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makemeunreal's Unseen Stuff - Small Maps and Test Maps (DOWNLOADS UPDATED EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE)

The forum related to the Usermaps section, please ask questions here. This board is for mappers to discuss and exchange experiences
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makemeunreal's Unseen Stuff - Small Maps and Test Maps (DOWNLOADS UPDATED EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE)

Post by makemeunreal »

I decided to post some of my and my clan's test, fun and unfinished maps. Feel free to use them in your projects. All I'd like to ask is to include at least a link to this topic in the ReadMe and post a small introduction to your project here in case you use this stuff. Have fun.

1. MMUTractor
Just a really primitive testmap featuring a basic, driveable tractor. The plan was to include this on our clan's lobby map. The crops can be "harvested".
Also, there used to be a special health pickup on the tables the so called "Nali-Head-Soup" which is an inside joke in our community. The more elaborate version is lost tho.

2. MMUCollidingWorlds
We had numerous experiments with large stitched-together maps in the past. This is one of them; featuring the entire journey from the Kran to the SkyCity.

3. DmMMUTrophyPlatform2k3
Small arena-like DM map with barely visible pitfalls. 227i required. No bot support.
DOWNLOAD: ... lc96o&dl=0

4. MMUDriveBy
Just a "fun map" where we tested UVehicles2.

5. MMUXXLValley
A Mountain Range that was meant to be a part of a Flora map. We also had plans to turn this into a DM map.

6. DKCreutzfeldt Mountains
A really large, randomized loot drop Darkamtch map set in a jungle surrounding a mountain.
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