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Bean length issue, years later I return to this in hopes to finally nail this down

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Martin Vole
OldUnreal Member
Posts: 23
Joined: Thu Dec 07, 2017 3:45 am

Bean length issue, years later I return to this in hopes to finally nail this down

Post by Martin Vole »

The issue with this little beast is that the beam up close is too long, piercing through the target rather than just hitting them.

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Class TakkraBeamEmitter extends XBeamEmitter
#exec TEXTURE IMPORT NAME=FX_takkra_beam_002 FILE=MODELS\FX_takkra_beam_003.pcx GROUP=Effects

var float TraceDistance,MaxTraceDistance;

var Pawn RepOwner;
var vector RepHitLocation;

var float OldError, NewError, StartError, AimError; //used for bot aiming
var rotator AimRotation;
var transient Actor StarterEffect;

simulated function Tick(float Delta)
    local vector Start, End;
    local float BeamLengthFactor;

    // Ensure TraceDistance doesn't exceed MaxTraceDistance
    if (TraceDistance < MaxTraceDistance)
        TraceDistance = FMin(TraceDistance + Delta * MaxTraceDistance * 8.f, MaxTraceDistance);

    if (Level.NetMode == NM_Client)
        bHidden = (RepOwner == None);
        if (bHidden)

        Start = Instigator.Location;
        End = BeamTarget[0].TargetActor.Location;
        SetRotation(rotator(End - Start));

    if (Level.NetMode == NM_DedicatedServer)

    // Calculate the distance between the start and end points
    BeamLengthFactor = VSize(End - Location) / MaxTraceDistance;  // Fraction of MaxTraceDistance

    // Adjust BeamLengthFactor for close distances to prevent the beam from being too long
    if (BeamLengthFactor < 0.2)  // This will adjust the beam when it's up close
        BeamLengthFactor = FMax(BeamLengthFactor, 0.2);  // Ensure the beam doesn't shrink too much

    // Set BoxVelocity based on the adjusted BeamLengthFactor
    BoxVelocity.X.Min = BeamLengthFactor * MaxTraceDistance;  // Simplified scaling
    BoxVelocity.X.Max = BoxVelocity.X.Min * 0.5;  // Keep Max as a smaller fraction for variation

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Martin Vole
OldUnreal Member
Posts: 23
Joined: Thu Dec 07, 2017 3:45 am

Re: Bean length issue, years later I return to this in hopes to finally nail this down

Post by Martin Vole »

Bean? Geez I must have been tired. Anyways, seems there was some code that was disabled that was very important, as in, BeamTarget wasn't even being set, so, working now and looking way better.

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BoxVelocity.X.Min = VSize(BeamTarget[0].TargetActor.Location - Location) - 48; //Why not just do something simple instead?
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