Decrease HUD UTMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT Only

Difficulty Levels

Original entry Translation Found In Class Metaclass Notes
Novice (**)Novice UMenu.ctt, Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Average (**)Average UMenu.ctt, Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Experienced (**)Experienced UMenu.ctt, Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT Only
Skilled (**)Skilled UMenu.ctt, Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Adept (**)Adept UMenu.ctt, Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT Only
Masterful (**)Masterful UMenu.ctt, Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Inhuman (**)Inhuman UMenu.ctt, Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT Only
Godlike (**)Godlike UMenu.ctt, Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT Only
Easy Fàcil UMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Medium Mitjà UMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Hard Difícil UMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Unreal Unreal UMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Extreme Extrem UMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty] Unreal Only
Nightmare Malson UMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty] Unreal Only
Ultra-Unreal Ultra-Unreal UMenu.ctt [Empty] [Empty] Unreal Only

Player models

Original entry Translation Found In Class Metaclass Notes
Male 1 Home 1 UDSDemo.ctt, UnrealI.ctt, UPak.ctt [Empty] [Empty] Unreal Only
Male 2 Home 2 UDSDemo.ctt, UnrealI.ctt, UPak.ctt [Empty] [Empty] Unreal Only
Male 3 Home 3 UDSDemo.ctt, UnrealShare.ctt, UPak.ctt [Empty] [Empty] Unreal Only
Female 1 Dona 1 UDSDemo.ctt, UnrealShare.ctt, UPak.ctt [Empty] [Empty] Unreal Only
Female 2 Dona 2 UDSDemo.ctt, UnrealI.ctt, UPak.ctt [Empty] [Empty] Unreal Only
Skaarj Trooper Soldat Skaarj UDSDemo.ctt, UnrealI.ctt [Empty] [Empty] Unreal Only
Spectator (**)Spectator UnrealShare.ctt [Empty] [Empty] Unreal Only
Nali Nali UnrealI.ctt, multimesh.ctt, RocketArenaMultimesh.ctt, Tnalimeshskins.ctt [Empty] [Empty] In UT, GOTY/BP1 Only
Ouboudah (**)Ouboudah Tnalimeshskins.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT GOTY/BP1 Only
Priest (**)Priest Tnalimeshskins.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT GOTY/BP1 Only
Male Commando (**)Male Commando Botpack.ctt, CommandoSkins.ctt, RocketArena.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT Only
Female Commando (**)Female Commando Botpack.ctt, FCommandoSkins.ctt, RocketArena.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT Only
Aphex (**)Aphex FCommandoSkins.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT Only
Commando (**)Commando CommandoSkins.ctt, FCommandoSkins.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT Only
Mercenary (**)Mercenary CommandoSkins.ctt, FCommandoSkins.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT Only
Necris (**)Necris CommandoSkins.ctt, FCommandoSkins.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT Only
Male Soldier (**)Male Soldier Botpack.ctt, SoldierSkins.ctt, RocketArena.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT Only
Female Soldier (**)Female Soldier Botpack.ctt, SGirlSkins.ctt, RocketArena.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT Only
Marine (**)Marine SGirlSkins.ctt, SoldierSkins.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT Only
Metal Guard (**)Metal Guard SGirlSkins.ctt, SoldierSkins.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT Only
Raw Steel (**)Raw Steel SoldierSkins.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT Only
Soldier (**)Soldier SGirlSkins.ctt, SoldierSkins.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT Only
Venom (**)Venom SGirlSkins.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT Only
War Machine (**)War Machine SGirlSkins.ctt, SoldierSkins.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT Only
Boss (**)Boss Botpack.ctt, BossSkins.ctt, RocketArena.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT Only
Skaarj Hybrid (**)Skaarj Hybrid multimesh.ctt, RocketArenaMultimesh.ctt, Tskmskins.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT GOTY/BP1 Only
Arena Warrior (**)Arena Warrior Tskmskins.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT Only
Cyborg Trooper (**)Cyborg Trooper Tskmskins.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT Only
Pit Fighter (**)Pit Fighter Tskmskins.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT Only
Nali War Cow (**)Nali War Cow multimesh.ctt, RocketArenaMultimesh.ctt, Tcowmeshskins.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT Only
Atomic Cow (**)Atomic Cow Tcowmeshskins.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT Only
War Cow (**)War Cow Tcowmeshskins.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT Only
War Boss (**)War Boss skeletalchars.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT Only
Xan Mk. II (**)Xan Mk. II skeletalchars.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT Only

Creatures and monsters

Original entry Translation Found In Class Metaclass Notes
Baby Cow (**)Baby Cow UnrealShare.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Behemoth (**)Behemoth UnrealI.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Bird (**)Bird UnrealShare.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Biterfish School (**)Biterfish School UnrealShare.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Blob (**)Blob UnrealI.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Bloblet (**)Bloblet UnrealI.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Brute (**)Brute UnrealShare.ctt, UPak.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Cave Manta (**)Cave Manta UnrealShare.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Chameleon (**)Chameleon UnrealI.ctt [Empty] [Empty] Unreal onlt
Devilfish (**)Devilfish UnrealShare.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Elite Krall (**)Elite Krall UnrealI.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Elite Mercenary (**)Mercenary UnrealI.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Fly (**)Fly UnrealShare.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Gasbag (**)Gasbag UnrealI.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Giant Gasbag (**)Giant Gasbag UnrealI.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Giant Manta (**)Giant Manta UnrealI.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Hawk (**)Hawk UnrealShare.ctt [Empty] [Empty] Unreal v227 only
Horsefly Swarm (**)Horsefly Swarm UnrealShare.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Ice Skaarj (**)Ice Skaarj UnrealI.ctt [Empty] [Empty] Unreal only
Krall (**)Krall UnrealI.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Legless Krall (**)Legless Krall UnrealI.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Lesser Brute (**)Lesser Brute UnrealShare.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Manta (**)Manta UnrealShare.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Nali (**)Nali UnrealShare.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Nali Cow (**)Nali Cow UnrealShare.ctt, UPak.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Nali Priest (**)Nali Priest UnrealShare.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Nali Rabbit (**)Nali Rabbit UnrealShare.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Nalicopter (**)Nalicopter UPak.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Pack Hunter (**)Pack Hunter UPak.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Predator (**)Predator UPak.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Pupae (**)Pupae UnrealI.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Queen (**)Queen UnrealI.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Skaarj (**)Skaarj UDSDemo.ctt, UnrealShare.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Skaarj Assassin (**)Skaarj Assassin UnrealI.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Skaarj Berserker (**)Skaarj Berserker UnrealI.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Skaarj Gunner (**)Skaarj Gunner UnrealI.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Skaarj Infentry (**)Skaarj Infantry UnrealI.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Skaarj Lord (**)Skaarj Lord UnrealI.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Skaarj Officer (**)Skaarj Officer UnrealI.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Skaarj Scout (**)Skaarj Scout UnrealShare.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Skaarj Sniper (**)Skaarj Sniper UnrealI.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Skaarj Warrior (**)Skaarj Warrior UnrealShare.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Slith (**)Slith UnrealShare.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Spinner (**)Spinner UPak.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Squid (**)Squid UnrealI.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Stone Titan (**)Stone Titan UnrealI.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Tentacle (**)Tentacle UnrealShare.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Titan (**)Titan UnrealI.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
UMS Arctic Marine (**)UMS Arctic Marine UPak.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
UMS Desert Marine (**)UMS Desert Marine UPak.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
UMS Jungle Marine (**)UMS Jungle Marine UPak.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
UMS Space Marine (**)UMS Space Marine UPak.ctt [Empty] [Empty]
Warlord (**)Warlord UnrealI.ctt [Empty] [Empty]


Original entry Translation Found In Class Metaclass Notes
Chainsaw Melee (**)Chainsaw Melee Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT only
FatBoy (**)FatBoy Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT only
Flak Cannon Arena (**)Flak Cannon Arena Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT only
Impact Hammer Arena (**)Impact Hammer Arena Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT only
InstaGib (**)InstaGib Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT only
Instant Rockets (**)Instant Rockets Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT only
Jump Match (**)Jump Match Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT only
Low Gravity (**)Low Gravity Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT only
Minigun Arena (**)Minigun Arena Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT only
No Powerups (**)No Powerups Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT only
No Redeemer (**)No Redeemer Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT only
Old Weapons Armes Antigues SetupUnrealPatch.ctt, OldWeapons.ctt [Empty] [Empty] Unreal/RTNP only
Pulse Arena (**)Pulse Arena Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT only
Relic: Defense (**)Relic: Defense Relics.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT only
Relic: Redemption (**)Relic: Redemption Relics.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT only
Relic: Regeneration (**)Relic: Regeneration Relics.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT only
Relic: Speed (**)Relic: Speed Relics.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT only
Relic: Strength (**)Relic: Strength Relics.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT only
Relic: Vengeance (**)Relic: Vengeance Relics.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT only
Rocket Launcher Arena (**)Rocket Launcher Arena Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT only
RTNP Multiplayer Fix Solució per Mode Coop a RTNP SetupUnrealPatch.ctt, UPakFix.ctt [Empty] [Empty] RTNP only
Shock Rifle Arena (**)Shock Rifle Arena Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT only
Sniper Rifle Arena (**)Sniper Rifle Arena Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT only
Stealth (**)Stealth Botpack.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT only
Team Beacon (**)Team Beacon De.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT only
Volatile Ammo (**)Volatile Ammo De.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT only
Volatile Weapon (**)Volatile Weapon De.ctt [Empty] [Empty] UT only